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1、四年级英语下册第五单元测试题(1)Name_ Class_1 根据英语写出中文意思。1. jacket_ 2.shirt_ 3.skirt_ 4. dress_5.sweater_6.T-shirt_7.whose_8.coat_9.pants_ 10.sock_ 11.shorts_ 12.jeans_ 13.shoes_ 14. theyre=theyare_15. yours_ 16.mine_ 17.pack_ 18.wait_ 2 写出中文意思。 1.-Are these yours? _2.-No, they arent. Theyre Chen Jies._3.-Is this

2、Johns? _4.-No, it isnt. Its Mikes._ 5.-Whose coat is this? _6.-Its mine. _7.-Whose pants are those? _8.-They are your fathers. _9.-Ilikethegreenskirt._ - Me too. _10.Putonyourshirt. _ 11. Hangupyourdress._12. Takeoffyourhat. _ 13.Washyourskirt._ 14. Putawayyourpants._15.-Whatcolourare they? _ -White

3、._ 16.-IsthatyourT-shirt? _ -Yes,itis./ No,itisnt._17.PleasepassmemyT-shirt._18.-Wherearemynew socks? _ 19.-Theyareonthetable._20.Yourefunny. _21.Whosecapisit?_22.Chen Jie has a green apple._23.Sarah, can you help me, please?_三连词成句1、dress, my, is, where (?) 2、this, jacket, is, whose (?) 3、green, bro

4、thers, T-shirt, my, is, baby (.) 4、colour, is, her, dress, new, what (?) 四选择适当的答案。 ( )-1.-Whose book is it? - . A. Its Mike. B. Its Mikes. C.Its Mikes ( )2.- have a big classroom. classroom is clean. A. We/ We B. Our/ Our C. We/ Our ( )3.- likes apples. There are many apples in bag. A. He/ Her B. He

5、/ His C. He/ He -( )4.- is that man? -He is Mr. White. A. What B. Who C. Whose ( )5.- is my car? -Its under the tree. A. Whose B. Who C. Where ( )6.- is it? -Its black. A. What B. What clour C. Who( )7._ are my socks. A.These B.This C.It五、给图片选择对应的单词。将单词序号填在图片下面的括号里。A. jeans B. dress C. skirt D. swea

6、ter E. pants F. jacket G. shirt H. shoes I. shorts J. socks ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、给下面的汉语选择正确的单词。( ) 1. 红色的 A. rad B. red C. reb D. rod( )2. 蓝色的 A. dlue B. bleu C. blue D. bloe( ) 3. 黄色的 A. yelow B. yellow C. rellow D. yeloow( )4. 绿色的 A. dreen B. grren C. green D. gleen( )5. 白色的 A

7、. wite B. whita C. white D. Wihte.七、单项选择。( ) 1. - _ is my T-shirt? - Its on the sofa. A. Where B. What C. What colour( ) 2. - _ is your dress? - Its red. A. Where B. What C. What colour( ) 3. -Is this your sweater? - _ A. Yes, it isnt. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, it is.( ) 4. - Is that your T-shirt, D

8、ad? - _ A. No, it is. B. No, it isnt. C. No, is it. ( ) 5. -Whose skirt is this? - Its _ A. Zhang Peng B. Zhang Pengs C. Zhang Peng is( ) 6. My jacket _ blue. My socks _ white. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is( ) 7. Where _ my shoes? A. is B. am C. are( ) 8. -What are these? - _ A. Its your baby pants. B. They are your baby pants.( ) 10-Whose bag is it?-Its_. A.my B.mine C.me八、给以下问句选择正确的答语。( ) 1. What colour is your jack


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