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1、 . Unit OnePart V Follow-up Exercises1. a.mouse-hearted: chicken-heartedb.politician: statesmanc.wind:breezed.utilize: drinke.ascertaining: findingf.was bombarded withreceived a lot of g.openeddrew backh.containaccommodatei.habitscustoms 2. The writers attitude changes from negative to positive in e

2、ach pair of sentences.3.(1)_(4) experienced, elapsed, attempting, with (5)_(8) take up, made, endeavor, true4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted. b. We suppose that a feferee should be disinterested but not uninterested. c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can. e. The pri

3、nciples behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success. f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h.The whole region was struck b

4、y an economic disaster.i.(correct)j. He was awake to the risk.5. The first line: principleprincipalThe second line: stationary stationeryThe fourth line: adopted adaptedThe fifth line : effect affectThe sixth line: economic economical; self-conscienceself-consciousThe seventh line: disinterestedunin

5、terestedThe ninth line: credible credulousThe eleventh line: continuously continually6. a. is b. is expectedc. hasd.was/ise. isf. wasg. planh. arei. werej. varuk.improvesl.becomesm. isn. iso. haveAnswer to Unit 2 2. Translate the following Chinese idioms into English and see if they are literally tr

6、anslated a. play a minor role b. Thats Greek to me. c. belated action/advice d. Where there is smoke, there is fire. e. an evil creature f. walk into the trap g. ones face glowing with health3. Delete unnecessary words or repeated meaning in the sentences below and make improvemnents. Then compare t

7、he two versions and see how the two differ. a. We must practice economy. /We must reduce unnecessary expenditures. b. It is essential to control environmental pollution. c. We must arrive at the station on time. d. Financial wxpenditures should be arranged in order of priority. e. We should speed up

8、 constructions of urban housing so as to improve the housing condition. f. To be allowed to make profits, private capital has to meet two conditions:1) the profits must be legal, and 2)they must not be excessive. g. During the period of the Tenth Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grain production

9、. Instead,m we must steadily increase it. 4. Reference version| In feudal China, women had low social status, and were regarded as inferior to men. Thanks to the womens liberation movement, women have achieved equal status with men, which is established by the law. But in fact, they still cant enjoy

10、 equal rights with men. At home, wives are expected to do all the housework, which is obviously unfair.Husband and wife should share the housework and family responsibilities. But in some families husbands usually get angry when they find the cleaning or cooking unfinished by their wives. One cant h

11、elp wondering why they dont it by themselves. I think women should be spiritually and financially independent if they want real equality. In order to do that , they have to learn as much as men so as to find a good job. Appearance is no longer important to women. It is their ability that can bring t

12、hem a good job rather than their appearance. So I think the best way for women to win more rights is to receive good education.5. a._e :me, who, I, me/myself f._j :each others, who, us, whom, us, whom, Some k_n :ones, his, his; his, his6. a. We are all born into this world as equals, but for various

13、 reasons, not all of us are treated as equals. This inequality begins when we reach the age of five, for this is when we will enter elementary school. In school, we are no longer “Mommys little darling.” We now have to prove ourselves to the other children and also to our teacher., If we seem differ

14、ent from the other students, we are treatred differently, and these differnces could be anything: pants, shoes, speech, religion and so forth. Rigtht from the start, we think that as long as we are different, there is something wrong with us. b. There are those who assume that since I cant see, I ob

15、viously cannot hear.Very often people will talk with me at the top ot their lungs, uttering each word very carefully. On the other hand, people will also often whisper, assuming that since my eyes dont work, my ears dont either. For example, when I go to the airport and ask the ticket agent for assistance to the plane, he or she will invariably pick ud the phone, call a ground hostess and whisper: “Hi, Jane, weve got a 76 here.” I have concluded that the word “ blind” is not used for o


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