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1、19秋综合英语(III)作业4试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 25 道试题,共 100 分)1.Hearing the news, she _ by getting very angry.A.reflectedB.recollectedC.recalledD.reacted答案:D2.He _ his binoculars _ the distant figures.A.trained . inB.trained . forC.trained . asD.trained . on答案:D3.He _ his children _to school and then left o

2、ut.A.packed upB.packed offC.packed inD.packed away答案:B4.Be _ ,you cannot expect the child to do all the work on her own.A.sincereB.reasonableC.logicalD.hones答案:B5.The success of the project _ on the support we get from our friends.A.hingesB.hintsC.barsD.hinders答案:A6.He entered _his second year of of

3、fice as Premier on October 1st.A.onB.intoC.forD.up答案:A7.Although it is commonly believed that an ostrich hides its head when confronted by danger, it actually fleesruns away_.A.swiftlyB.forcefullyC.hystericallyD.comically答案:A8.Isadora Duncan preferred to dance on a stage _ scenery; she said that mak

4、es the dance itself rather than scenery more distinguishing.A.close toB.made ofC.protected fromD.devoid of答案:D9.He was fined $100 for _ illegal _.A.an / parkingB./parkingC./parking-lotD.an/park答案:B10.When did you _ your excellent English?A.take onB.pick upC.look upD.keep up答案:B11.The milers younger

5、brother is _ in many aspects, such as painting, music, sports, literature.A.talentedB.full of lifeC.energeticD.comical答案:A12._ a bit, or you’ll make yourself ill.A.SlowB.Slow upC.SlowlyD.Slovenly答案:B13.If you want to get to Shanghai by tonight, you have no _ but to go by plane.A.alternativeB.a

6、lternateC.altercationD.alteration答案:A14.Several unpopular decisions _ the governors popularity.A.decayedB.diminishedC.distortedD.dissolved答案:B15.Dont _ his tricks.A.fall inB.fall intoC.fall forD.fall out答案:C16.His _wife had died.A.livelyB.belovingC.belovedD.belonging答案:C17.We took our raincoats with

7、 us , but we didnt need them _.A.after allB.at any rateC.all alongD.as a result答案:A18.The writer _ his name in the book.A.subscribedB.prescribedC.inscribedD.described答案:C19.He _ the plans to enemy agents.A.trayB.treatyC.belovedD.betrayed答案:D20.The judges have decided who the prize winners will be, a

8、nd will _ the names tomorrow.A.publishB.announceC.claimD.declare答案:B21.I had _ to visit my grandmother last week, but unfortunately I had a bad cold and therefore couldn’t go.A.savedB.refusedC.managedD.intended答案:D22.The factory _ its waste into the river.A.gathersB.dischargesC.escapesD.hires答

9、案:B23.A club is a place to make frequent _ with friends.A.contrastB.contractC.contentD.contact答案:D24.Young as you are, you might be just smart enough to _ her off her throne.A.cheerB.excludeC.tumbleD.humor答案:C25.Since antiquity there have been many attempts, some quite _, to explain how the cosmos came into beingthey make imaginative to tell the story of the born of the cosmos.A.familiarB.apparentC.fancifulD.logical答案:C


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