2019届高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 Travelling abroad课件 新人教版选修7教学资料

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1、核心考点突破 随堂巩固提升 基础知识回顾 课时作业提能 选修7 Unit5Travellingabroad 基础知识回顾 substitute draft contradict recommended recommendation govern recommend comfort acknowledge comfortable comfort occupy occupies occupied occupation optional optional abundant geographical abundant queue lecture preparing preparations idiom

2、 preparation required requirement requirement qualified qualification qualified qualification apology apologized apology 自助食堂 自助餐厅 学校的 学术的 文章 散文 自主的 自治的 独立的 事业 事业心 获学士学位的人 未婚男子 常规 日常事务 通常的 例行的 可选择的 随意的 钻 孔 钻 钻机 平行的 相同的 类似的 to up in fitin in up outofthequestion to isoccupiedwith with tookup to refert

3、o concerned keepitup and outof feelathome athome AsfarasIam concerned itwasthethirdtime what todo Wedidsowellthatwe wereinvited 核心考点突破 her a wasfaced Studying that what without carefully occupied requirements met recommendation to Itis occupied with occupation to with AsfarasIamconcerned down for 随堂巩固提升 a a should set hasseen that which related dealing in qualification occupied preparations Itistheamazingsceneryalong theriverthat ThisisthefirsttimethatIhave beenchosentobeavolunteer asfarasthecolorisconcerned occupiedinpreparingfortheexam when andwheretohaveournextlesson


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