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1、 . 仁爱英语九年级上册Unit2 Topic2 导学案Section A学习目标:1. 谈论森林和水资源的重要性,培养学生的环保意识。2. 继续学习不定代词的用法。学习重点:不定代词的用法。学习过程:一、自主学习A.听说准备1. 同学们要学会拼读和识记Section A单词。2. 听1a录音,勾画出难读的单词或句子。注意模仿语音语调B自学内容 1在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.刮大风 2.许多、大量 _3.走在街上_ 4.刚才_5.砍伐太多的树木_ 6.造成沙尘暴_7.结果_ 8.大量富饶的土地_9.变成沙漠_ 10.阻止大风刮走泥土_ _11.阻止流水冲走泥土_ 12.对人类有害_ 13.绿

2、色长城_ 14.灭绝、消失_15.形成 _ 二、要点讲评1.As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert.译:_ 点拨:change into(把变成)= turn into练习:1)水变成蒸汽。Water has changed into steam. 2)Could you change this article into English. 译_2.Trees can also stop the wind from blowing the earth away. They can also prevent the water

3、 from washing the earth away. 译:_ 点拨:stop sb./sth. (from) doing sth. = prevent sb./sth. (from) doing sth. - 阻止做某事 (from可以省略)同义词组 keep sb./sth. from doing sth. - 阻止做某事(from不能省略)练习:We should stop/prevent humans from_ (destroy) the environment.3.Cutting down trees is harmful to human beings, animals an

4、d plants. 译:_ 注意:cutting down trees是动名词词短语在句子中作主语,谓语用单数。Eg.Smoking is bad for our health.5.Although we have built “The Great Green Wall”, we still need to do something to protect the environment. 译_点拨:although 是连词,有“虽然,尽管”和“不过,然而”两层意思,引导让步状语从句,可以和though互换,although 较正式,though更为口语化,使用更普遍些。注意:although

5、引导的从句不能与but, however同时连用,但常与yet, still 连用。练习:虽然他老了,但是他仍然继续努力工作。Although he was old, he still worked hard.常见的不定代词用法:somebody, someone, something, somewhere一般情况下用于肯定句anybody, anyone, anything, anywhere一般情况下用于否定句和疑问句none, nobody, nothing, nowhere表否定含义everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere可用于各种句式三、

6、达标测评 (A)用someone, something, anything, somewhere, anywhere 填空。1. Lily, would you like _ to drink? 2. Cindy is very busy now. She needs _ to help her. 3. Is there _ wrong with your computer?4. Jim looked for his pencil-box _ , but he didnt find it. 5. I stayed at home last week. I didnt go _. (B)( )1

7、.We must plant more trees after we _ every year.A. cut off them B. cut them offC. cut down them D. cut them down( )2.The cleaners must keep the street _.A. from getting dirtyB. to dirty C. to get dirty D. getting dirty( )3.The driver was badly hurt _ of the traffic accident.A. at a result B. in the

8、result C. with the result D. as a result4.不要到处扔垃圾。Dont throw the rubbish _ and _ .5.森林有利于防止水土流失。Forests help to keep water _ _ the earth away.6.我们应该尽一切努力保护环境。We should do _ _ to protect the environment.7.大量良田变成荒漠。A lot of rich land has _ into desert.Unit 2 Topic 2 Section B学习目标:1.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。2.进一

9、步了解有关环境污染的一些情况,提高环保意识。学习重点:不定代词和不定副词的用法。学习过程:一. 自主学习1.在文中找到并划出下面的短语3.(作为)结果,因此_ _ 4.一些有用的措施_ 5.(我们中)没有人_ 6.到处丢垃圾_ 7.当众吐痰_ 8.踩踏草坪_9.采摘花朵_ 10.关爱野生动物_ 11.多种树_ 12.发出很大的噪音_ 13.最糟糕的是 _ 15.遵守规章制度_ 16.对来说很难_ 17.一开始 _ 18.尽他们最大努力去做某事_2. 阅读1a,完成下列练习(1)请同学们先阅读书上p121的不定代词的用法,(不定代词:凡不是用来指明代替任何特定名词的代词叫做不定代词。不定代词代替

10、名词或形容词.在句中可用作主语,宾语,表语和定语。 不定代词包括: all , both, every, each, either, neither, more, little, few, much, many, another, other, some, any , one, no 以及some, something, anything, everything, somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, nothing , nobody, no one, none, everybody, everyone.等。二、要点讲评1 .It says that Chin

11、a has become the worlds largest producer and user of coal.译_ 点拨:It says that - 书上/报纸上说(后接宾语从句), that可以省略 链接:a. Its said that- 据说 b. Its reported that- 据报道c.Its (well) known that - 众所周知 d.Its believed that - 人们相信2. But the government is doing something useful to protect the environment. 译_ 点拨:something useful-一些有用的事(不定代词+形容词)练习:没什么有趣的事情 _ 一些重要的事情 没什么严重的事



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