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1、Lesson one1) use the verb + noun collocation出席会议 干得不错 体验苦难 自学英语 发现奇迹忍住咳嗽 掌握技能 获取知识 需要勇气 丰富生活接收修正 改正错误 不再指望 做出努力2) use the “useful expressions”(1) 新造的大桥坍塌了,一名工程师和两名地方官员为此受到刑事起诉。(2) 他工作了一天,午饭都没动。(3) 经常性的体育运动使学生身体强壮,更好地适应学习,决不是浪费时间。(4) 在海洋世界公园(the Sea World),海豹和海豚(the seals and dolphins)能够表演各种技巧,逗得小观众们

2、乐不可支。(5) 把快乐建立在别人痛苦之上的人迟早要受到报应的。(6) 在某些方面,那部新字典有不少地方需要改进。(7) 当那辆公共汽车冲去路边翻了车时,许多小朋友被困在里面。(8) 在开幕式上,市政府将为一千多名来宾提供饮食。(9) 在中国,城市家庭只允许生一个孩子。(10) 只要我们能得到点休息,去哪里并不重要。3) use learn , ask and teach(1) 那位男孩向警察询问去火车站怎么走。(2) 学习外语没有任何捷径(short cut)可走。(3) 获悉我最喜欢的数学老师任然在那所学校教书我决定去看他。(4) 这位老工人教育他的子女做人要诚实。(5) 他问老板那天他是

3、否可以早点离开办公室。(6) 艰难困苦使我们对我们现有的一切感到满意(grateful)。(7) 毕业时他要求到西藏去工作一年。(8) 我只不过是想关心别人,也希望受到他人的关心,我的要求并不过分。(9) 聪明人从自己的错误中吸取教训。(10) 求援是没有用的,因为已经早过了午夜。(11) 那位科学家教育他的学生说年轻人要面向未来。(12) 问及她生活的最大乐趣时,她说:“学习”。语法部分:3. Translate the following into English paying special attention to verb forms1)玛丽和她的孩子都很喜欢汤姆叔叔。2)我的爸爸或

4、者我的妈妈会来开家长会。3)队员们正在刻苦训练。4)政府因为这项政策受到了人民的批评。5)你和你的朋友杰克都不用为这件事负责。6)家禽很容易受这种疾病的感染。(infect)写作:The most important thing I think I should learn at collegePatriotism means love for ones country. It makes one ready to sacrifice ones own life for ones country, and to do many other deeds which can bring benef

5、its to his people. Its effect is very great when it is exercised by all the people of a country. I think patriotism is the most important thing I should learn at college, because it makes our country strong, and her history glorious. It also improves a mans character and secures a widespread fame fo

6、r him.To love our country, to work so as to make her rich, to support her government, to obey her law, to pay fair taxes into her treasury, to treat our fellow-citizens as we wish to be treated our-selves this is to be a real Chinese patriot.If the people of a country are not patriotic, the country

7、must be very weak. History tells us how some countries of ancient times were, owing to lack of patriotism, conquered by other peoples and how the people of the conquered countries were made slaves under the yoke of their victorious masters. So patriotism is the most important thing I think I should

8、learn at college.写作:Why does the author tell us not to be afraid to ask “Stupid” questions?The author thinks that many apparently naive inquiries like why grass is green, or why the sun is round, or why we need 55000 unclear weapons in the world are really deep questions. He says when you try to get

9、 the answers, you will gain deep understanding of the things. Its also important to know as well as you can, what it is that you dont know and asking questions is the way. He also tells us to ask “stupid” questions requires courage on the part of the asker and knowledge and patience on the part of t

10、he answerer. And dont confine your learning to schoolwork. Discuss ideas in depth with friends. Its much braver to ask questions even when theres a prospect of ridicule than to suppress your questions and become deadened to the world around you.Lesson two1) use the verb + noun or adj. + noun colloca

11、tion实现目标 崇拜英雄 崇拜金钱 受到赏识 获得自信保持沉默 打破沉默 推卸责任 引起注意 分清敌友加快速度 透露秘密 塑造历史 塑造未来 开创生活缓解贫穷 取得进展 现任总统 工作重心 新颖观点真诚愿望2) use the “useful expressions”(1) 去郑州的路上,我们经过一个被洪水冲毁的村庄。(2) 那次不寻常的经历使鲍勃变成一个耐心、宽容的人。(3) 那人的头发染成了艳绿色,看上去像个小丑。(4) 他们总是对照专业人员(professional)的标准来审视自己的工作。(5) 便衣警察在黑暗里等着盗贼出现。(6) 琼斯太太的善良使男孩心里充满了希望和感激。(7)

12、那些超级明星的私生活经常受到小报的评论。(8) 这个女孩子有非凡的毅力使她不同于她的同伴同学。(9) 日落时分,强劲的冷风由东南风转为西北风。(10) 最高额的奖学金颁给了一位物理研究生。(11) 安徒生的童话以寓意深刻著称。(12) 许多人开始意识到在公共场所使用蜂窝(cellular phones)的负作用。3) use make , recognize and define(1) 国际社会公认中华人民共和国代表全中国。(2) 小时候她的父母就教育她要准备为了国家的利益做出自我牺牲。(3) 我们一眼就认出舞台上的那个罗密欧是我们的英国老师。(4) 英国人的矜持使他们显得傲气。(5) 不同的

13、民族对人权的定义有很大的不同。(6) 我的朋友乔治因其新颖观点而倍加赞赏,他的成功使得我的努力显得微不足道。(7) 林先生,请您明确描述您组织的宗旨(purpose)好吗?(8) 我们对他人的同情心以及我们对学习的热忱是我们的生命更有意义。(9) 我妹妹是流行音乐迷,可是她居然没有听出我刚才哼(hum)的歌曲。(10) 按照定义,文化偶像一般指的是被媒体大加炒作的著名的电视名人、时装模特、职业运动员、电影明星等人。语法部分:2. Translate the following into English1) 学生们没有一个人愿意本周末去郊游。(none)2) 所有到场观看足球赛的人都非常激动。(

14、all)3) 有1/4的房屋没被利用起来。4) 他们25%的工资被用来购买食物和衣服。5) 五公斤的热带(tropical)水果和香蕉、菠萝(pineapple)等在我们这里值很多钱。6) 过去的10周是我迄今为止最幸福的10周。7) 他所说的一切都无法让人相信。8) 只有20%的申请人得到了面试(interview)的机会。9) 完成这项工作需要两个月的时间(被动语态)10) 100公斤的米我背不动。写作:Write a detailed outline of “Being Somebody”(1) By definition, the hero was distinguished by h

15、is accomplishment; the celebrity by his image or trademark. The hero created himself; the celebrity is created by the media. The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name. To become such a celebrity, one needs luck. To become a hero, one needs accomplishment.There is another distinction: heroes insp


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