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1、2020衡水名师原创英语专题卷专题八:七选五说明类专练(90分钟 100分)考点01:冠词 3颗星考点03:介词和介词短语 2颗星考点04: 名词 3颗星 考点06:形容词和副词 5颗星考点08:非谓语动词 5颗星考点09:动词的时态和语态 5颗星考点10:定语从句 3颗星考点12 并列连词 4颗星考点13 状语从句 3颗星考点24:七选五说明文专练 5颗星第I卷(选择题)(每题2分,共40分)一七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A(考点24中难) The USA is a society formed by many different

2、immigrant cultures that produced a new and mixed culture. Most Americans celebrate different customs which started in other countries and start several new traditions and cultures._They tend to live independently, and communicate directly, honestly and informally with their families, friends and col

3、leagues.Americans always keep advancing with the times._In America, it is relatively common for both parents to work, and American women are equal partners in marriage.In the USA, the most common family unit consists of the parents and children living under one roof. Most American children are taugh

4、t to compete, through organized sports and education, as well as speak out their minds and have confidence to stand up for what they believe in._Many immigrant families also feature several generations living under one roof, with younger family members respecting the elders needs and valuing their o

5、pinions.When people from different cultures get married and have children, they may have issues when it comes to maintaining their unique traditions and mixing shared customs at the same time._However, with a little effort, children in these families can benefit from having both outlooks and traditi

6、ons. Children who are raised bilingually can also benefit in future careers and learn to make decisions better than monolingual kids.A.Many Americans find happy life is important.B.They are also taught to respect their parents at all costs.C.It can be a challenge to find the perfect balance between

7、cultures.D.According to socialists, the American family culture has many unique aspects.E.American children refuse to follow their parents advice and always argue with them.F.Changing rather than sticking to tradition is considered by many Americans as improvement.G.The difference is easy to deal wi

8、th if parents can meet halfway and stand in the others shoes.B(考点24中难) Istill remember my first time going to the Chinese companys canteen. When I stepped onto the elevator, each one was full of people._ However, there was no sign of fire and people were laughing and talking. I followed the flow of

9、the crowd to the doors of the canteen. It occurred to me that in China everyone has lunch almost at the same time._ The canteen followed this schedule, only being open a few hours per day. When I stood in the doorway, I realized I had to act fast or I would be left behind._ Unlike my school lunchroo

10、m, here everyone lined up and took a tray, and instead of silverware there were chopsticks and soup spoons. As I was pushed along the line, I saw dishes I didnt recognize and as people cut in line and picked up dishes left and right,_ I ended up taking a pork and cucumber dish and a tofu salad. I ha

11、ve been at my company for over a year and a half._ I have learned what dishes I like, mostly by trial and error, and a lot of the workers know me and say hello to me. I am still getting used to eating lunch at lunchtime, but I think the schedule definitely helps keep me on track during the day.I wis

12、h there were something like this at offices in my hometown.A.I thought I had missed a fire drill.B.There was no emergency; it was just lunchtime.C.I noticed things at lunchtime were a bit different.D.I felt that I needed to make some quick decisions.E.The canteen reminded me of my school lunchroom.F

13、.And now I am glad to say I am more confident in the canteen.G.I was not very familiar with the local food or restaurants in China.C(考点24中难)Earth is home to around 7,000 languages, around half of which are expected to disappear by2100.Languages disappear for many reasons. Sometimes younger generatio

14、ns stop leaming a language because parents want children to fit in._Native American children of the late-19th century were required to attend boarding schools where educators forbade them from speaking their native languages.The United Nations ranks endangered languages according to their risk level

15、. For example, a critically endangered language is one that even grandparents don t speak often. New York s Onondaga language is an example with only 50 speakers left. An extinct language has no speakers. It is gone forever. Alaska s Eyak language is one example._In the same way, different languages contribute to cultural diversity. Saving theselanguages benefits our understanding of other cultures. Languages can show how a society looks at the world and what it values. A langua



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