外研版英语八下M1U1It smells delicious.

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《外研版英语八下M1U1It smells delicious.》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版英语八下M1U1It smells delicious.(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module1Feelingsandimpressions Unit1Itsmellsdelicious 1 v 尝起来2 adj 紧张的 情绪不安的3 n 业余爱好4 n 最喜欢的人或事5 smel 6 sa nd 7 pa 8 l vli 9 为 而感到骄傲10 某人等不及做某事11 做好了 完成了12 尝一尝 试试看 1 v taste2 adj nervous3 n hobby4 n favourite5 smell闻起来6 sound听起来7 pie馅饼 派8 lovely令人愉快的 可爱的 9 beproudof10 sb can twaittodosth 11 bedone12

2、haveatry Listenandcomplete听并完成 Tony Mm Whatadelicious Yourpizzalookssonice Betty Thanks Wouldyouliketo some Tony Yes please Itlooks itsmellsdelicious andmm it good Daming What sthatontop Betty Oh that s Doyouwanttotryapiece smelltrylovelytastescheese Points 1 感叹句Whatadelicioussmell 1 What a an adj 可

3、数名词单数 主语 谓语 2 What adj 可数名词复数 不可数名词 主语 谓语 3 How adj adv 主语 谓语 4 How 主语 谓语 Points 2 建议 邀请 请求 1 Wouldyouliketotrysome Wouldyouliketodosth 你们愿意做某事吗 肯定回答 Yes I dlove liketo 否定回答 I dlove liketo but I mafraidnot sorry Ican t 2 ShallIgetthesugar ShallI 说话人主动提出要做某事肯定回答 Yes please 否定回答 No thanks Shallwe 回答 S

4、oundsgreat Goodidea Points 3 try用法 1 vt 尝试 设法 努力trytodosth 尽力设法做某事 trydoingsth 尝试做某事 tryone sbesttodosth 尽某人最大努力去做某事 2 n 尝试 努力Haveatry 尝一尝 试试看 Daming Ugh No thanks I mafraidIdon tlikecheese Itdoesn t fresh Itsmellstoo andittastes sour Betty Well mychocolatecookiesaredonenow Daming Thanks Theytastere

5、allysweetandtheyfeelsoftinthe Tony Areyoucookinglotsofdifferentthings Youlookvery smellstrongabitHaveatrymiddlebusy Points 4 感官系动词 smell smelled smelt smelled smelt 闻 嗅 闻起来feel felt felt 摸起来 感觉taste尝起来look看起来sound听起来 adj quiet安静的salty咸的sour酸的fresh新鲜的pretty漂亮的lovely可爱的soft柔软的 名词意思 smell气味feel感觉taste味

6、道look看 相貌sound声音 Points 5 句式I mafraid I mafraidIdon tlikecheese 1 I mafraid that从句我恐怕 2 害怕不敢做某事beafraidtodosth beafraidofdoingsth 3 害怕 担心某事beafraidofsth Betty Yes Iam There ssomepizzaandsomecookies andnowI m anapplepieandacake Daming Applepie nice Ihaveasweettooth youknow ShallIgetthesugar Betty Yes

7、 please Oh areyousurethat ssugar Tasteitfirst Itmightbe makingsoundssalt Points 6 句式besure areyousurethat ssugar 1 besureofsth doingsth确信 对 有把握2 besurethat 确信 认为 一定会 3 besuretodosth 一定 务必做某事 Daming No it sOK Ittastes It ssugar Tony What sthis Ittastessweettoo Betty That sstrawberryjam forthecake Dam

8、ing Good everythingtastessosweet It smy day sweetlucky 1 Themilk strong 2 Mysweater soft 3 Theroom quiet 4 Theseflowers beautiful 5 Thispizza delicious smells tastes feels sounds look smells tastes 一 用feel look smell sound taste填空 Exercise 二 根据首字母填空 1 Thefoodwilltastetoosaltyifthereistoomuchs init 2

9、 Whenwetalk weshouldthinkofother sf 3 Manypeoplespendtheirholidayinthecountryside Theenjoythef airthere 4 Iwantsomemorecookie Itt reallygood salt feelings fresh tastes 三 完成句子 1 丝绸摸起来很柔软 Silk 2 洋葱不好吃 气味太浓了 Theoniondoesn ttastegood it 3 汤姆看起来不开心 Tom 4 别不好意思 试一试 Don tbeshy just feelsverysoft smellstoostrong looksveryunhappy haveatry



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