新人教版英语七年级下册《Unit 3 Section B 2a-2d》课件

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《新人教版英语七年级下册《Unit 3 Section B 2a-2d》课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《新人教版英语七年级下册《Unit 3 Section B 2a-2d》课件(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit3Howdoyougettoschool SectionB2a 2d Tolearnthestudentscrossingtherivertoschool Tolearnthenewwordsandexpressions cross river village bridge boat afraid leave dream cometrue between and Objectives boat river bridge village villagers ropeway Warmingup dream between leave afraid many lotsof cross Loo

2、katthepicturebelow Guesswhatthestoryisabout 2a Readthenewsstoryfromsomeyearsagoandchoosethebesttitleforit 2b HowtoGettoSchoolCrossingtheRivertoSchoolGoingtoSchoolIsFun Howdoyougettoschool Doyouwalkorrideabike Doyougobybusorbytrain Formanystudents itiseasytogettoschool Butforthestudentsinonesmallvill

3、ageinChina itisdifficult Thereisaverybigriverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage Thereisnobridgeandtheriverrunstooquicklyforboats Sothesestudentsgoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool CrossingtheRivertoSchool One11 year oldboy Liangliang crossestherivereveryschoolday Butheisnotafraidbecausehelovesschool Il

4、ovetoplaywithmyclassmates AndIlovemyteacher He slikeafathertome Manyofthestudentsandvillagersneverleavethevillage Itistheirdreamtohaveabridge Cantheirdreamcometrue Readthestoryagainandanswerthequestions 1 Howdothestudentsinthevillagegotoschool 2 Whydotheygotoschoollikethis 3 Doestheboylikehisschool

5、Why Theygoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool Becausethere snobridgeandtheriverrunstooquicklyforboats Yes hedoes Helovestoplaywithhisclassmates Heloveshisteacher Theirdreamistohaveabridge Yes Ithinkso Manykindpeoplewillhelpthem 4 Whatisthevillagers dream Doyouthinktheirdreamcancometrue Whyorwhynot Rep

6、orter Howdoyou toschool Liangliang Liangliang Igoonaropewayto therivertoschool Reporter Areyou Liangliang No I mnot BecauseI myschoolandmyteachers Iliketo Readthestoryagainandcompletetheinterview get love 2c afraid cross withmyclassmatesatschool Reporter Isit foryoutogotoschool Liangliang Yes itis R

7、eporter Doyouwanttohavea Liangliang Yes It sourdream Reporter I msureyourdreamcancome play difficult true bridge 2d Nowthereisabridgeacrosstheriverandthechildrendonothavetogoontheropewaytogettoschoolanymore Imagineyouareareporterandwanttointerviewastudentintheschool Makeupaconversation Reporter Howd

8、oyougettoschool Mingming Mingming Iusedtogoonaropewaytocrosstherivertoschool Butnow 1 Thereisaverybigriverbetweentheirschoolandthevillage therebe侧重于客观存在的 有 强调存在的状态 在therebe结构中 主语应放在be动词之后 并且be动词的形式应与主语保持一致 如 Therearemanyapplesonthetree Languagepoints 拓展 have侧重于主观方面 强调 所属 关系 表示 拥有 占有 具有 在这一结构中 have与主

9、语保持人称和数的一致 如 Shehasaniceschoolbag between and 在 与 之间between是个介词 表示在两者之间 如 MaryisbetweenJaneandLindaintheline 在队伍中 玛丽在简和琳达之间 2 Thereisnobridgeandtheriverrunstooquicklyforboats 河上根本没有桥 而且水流很急 不适宜小船摆渡 1 no 完全不 根本没有 在这里构成否定句 当no用于构成否定句 主要用于名词前 强调否定其后面的名词 如 Thereisnoappleinthefridge 冰箱里没有苹果了 2 run在这里表示 液

10、体流动 它在不同的语境中有不同的用法和含义 例如 Whorunsthebusiness 生意是谁经营的 run 表示 管理 经营 Johnrunacarintoapark 约翰把车开进了公园 run 表示 使行驶 驾驶 Theroadrunsnorth 这条路伸向北方 run 表示 延伸 run 可以做名词 奔跑 路程 Let sgoforarunacrossthefield 咱们去跑步 跑过那片田野吧 Itisanhour srunbytrainfromheretoLondon 从此地到伦敦搭火车有一小时的行程 3 One11 year oldboy Liangliang crossesth

11、erivereveryschoolday 一个11岁的男孩 亮亮 每天过河上学 11 year old为多个词汇构成的复合形容词 用连字符 连接 用来修饰名词boy 这种结构还有很多 例如 afour daytrip一个四天的旅行a30 pagebook一本30页的书注意 这里的 year day page 都是用单数 4 Butheisnotafraidbecausehelovesschool afraidadj 害怕 恐惧 1 beafraid 害怕的Thegirlisveryafraid 小女孩很害怕 2 beafraidof 害怕 Mysisterisafraidofsnakes 我妹

12、妹害怕蛇 5 He slikeafathertome like在这里作介词 而不是动词 意为 像 Thefishlookslikeabigboat 那条鱼看起来像条船 介词 Janelikeshistoryverymuch 简很喜欢历史 动词 1 Look Therearesomeboatsonther 2 Whoistheboyb yourmotherandfather 3 Howoldisyoursister She stwelvey old 4 Mymomalwayssays Haveagoodd beforeIgotobed 5 Whenthegirlseesthedog she sa

13、lwaysa 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 iver etween ears ream fraid Exercises 1 Youcansee booksonhisdesk 2 Mrs Hanis amothertous Weallloveherverymuch 3 Ioftenwalktothebus totakethebus 4 Thestudentsinthevillagegotoschoolby 5 Howcanwe theriver many like stop boat cross 从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子 stop cross many boat like 1

14、 Dotheygotoschoolbybusor 骑自行车 2 因 而感谢 helpingmewithmyhomework 3 Therearelotsofpeopleinthe 地铁站 4 I 到达 schoolatseveninthemorning 5 Whatdoyou 认为 theschooltrip bybike Thanksfor station getto thinkof 根据句意及汉语提示 用适当的短语完成句子 subway 1 我乘公交上学 你呢 Igotoschoolbybus you 2 他家离汽车站不远 Hishomeisnot thebusstation 3 桌子上有

15、一个杯子 acuponthedesk 4 我喜欢和我的狗狗玩 Iloveto mydog 5 我希望你的梦想能早日实现 Ihopeyourdreamcan soon Howabout farfrom playwith cometrue Thereis 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 1 A Betty leavehome B Atabout8 00a m 2 A Mike gettoschool B Bybus 3 A from home school B It saboutsevenkilometers 根据提示写出恰当的问句或答语 完成对话 Whendoyouleavehome How

16、doesMikegettoschool Howfarisitfromyourhometoschool 4 A Howlongdoesittakeyoutogethome B tenminutes bybike 5 A schoollife B It sinteresting Ittakestenminutesbybike How syourschoollife istheHongKong Zhuhai MacaoBridge 55kilometers A HowlongB HowhighC Howwide 中考链接 2019 福建 A Laurais 11 year oldgirl Sheisgoodatplaying guitar A aB an C an theD a an 2019 四川凉山 C Writeanarticle Talkabouthowstudentsinyourclassgettoschool


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