人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 Section A (1a-2d)

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1、Unit2 第一课时 SectionA 1a 2d 获取更多初中资源可加QQ群 541506880 I llhelptocleanupthecityparks Let swatchavideoandguessthemaincontentofthislesson 点击画面播放 1a Lookatthewaysyoucouldhelppeopleinthepicture Thenlistotherways LanguageGoal Offerhelp Otherwaysyoucouldhelppeople helpkidswiththeirhomework helpoldpeoplecrossth

2、eroad babysit pickuprubbishinthepark Ihopetoworkoutside Youcouldhelptocleanupthecityparks 1b Listenandnumberthewaystheboyandgirlcouldhelpothers Thegirlcouldvisitthesickkidsinthehospitaltocheer themup Theboycouldgiveout foodatthefoodbank Thegirlcouldvolunteerinanafter schoolstudyprogramtoteachkids Th

3、eboycouldhelptocleanupthecityparks 3 2 4 1 1b Conversation1Boy1 Ihopetoworkoutside Girl1 Youcouldhelptocleanupthecityparks Conversation2Boy2 I dliketohelphomelesspeople Girl1 Youcouldgiveoutfoodatthefoodbanktohelpfeedthem Conversation3Girl2 Iwanttocheerupsickkids Girl1 Youcouldaskhospitalstoletyouvi

4、sitthekids Conversation4Girl1 I dliketohelpkidswiththeirschoolwork Girl2 Youcouldvolunteerinanafter schoolstudyprogramtoteachkids 考向一 cheer常见搭配cheerup 使 变得更高兴 振奋起来 cheerup既可作及物短语动词 也可作不及物短语动词 同其他动副短语一样 代词作宾语时应放中间 易错点 eg Cheerup Thenewsisn ttoobad 振作起来 这消息不是太坏 Cheer v 欢呼 喝彩 知识点 1 t t r cheer作可数名词 意为

5、欢呼声 喝彩声 常用口语 Cheers 干杯 考向二 eg Wecanhearthecheersofstudentsoutsidethegym 我们在体育场外就能听到学生的欢呼声 Davefailedinthesingingcompetition He sverysadnow Let sgoto 贺州 A wakehimupB cheerhimupC pickhimupD takehimup 典例 B 点拨 考查短语动词辨析 由上句 He sverysadnow 可知应让他 振奋起来 wakehimup把他唤醒 cheerhimup使他振奋起来 pickhimup开车接他 takehimup查

6、问他 考向一 giveout作 分发 讲时与handout同义 其后接代词作宾语时 放在两词中间 知识点 2 易错点 eg Herearesomenewpapers Givethemout 这儿有些新试卷 把它们发下去吧 giveout分发 散发 Wouldyoupleasehelpmetheinvitationstoallmyfriends Sure You dbetterletmeknowtheirphonenumbers 青海 A makeupB cleanoutC giveout 典例 C 点拨 用逻辑推理法解题 makeup编造 cleanout清理 giveout分发 由下文 当然

7、 你最好让我知道他们的电话号码 可知此处是请求帮忙给朋友分发邀请函 考向二 giveout意为 发出 光 热等 时 与giveoff同义 eg Theflowersinmygardengiveout offasweetsmell 我花园里的花散发出芬芳的味道 giveout意为 用完 耗尽 为不及物动词短语 主语是被用光 耗尽之物 难点 考向三 eg Ourfoodwillgiveout 我们的食物要吃完了 1c Practicetheconversationinthepictureabove Thenmakeotherconversationsusingtheinformationin1b

8、2a AgroupofstudentsareplanningaCityParkClean UpDay Listenandcheck thethingstheyaregoingtodototellpeopleaboutit 2a Boy1 Nowweneedtocomeupwithaplantotellpeopleaboutthecityparkclean up Girl1 Yeah butI mhungry Bob Let shavelunchfirst Girl2 No weneedtostartnow Clean upDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow Boy2 You re

9、right Sally Wecan tputoffmakingaplan Aswetalk I llwritedownallourideas Thenwecandecidewhichideasarebest Girl1 Um well wecouldputupsigns Boy2 That sagoodidea Girl2 Let smakesomenotices too ThenI llhandthemoutafterschool Boy1 OK Great Andwecouldeachcallup10studentsandaskthemtocome Boy2 Hey we recoming

10、upwithalotofgoodideas aren twe 2b Listenagain Fillintheblanks 1 Weneedtoaplantotellpeopleaboutthecityparkclean up 2 Clean UpDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow Wecan t makingaplan 3 Wecouldsigns comeupwith putoff putup 4 Let smakesomenotices too ThenI ll them afterschool 5 Wecouldeach10studentsandaskthemtocome

11、 handout callup 2b Boy1 Nowweneedtocomeupwithaplantotellpeopleaboutthecityparkclean up Girl1 Yeah butI mhungry Bob Let shavelunchfirst Girl2 No weneedtostartnow Clean upDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow Boy2 You reright Sally Wecan tputoffmakingaplan Aswetalk I llwritedownallourideas Thenwecandecidewhichidea

12、sarebest Girl1 Um well wecouldputupsigns Boy2 That sagoodidea Girl2 Let smakesomenotices too ThenI llhandthemoutafterschool Boy1 OK Great Andwecouldeachcallup10studentsandaskthemtocome Boy2 Hey we recomingupwithalotofgoodideas aren twe 2c Makeaconversationusingtheinformationin2aand2b A Weneedtocomeu

13、pwith aplanfortheCityParkClean UpDay B Let shavelunchfirst A No weneedtostartnow Clean UpDayisonlytwoweeksfromnow comeupwith想出 提出 主意 计划 回答等 考向一 comeupwith后常跟idea plan answer等名词 相当于thinkof 知识点 3 eg Whocancomeupwithanotheridea 谁能再想出一个主意 考向二 comeupwith还意为 追赶上 比得上 相当于catchupwith eg Wehavetoworkhardtocom

14、eupwiththem 我们必须努力工作 赶上他们 2d Role playtheconversation Helen Hi Tom I mmakingsomeplanstoworkinanoldpeople shomethissummer Tom Really Ididthatlastsummer Helen Oh whatdidtheyaskyoutohelpoutwith Tom Mm thingslikereadingthenewspapertotheoldpeople orjusttalkingtothem Theytoldmestoriesaboutthepastandhowthi

15、ngsusedtobe Helen Thatsoundsinteresting Tom Yeah alotofoldpeoplearelonely Weshouldlistentothemandcareforthem Helen You reright Imean we reallgoingtobeoldoneday too lonely adj 孤独的 寂寞的 知识点 考向 辨析 lonely与alone 4 l nli 重点 魔法记忆 一语辨异Helivesalonebuthedoesn tfeellonely 他独自生活 但并不感到孤独 IknowOldJoelives Wearesup

16、posedtovisithimfromtimetotime Then hewon tfeel 南充 A alone aloneB lonely lonelyC lonely aloneD alone lonely 典例 D 点拨 alone强调客观 lonely强调主观 由句意可知答案 一 根据首字母或汉语提示用适当的词或词组完成句子1 Nowmoreandmoreyoungteachersvtoteachinthecountryside 2 Lookatthenontheboard Itsays There safashionshowinourschoolnextweek 3 Thesmeansthatcarscannotenter olunteer otice ign 4 Theteacheroftensingssongsto 使振奋起来 hisstudentsinclass 5 Manyvolunteerswillhelpto 打扫干净 thecityparksnextFriday cheerup cleanup 二 单项选择6 Theoldwomanlivesinthesmal


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