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1、什么是 Suspended CoffeeHow about buying a cup of coffee for someone youll never meet? It may sound like the latest trend in showy barista techniques, but a suspended coffee is much more heartwarming than a snazzy latte.给你可能从未见过的人买杯咖啡,这个想法你觉得怎么样?“待用咖啡”光听名字,像是时下最流行的花哨咖啡技艺,但其实一杯“待用咖啡”比一杯拉花漂亮的拿铁要温暖得多。Born

2、in the cafes of Italys southern city of Naples, the caffesospeso (which literally means “suspended coffee”) is a tradition in which someone pays in advance for an extra cup or two, which can then be consumed by a coffee-drinker-in-need later in the day.“待用咖啡”的意大利语是caffesospeso,这个传统起源于意大利南部城市那不勒斯的咖啡馆

3、,在那里人们可以提前多买一两杯咖啡,给其他可能比较贫困的咖啡爱好者享用。A customer-in-need can then later ask if there is a “suspended coffee” available and have a hot drink without having to pay for it.后来的囊中羞涩的顾客可以问问是否有“待用咖啡”,如果有就可以不用付钱也能喝上一杯热热的咖啡。The idea has become an international internet sensation with coffee shops in Europe and

4、 North America participating in the movement. The Facebook page alone has more than 28,000 “likes.”这个主意如今已经在全球范围内在网络上引起了轰动,欧洲和北美的咖啡店也都加入到了“待用咖啡”运动中来,该活动的脸书主页获得了超过2.8万个“赞”。The tradition of “suspended coffee” is a long-standing tradition in Italy that increased in popularity after the Second World War

5、. Agency France-Presse reported last week that the practice was starting to take hold in other European countries hit hard economically. More than 150 cafs in Bulgaria were taking part.“待用咖啡”在意大利有着悠久的传统,从二战开始慢慢流行起来。法新社上周报道称,在欧洲经济受到重创的情况下,这个传统在其他欧洲国家也渐渐固定下来。在保加利亚超过150家咖啡馆加入进来。At cafes that participate in the custom, customers can ask if there are any “suspended coffees” available, and if so, they are supplied with a beverage, thanks to the kindness of a stranger.在加入此项运动的咖啡店里,顾客可以询问是否有“待用咖啡”可以提供。这些都是陌生人的善举。2



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