人教版PEP四年级下册Unit4 at the farm A lets talk

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《人教版PEP四年级下册Unit4 at the farm A lets talk》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版PEP四年级下册Unit4 at the farm A lets talk(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 PEPBook4 Unit4AtthefarmALet stalk tomato tomatoes Thetomatoisred Thetomatoesarered 口诀 单数is复数are onetomato fivetomatoes sixtomatoes more seventomatoes fourtomatoes threetomatoes twotomatoes potato potatoes Thepotatoisbig Thepotatoesarebig Similarity 相似 tomatoes potatoes Whatarethese They repotatoes

2、They resobig carrot carrots Whatarethese They recarrots They reyummy Ilikecarrots greenbean s greenbean Theyareso Theyareso long short Whatarethese They regreenbeans They resolong onion onions Theseareonions Onionsmakemecry onion s Freetall A Whatdoyoulike B Ilike Theyareso C greenbeans long What st

3、his It sa What sthis It sa What sthis It sa Whatarethese Theyaretomatoes Whatarethese Theyarecarrots Whatarethese Theyarepotatoes Whatarethese Theyaregreenbeans pairwork根据图片 同桌完成对话练习 Whatarethese Theyare Part1 Part2 自学指导二 1 Arethesecarrots A Yes Theyare B No Theyaren t 2 Arethesepotatoes A Yes Theya

4、re B No Theyaren t 根据所给提示创编对话 A Lookatthese Arethese B Yes theyare A Wow Theyareso C Whatarethese D They re C Buttheyare D Trysome Theyaregood C Thanks Yum 根据所给提示创编对话 A Lookatthese Arethese B Yes theyare A Wow Theyareso C Whatarethese D They re C Buttheyareso D Theyareteacupdogs 茶杯犬 Guess Whatarethese Arethey 小组合作 运用图片 物品 对话完成猜物游戏 达标练习 1 Theyare A potatoB potatosC potatoes2 Whatarethose aretomatoes A ThereB TheyC It s3 Arethesegreenbeans No A thesearen tB theyareC theyaren t C B C Classisover Thankyou


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