人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 SectionB (2a-2e)

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《人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 SectionB (2a-2e)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版英语八年级下册Unit 2 SectionB (2a-2e)(29页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 I ll help to clean up the city parks 第五课时 Section B 2a 2e How animals help humans 2a How do you usually thank someone who helps you Discuss this with a partner 2b Read the letter and answer the questions 1 Who wrote the letter to Miss Li Why 2 What did Miss Li do Ben Smith Because he wants to

2、 express his thanks to Miss Li She sent money to Animal Helpers Understanding Parts of Speech Knowing what part of speech a word is noun verb preposition etc can help you understand the word s meaning 2b Dear Miss Li I d like to thank you for giving money to Animal Helpers I m sure you know that thi

3、s group was set up to help disabled people like me You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky Lucky makes a big difference to my life Let me tell you my story What would it be like to be blind or deaf Or imagine you can t walk or use your hands easily Most people would never think about thi

4、s but many people have these difficulties I can t use my arms or legs well so normal things like answering the telephone opening and closing doors or carrying things are difficult for me Then one day last year a friend of mine helped me out She talked to Animal Helpers about getting me a special tra

5、ined dog She also thought a dog might cheer me up I love animals and I was excited about the idea of having a dog After six months of training with a dog at Animal Helpers I was able to bring him home My dog s name is Lucky a good name able to bring him home My dog s name is Lucky a good name for hi

6、m because I feel very lucky to have him You see I m only able to have a dog helper because of your kindness Lucky is very clever and understands many English words He can understand me when I give him orders For example I say Lucky Get my book and he does it at once Lucky is a fantastic dog I ll sen

7、d you a photo of him if you like and I could show you how he helps me Thank you again for changing my life Best wishes Ben Smith set up建立 设立知识点1 考向 辨析 set up与build set up 意为 建立 设立 开办 后常接某一组织 机 构 团体等 build 意为 建造 修建 后常接建筑物 机械等 魔法 记忆 They set up an organization to help the poor build houses 他们设立了一个组织来帮

8、助穷 人建造房子 This company wants to a hospital on the corner of the street A set about B set out C set up D set with 典例C 点拨 用语境分析法解题 由语境 这家公司想在街 道的拐角处建立一家医院 可知set up 建立 设立 符合语境 set about 开始做 set out 出发 动身 set with 用 镶嵌 make it possible for me to have Lucky 使我拥有Lucky变得可能 句法分析 本句中 make it possible for me t

9、o have Lucky 是 make it 形容词 for sb to do sth 结构 意为 使 某人 做某事成为 在 此结构中 it 作形式宾语 真正的宾语是后面的动 词不定式 知识点2 考向 eg Computers make it easier to keep in touch with friends 电脑使得与朋友保持联系更加容易 make a difference to 对 有影响 make a difference to 其中to 是介词 其后可 接名词 代词或v ing 形式作宾语 difference 前还可用no any some much 等修饰 知识点3 考向 e

10、g Shared bikes have made a big difference to our life 共享单车对我们的生活有着重大影响 The rain made no difference to the game 这场雨对比赛没有产生任何影响 Have you noticed that Anna s spoken English is greatly improved Yes she sets us a good example Hard work always 深圳 A makes a deal B makes a difference C makes a problem 典例 B

11、difficulty n 困难 难题 强调具体的 困难 时 为可数名 词 指笼统的 困难 艰难 时 为不可数 名词 知识点5 考向一 d f k lt 易错点 eg There are lots of children with reading difficulties 有很多存在阅读困难的儿童 几个搭配 have difficulty in doing sth have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难 in difficulty difficulties 处境困难 考向二 重点 eg Do you have any difficulty in learning Eng

12、lish 你学英语有困难吗 No I had no difficulty in learning English 没有 我学英语没有困难 excited adj 激动的 兴奋的知识点 6 k sa t d excited构成的固定短语 be excited about at对 感到兴奋 be excited to do 很兴奋做 考向一 eg China s spacecraft will fly to Mars in 2020 Are you excited about it 中国的宇宙飞船将在2020 年飞上火星 对此你感到兴奋吗 辨析excited 与exciting考向二 excite

13、d 意为 激动的 兴奋的 用来修饰 或描述人 exciting 意为 令人兴奋的 令人激动的 用来修饰或描述物 魔法 记忆 一语辨异 We were all very excited when we heard the exciting news 听到那 个令人振奋的消息时 我们都很激动 典例I m about the football match 巴中 A exciting excited B excited exciting C excited excited B 2c Look at the list of words below Circle the part of speech of

14、 each word and make your own sentences with these words 1 group adj n 2 disabled adj adv 3 difference adv n 4 imagine v n She sings in a rock group He was born disabled There is no difference in the results I can t imagine life without water 5 difficulties n adj 6 normal adv adj 7 training adv n 8 k

15、indness n v It s normal to feel tired after the trip They are having a training course Thanks for your kindness The bank is in difficulties 2d Use the information in the letter to make true sentences by matching the different parts SUBJECT Miss Li Ben Smith Lucky Animal Helpers VERB can get trains s

16、ent is OBJECT unable to move well money to Animal Helpers animals like Lucky things for disabled people 2e Discuss the questions with a partner 1 In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people 2 What other animals can we train to help people 一 根据汉语提示完成句子 1 There s no time for me to 写信 to him 2 The box is so heavy that I can t 拿 提 扛 it 3 The 失明的 girl can take care of herself 4 If you want to change the world you have to 改变 yourself first 5 She is a very 聪明的 girl she will do well in


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