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1、.Applying English Songs to the English Teaching of Primary SchoolAbstract: With the implementation of the Nine-Year Education Program, teachers and parents lose their way in how to teach students English lessons because there is not going to be any test for the entrance examination. Regular school t

2、eachers cant give students too much assignment; however, parents want to give them more tests to get a higher score. The academic pressure on students has never been lessened but increased. On the other hand, the pupils have their characteristics which differ from adult learners. It turns to be urge

3、nt for elementary school teachers to find a suitable way of English teaching. Songs, as an effective way of teaching, are playing a vital role in elementary English teaching. This essay aims to find out the effects of song charts on English learning in pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and culture

4、by adopting some methods including classroom observation, interview and oral test, as well as to find out the way of choosing a suitable song for teaching. The results of the research indicate that applying songs in language teaching are popular with students and teachers. The students show their po

5、sitive attitude towards language learning.Key Words: English song; primary school students; teacher; choosing suitable song英语歌曲在小学英语教学中的应用摘 要:随着九年制义务教育的完善,英语教师和家长都对如何教好孩子的英语感到茫然升学考试的压力不复存在,素质教育的落实,学校不能安排太多的考试来检验学习的进度,但与此同时,家长却希望孩子能参加更多的考试来巩固所学的知识孩子的学习压力有增无减.小学生作为一个特殊的个体有着与其他年龄段所不同的特点。歌曲作为一种有效的教育辅助模式

6、,在小学英语教学中发挥着日益重要的作用。本论通过采访、课堂实践、口头测试等教学方法研究英语歌曲在小学英语语音、词汇、语法和文化教学中的作用。研究表明英语歌曲在小学英语教学中的运用受到广大师生的好评。学生表现出浓厚的英语学习兴趣。关键词: 英语歌曲;小学生;教师;选择合适的歌曲 CONTENTSIntroduction11 The Current Situation of English teaching in primary school22. The Possibility of using songs in English Teaching32.1 The characteristics

7、of pupils32.2 The characteristics of song52.3 The Benefits of Applying songs63. Applying Songs to English Teaching63.1 To Pronunciation Teaching63.1.1 The Importance of Pronunciation Learning63.1.2 The Integration of Songs into Pronunciation73.2 To Vocabulary Teaching83.2.1The Necessity of Vocabular

8、y Learning83.2.2 Applying Songs to Vocabulary Teaching93.3 To Grammar Teaching113.3.1The Essentiality of Grammar Learning113.3.2 Using Songs at Grammar Teaching123.4 To Culture Teaching133.4.1 The Significance of Culture Teaching133.4.2 Integration Songs into Culture Teaching154 Choosing A Suitable

9、Song164.1How to choose a suitable song164.2 The Important Stages in songs choosing175 Conclusion18Bibliography21.Introduction Since the year of 2001, Engli sh has become a required lesson in primary school; from Grade 3.Some people say that the fundamental goal for introducing English to primary sch

10、ool children is to help them develop English language skills and knowledge so that they are able to use English to communicate with others. We will say that this is only partly true. What should not be neglected at the same time is childrens motivation and interests in learning. By offering a foreig

11、n language at school, we are aiming to educate “the whole child” rather than only teach them the language. Therefore, the first priority to teaching English at the primary school is to cultivate their interest in learning, motivate them to work hard, help them establish good learning habits and deve

12、lop useful learning strategies so that they are ready to continue their learning when they move into secondary schools. Introducing a foreign language to children is like opening up another window for them to see the other side of the world. This will arouse their interest and curiosity in different

13、 cultures and different ways of communication. It is hard to imagine that a child who gets tired of the subject will work hard and make efforts in learning it. In other words, if a child, after learning English at the primary school, hate s it, you would not expect him/her to work hard on it and he/

14、she would have any interest and motivation in learning it when he/she moves to the secondary school. Therefore, motivation and interest in learning ate fundamental to ensure success in learning a foreign language got child.How to make English lesson vivid and how to attract pupils interest in it? Pl

15、aying games in English teaching is one of the effective ways to motivate children to work hard and cultivate their interests in learning English. As we all know, children enjoy singing songs in their native language and this is a familiar experience for children to be developing positive attitudes t

16、owards the foreign language and language learning, and create a desire to continue learning.With the recent development of English teaching, the roles of games in class have been discussed in different aspects. And more and mote teachers use songs in their teaching as they come to realize that playing games in English teaching is very important. The paper aims


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