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1、第 1 页 共 26 页 七年级 下 期末英语试卷七年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX总分 得分 一 单选题 本大题共 15 小题 共 15 0 分 1 film Transformers The Last Knight 变形金刚 5 最后的骑士 was shown on 23June Wow it is exciting film A A aB An aC The aD The an 2 I ll Beijing on Sunday the seventh of April A getB arrive inC arrive atD reach in 3

2、is it from your home to your school It is about twenty minutes by bike A How farB How longC How manyD How much 4 Could I have a look at your ipad I am playing a game now A Yes you canB Sorry you can t C Yes you couldD No you couldn t 5 good time we had at the party last night A WhatB What aC HowD Ho

3、w a 6 Do you like doing sports Yes My parents with me taking a walk in the park A all likeB both likeC like allD like both 7 The cake looks Yes and it sells too A well goodB well wellC good wellD good good 8 The river runs the city And there are many beautiful bridges the river 第 2 页 共 26 页 A across

4、 throughB through over C through throughD across over 9 Which ed of the following verbs do you pronounce differently 发音不同 A hat edB danc ed C talk edD stopp ed 10 There are so many things for people in the supermarket A to chooseB for choosing C to choose fromD for choosing from 11 Excuse me sir I m

5、 afraid you can t smoke here This is non smoking area Oh sorry I the sign A don t seeB didn t seeC didn t sawD saw 12 Do you like sleeping with the windows A openB openedC closingD close 13 There are students in the classroom Can you tell me where they are A a fewB a littleC fewD little 14 How was y

6、our holiday in Shanghai last week Wonderful but I found easy to get lost in big cities like Shanghai A it sB itC thatD that s 15 Let s watch the popular TV show Readers after dinner shall we It s getting to the end A You are welcomeB I m afraid not C That s all rightD Never mind 二 完形填空 本大题共 10 小题 共

7、15 0 分 Which of your two hands do you use most Very few of us can use 16 of our hands equally 同等的 well 17 of us are right handed Only about five 18 out of a hundred are left handed New born babies can hold things with 19 of their hands but in about two years they usually like to use their 20 hands S

8、cientists don t know 21 this happens They thought that we inherited 遗传 this 22 our animal ancestors 祖先 but this may not be 23 Monkeys are our closest relatives 亲戚 in the animal 24 Scientists have found that monkeys like to use one of their hands more than 25 but it can be either hand There are as ma

9、ny right handed monkeys as left handed 26 Next time you visit the zoo 27 the monkeys carefully You ll see that some of them will like to use their right hands when they 第 3 页 共 26 页 swing 荡秋千 and others will use their left hands But most human beings 人类 use 28 right hands better and this 29 life dif

10、ficult for those who like to use their left hands 30 we live in a right handed world 16 A noneB bothC allD no 17 A MostB AllC SomeD Few 18 A personB manC peopleD woman 19 A neitherB eitherC orD nor 20 A bothB twoC leftD right 21 A howB whenC whyD where 22 A fromB toC outD of 23 A realB trueC wrongD

11、good 24 A handB earthC worldD country 25 A other B the other C others D another 46A ones B one C those D that 47A look B see C enjoy D watch 48A its B their C it s D theirs 49A lives B brings C makes D keeps 50A By the way B In fact C First of all D At last 三 阅读理解 本大题共 15 小题 共 30 0 分 A 雪夜林畔驻马 Stoppi

12、ng by Woods on a Snowy Evening By Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know His house is in the village though He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow My little horse must think it queer 离奇 To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The d

13、arkest evening of the year He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake 第 4 页 共 26 页 The only other sound s the sweep Of easy wind and downy 绒毛的 flake 薄片 The woods are lovely dark and deep But I have promises 许诺 to keep And miles to go before I sleep And miles to go before I sl

14、eep 26 Who is the writer of the poem A The grandma B Mr Robert C Mr Frost D Mr Woods 27 The season in this poem is A springB summerC autumnD winter 28 The word flake in this poem most probably refers to A the snowB a kind of food C a kind of leafD the horse B Do you like to listen to music when you

15、feel sad Do you like to sing songs in the shower Music is everywhere But in many countries music classes in schools are left in the basket These days because of the bad economy 经济 in the US some schools fired 解雇 arts teachers including 包括 music teachers Some students don t have the chance to learn m

16、usic In China there are no exams for music So many students choose to make use of their time and study subjects like science math and history But do you know that learning music helps children grow Playing music is like doing different things all together said Gottfried Schlaug at Harvard Medical School For example when playing the piano people see the music notes And they decode 解码 them At the same time they use their fingers to make sounds You do all these things at the same time Scientists sa



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