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1、学校 班级 姓名 装订线小学四年级下册第二模块测试题一、正确书写26个字母,要求用手写体。(13分) -二、补全下列单词( 10 分)1、c _ty 城市 2、c_te 可爱的3、sh_p 船 4、cl_ver 聪明的5、wh_se 谁的 6、sh_y 害羞的7、c_ _ l 酷的 8、f_ m _ us 著名的三、选出不同类单词(7分) ( )1、A. Beijing B. London C. China ( )2、A. very B. nice C. beautiful ( )3、A. our B. she C. her ( )4、A. cool B. cold C. call ( )5、

2、A. ship B. bus C. shy ( )6、A. they B. this C. that ( )7、A.famous B. old C. queen四、单项选择( 30 分)( ) 1、 Whats this? Its a book _ food.A、in B、from C、about ( ) 2、The Big Ben is very _.A. new B. nice C. old( ) 3、 This is Hyde Park. Its very _. A、 long B、 small C、 beautiful ( ) 4、A: What is the capital(首都)

3、of England?B: _.A. Beijing B. New York C. London ( ) 5、This is Tongtong. Shes _ shy. A、 bit B、 a bit C、 some ( ) 6、 Whats this? A、 Its very nice. B、 This is my teacher C、 Its the Buckingham Palace. ()7、Amys house is small _ beautiful.A. and B. but C. or( )8.-Is that your house?-_A. No, it is. B. Yes

4、 , it is. C. Yes, its.( )9. Its the _house.A. Queen B. Queens C. Queens() 10.This is _house! Its small .A. I B. me C. my ( ) 11、This ship is big, but that one is _.A、thin B、small C、 little ( ) 12、 There _ many boats on the river. A、is B、 are C、 am ( ) 13、 This is Hyde Park. Its very _. Atall B. naug

5、hty C. beautiful( ) 14、Is your mother tall? No, but she is _.A、tall B. short C. nice( ) 15、This is Tower Bridge. _ very famous.A、It B、This C、 Its五、连词成句(10分)1、a, city, big, is, Beijing (.) _2、desk, The, old, very, is (.) _3、about, London, is, a, It, book (.) _4、close to, Queens, Its, the, house (.) _

6、5、house, is, it, Whose (?) _六、选一选,写一写。( 10 分)tall, beautiful, long, old, famous1、 The road is very _.2、 This tree is very _.3、 The West Lake(西湖) is very _ and beautiful.4、 The flower is very _.5、 The desk is broken(损坏的). Its very _.七、补全对话,要求将序号填在横线上( 10 分)A: Good morning ,Tom .B:_ ,John .Where are y

7、ou from?A: _,And you ?B: Im from London .A: Whats Big Ben like ?(大本钟什么样子?)A .Im from America .B .Yes .Its falling down .C .Its tall ang old .D .Welcome to London .E.Good morning .B : _.A: Do you know London Bridge ?B:_.A: Its very famous .B: Yes._.八、阅读理解(10分)Teacher: This is Lucy. Shes new.Dongdong:

8、 Hello, Lucy. Do you want to see the school?Lucy: Yes, please.Dongdong: Our school is very old.Lucy: Yes, its old ,but its beautiful.Dongdong: This is our classroom.Lucy: Wow! Its very big and very clean.Dongdong: This is your desk.Lucy: Its small. And its new.Dongdong: And its near my desk.Lucy: Hooray! Thank you.Dongdong: Youre welcome.阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)( )1. Lucy is a new pupil.( )2. Lucy doesnt want to see the school.( )3. Their school is new and beautiful.( )4. Lucys desk is new and big.( )5. Lucy is very sad.


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