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1、Unit11 SimplePastTense一般过去时 Warmup Freetalking Whatdoyouusuallydoonweekdays Iusuallygetupat6 00 Iputonmyclothes makethebed brushmyteeth washmyface Ihavebreakfastat6 40 thenwipethetable Igotoschoolat8 00 andeatlunchat12 00 ThenIusuallydomyhouseworkat6 00 takeabathat7 00 andwatchTVat7 45 andgotobedat9

2、 00 ButyesterdayIgotuplate SoIputonmyclothes madethebed brushedmyteeth washedmyfaceasquickasIcan Ihadbreakfastat7 00 thenIwipedthetable Iwenttoschoolat8 30 andatelunchat12 00 ThenIdidmyhouseworkat6 30pm Itookabathat7 45 watchedTVat8 45 andwenttobedat10 00 Whatabusyday Q 以上这些词都表示什么呢 现在 过去 将来的事情 get g

3、ot put put make made brush brushed wash washed have had wipe wiped go went eat ate do did take took watch watched Warmup 这种表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态我们称之为一般过去时 PresentationLookandSay PresentationSentences 读一读 圈出表示过去的动词 Iwasathomeyesterday 我昨天在家 Hewasn tilllastweek 他上周没生病 TheywereinChinatwoyearsago 他们两年前在中国

4、IwalkedtoschoollastTuesday 我上周二走着去上学 Heaskedhismumforatoytwodaysago 他两天前向妈妈要了一个玩具 PresentationSentences WestudiedEnglishtwoyearsago 我们两年前开始学习外语 Jimjusthadahamburgerforlunch 吉姆午饭就只吃了一个汉堡 Lilycameacrossoneofheroldfriendsyesterday 莉莉昨天偶然遇到一个老朋友 Ioftengotupverylatelastwinter 我去年冬天经常起床很晚 Lucyalwayswentto

5、bedverylatelastyear 露西去年总是睡觉很晚 PresentationSentences 一般过去时的主要用法和概念 一般过去时表示在过去某时发生的动作或存在的状态 常与表示过去的时间状语yesterday lastweek ago等连用 一般过去时的用法 表示过去时间里发生的动作或存在的状态 常与表示过去的时间状语yesterday lastyear ago thedaybefore yesterday justnow等连用 表示在过去一段时间里 经常性或习惯性的动作或状态 常与always often usually等连用 PresentationSentences 一般现

6、在时中动词多用原形 如果主语是单三 动词则会有加s等的变化 一般过去时中动词一律用过去式 主语的数变不会影响后面的动词 那么动词如何变成过去式呢 PresentationSentences 一般过去时的句型结构 肯定句 主语 动词过去式 其他Iwasbusylastweek Heborrowedabookyesterday 否定句 主语 wasn t weren t 其他Shewasn thappyatalllastweek 主语 didn t 动词原形 其他Theydidn thavesupperjustnow 一般疑问句 Was Were 主语 其他 WeretheyinChangchun

7、in2001 Wasthereabaseballjustnow Did 主语 动词原形 其他 Didyoubringthehomework Didheplaywithyouyesterday PresentationSentences PresentationGrammarBox 动词过去式的变化方法可以通过下面的表格进行对比参考 规则动词过去式加 ed 后的发音规则 PresentationGrammarBox PracticeOralPractice enjoy visit see read dig close walk 说出下列动词的过去式形式 make take dance open

8、skate play study enjoyed visited saw read dug closed walked made took danced opened skated played studied 根据要求完成句子 PracticeOralPractice Thechildrenhadagoodtimeinthezoo 否定句 一般疑问句 对划线部分提问 Thechildrendidn thaveagoodtimeinthezoo Didthechildrenhaveagoodtimeinthezoo Wheredidthechildrenhaveagoodtime Practi

9、ceOralPractice Therewereaboutthreehundredpeopleattheliveshow 否定句 一般疑问句 对划线部分提问 Therewerenotaboutthreehundredpeopleattheliveshow Werethereaboutthreehundredpeopleattheliveshow Howmanypeoplewerethereattheliveshow PracticeOralPractice Andydidhishomeworkyesterdayevening 否定句 一般疑问句 对划线部分提问 Andydidn tdohish

10、omeworkyesterdayevening DidAndydohishomeworkyesterdayevening WhatdidAndydoyesterdayevening PracticeOralPractice LastweekIreadanEnglishbook 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定 否定回答 对划线部分提问 LastweekIdidn treadanEnglishbook DidyoureadanEnglishbooklastweek Yes Idid No Ididn t Whatdidyoudolastweek PracticeOralPractice Mybrothe

11、rwasinthehousejustnow 否定句 一般疑问句 对划线部分提问 Mybrotherwasn tinthehousejustnow Wasyourbrotherinthehousejustnow Wherewasyourbrotherjustnow PracticeOralPractice 改错 并朗读正确的句子 HowisJimyesterday Hegotoschoolbycarlastweek Heoftengoeshomeat3 00lastmonth Iflykitessevenyearsago HowwasJimyesterday Hewenttoschoolbyca

12、rlastweek Heoftenwenthomeat3 00lastmonth Iflewkitessevenyearsago PracticeOralPractice Didyousawhimjustnow Tomwasn twatchTVlastnight Ididn tmyhomeworkyesterday Hewaitforyoutwohoursago Whofindthebookjustnow Didyouseehimjustnow Tomdidn twatchTVlastnight Ididn tdomyhomeworkyesterday Hewaitedforyoutwohou

13、rsago Whofoundthebookjustnow PracticeOralPractice blowA blowedB blew takeA takedB took seeA seedB saw wantA wantedB wants goA goedB went 说出正确的过去式变化 并朗读 B B B A B PracticeOralPractice TomandMary come toChinalastmonth Mike notgo tobeduntil12o clocklastnight Mary read Englishyesterdaymorning Tom begin

14、tolearnChineselastyear Mymother notdo houseworkyesterday didn tgo came read began didn tdo PracticeOralPractice There be atelephonecallforyoujustnow When you come tochina Lastyear be itcoldinyourcityyesterday Howmanystudents be thereinyourclasslastterm There be abasketballgameonTVyesterday butI have

15、 notimetowatchit was did come Was were was had PracticeExercise1 was was were were was PracticeExercise2 did went did took didn t ate didn t saw did bought PracticeExercise3 worked played visited went did do PracticeExercise4 DidyougototheU S lastmonth Shedidn tmakeaposterlastnight Yes hedid No Ididn t WhatdidtheybuyforusinMexico Practice小结 Practice小结 washed baked watered washed studied brushed had PracticeGrammarShow


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