2017三年级英语上册 Unit 4 I have a ball(Lesson 23)教学 人教精通

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《2017三年级英语上册 Unit 4 I have a ball(Lesson 23)教学 人教精通》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017三年级英语上册 Unit 4 I have a ball(Lesson 23)教学 人教精通(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4Ihaveaball Lesson23 Let schant Ihaveanewbike Nice nice nice Ihaveanewtaxi Cool cool cool Ihaveanewtrain Super super super Review Review Lookandsay Really Hi YangMing Ihaveanewbike CanIseeit Sure Presentation Justlearn ship Presentation Justlearn boat Presentation Justlearn plane Practice Game1

2、大小声 ship boat plane Practice Game2 找朋友 trainplanebikeboatshiptaxi Presentation Lookandsay Look Whataretheytalkingabout Presentation Listenandimitate CanIseeit Look Ihaveaplane Sure Hereyouare Thankyou You rewelcome Readingroups 分组读 Readtogether 齐读 1 2 3 Readinroles 分角色读 Practice Showtime Good Great Excellent 两人一组试着来表演 其他同学评价 Practice 快速抢答 Playagame Practice Let splay You reout Plane Plane Showmeyourplane Plane 小组活动 选一个学生做发令员 说 Showmeyour 其他组员在事先准备好的各种卡片中迅速找到正确的一个 快速举起 同时说出正确的单词 说错或举错卡的学生出局 ship Summary 本课学习的单词有 boat plane Summary 本课新学习的句子有哪些 Hereyouare Thankyou You rewelcome


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