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1、1 SectionSection LanguageLanguage PointsPoints Warm up Warm up LessonLesson 1 1 语 言 基 础 自 测 单词拼写 根据汉语或首字母提示 写出下列单词 1 1 Since the earliest civilizations people have controlled rivers to meet society s demands 需求 2 2 The incident 事件 has further increased the tension between the two countries 3 3 We re

2、gret to inform you that your application 申请 has not been successful 4 4 I found further scientific evidence 证据 for the theory 5 5 He gives an explanation 解释 of how sound travels in water 6 6 They made an announcement to the whole country that the flight had crashed 7 7 She was delighted that her son

3、 had returned safely 8 8 Our teacher tells us that we should be concerned about state affairs 9 9 We believe that every man has a right to his own belief because that s the way God wants it 1010 While a bomb did explode on the day when the Cyprus banks ended their two week closure the explosion actu

4、ally happened in Greece 拓展词汇 根据词性和汉语提示 写出下列单词 1 1 belief n 信仰 信心 信任 believe v 相信 认为 2 2 2 demand vt 要求 请求 demanding adj 过分要求的 苛求的 严格的 3 3 announce vt 宣布 宣告 announcement n 宣布 宣告 4 4 application n 申请 书 应用 apply v 申请 应用 5 5 photographer n 摄影师 photograph vt 拍照 摄影 photography n 摄影 寻规律 巧记忆 v ion n v er n

5、explanation 解释 说明 celebration 庆祝 庆典 communication 交流 通信 employer 雇主 老板 interviewer 采访人 面试官 trainer 训练员 训练师 补全短语 根据提示补全下列短语 1 1 stand for 是 意思 代表 支持 2 2 react to 对 做出反应 3 3 be made up of 由 组成 4 4 in detail 详细地 5 5 prevent from 阻止 做 6 6 in the end 最后 终于 7 7 come down to 归结于 8 8 look forward to 盼望 9 9

6、be responsible for 对 有责任 负责 1010 take care of 照看 照顾 选词填空 选用上述短语的适当形式填空 1 1 These two expressions come down to much the same 2 2 In the end we all decided to organize a concert for Easter 3 3 The Bull Team is made up of 15 players 4 4 We ll discuss the problem later in detail 5 5 What do the letters

7、UN stand for 寻规律 巧记忆 come prep adv 动词短语 v for 动词短语 come to 达到 苏醒 come about 发生 出现 come out 出版 发表 ask for 要 要求 leave for 动身去 apply for 申请 经典句式仿写 3 背教材原句 记句式结构 仿写促落实 1 1 Do you sometimes use the Internet WhatWhat for for 你有时用因特网吗 用来做什么 What for 常用于口语 为了什么 做什 么用 我 要 去 巴 黎 I m going to Paris 去干什么 Whatfo

8、r 2 2 It is going to be remembered asas a historical meeting this year asas the topic of Africa will be discussed in detail 今年的会议将会作为一次历史性 的会议留在人们的记忆中 因为非 洲问题将是本届会议详细讨论的 问题 句中有两个 as 第一个 as 为介词 第二个为连 词 引导原因状语从句 既然你已经知道了 我就告 诉你实情吧 As you have known about it I ll tell you the truth 3 3 They want the le

9、aders to cancel the debt of Africa s poorest countries soso thatthat the problems there can be prevented from getting any worse 他们想要领导们取消非洲最贫穷 国家的债务以防止事态恶化 so that 引导目的状语 从句 我们很早出发 以便能赶上 第一班火车 We left very early so that we could catch the first train 核 心 要 点 探 究 affairaffair n n 事情 事件 教材 P21 current

10、 affairsaffairs 时事 state affairs 国事 foreign affairs 外交事务 international affairs 国际事务 a public private affair 公 私事 We should concern ourselves with statestate affairs affairs 我们要关心国家大事 China is now a major player in internationalinternational affairsaffairs 现在中国是国际事务的重要参与者 明辨异同 affair business matter

11、eventaffair business matter event affair 指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务 复数形式多指重大或较复杂的事务 business 通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情 也可指商事 4 matter 事情 问题 着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事 the matter 常指 毛病 麻烦事 event 事件 大事 体育 比赛项目 用 affair business matter event 的适当形式填空 It was her first international sporting event He is very interested in public a

12、ffairs It is time now for us to get down to business and we must be serious about this I don t know what s the matter with him 教材 P21 DoDo youyou sometimessometimes useuse thethe InternetInternet WhatWhat for for 你有时用因特网吗 用来做什么 要点提炼 句中 what for 常用于口语 表示 为了什么 有时也表示 做什么 用 What about 征求意见或询问消息时用 怎么样 So

13、 what 口 那又怎么样呢 表示不感 兴趣或认为不重要 What if 倘使 将会怎样 Guess what 猜猜看 你猜怎么着 what s more 而且 另外 What like 是什么样的 Your room is a real mess Tom SoSo what what 汤姆 你的房间真乱 那又怎么样 What if you go abroad the next year 假使你明年出国将会怎样 What s the weather like today 今天天气怎么样 standstand forfor 是 意思 代表 支持 主张 拥护 忍受 容忍 教材 P22 What d

14、oes G8 standstand for for G8 代表什么 写出下列句中 stand for 的含义 As is known to us the letters PLA standstand forfor the People s Liberation Army 代表 象征 5 We will not standstand forfor this sort of behavior young man 忍受 容忍 We Chinese standstand forfor peace and wish to settle all disputes by peaceful means 支持

15、主张 stand against 抵抗 反抗 靠在 上 stand back 退后 靠后站 stand by 袖手旁观 站在一起 帮助 维持 stand out 突出 出色 显著 stand up to 起立 站立 经得起 stand up for 保护 维护 支持 A true friend will standstand upup forfor you when you need it Also when you don t ask them to 真正的朋友会在你需要的时候站在你这边 即使在你没有要求他们这么做 他们也会这 么做的 Please remember I ll stand b

16、y you whatever happens 请记住 无论发生什么事情 我都会拥护你 Her red hair made her quite stand out in the crowd 她的红头发使得她在人群里相当引人注目 教材 P22 ItIt isis goinggoing toto bebe rememberedremembered asas a a historicalhistorical meetingmeeting thisthis yearyear asas thethe topictopic ofof AfricaAfrica willwill bebe discusseddiscussed inin detail detail 今年的会议将会作为一次历史性的会议留在人们的记忆中 因为非洲问题将是本届会议 详细讨论的问题 要点提炼 句中有两个 as 其中第一个是介词 意为 作为 形成短语 be remembered as 作为 被怀念 记着 第二个 as 是从属连词 意为 因为 由于 引 导原因状语从句 1 as 引导原因状语从句时 可以放在主句之前或之后 表示理由时



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