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1、第 1 页 共 21 页 七年级 下 期末英语试卷七年级 下 期末英语试卷 题号 IIIIIIIVVVIVIIVIIIIXX总分 得分 一 单选题 本大题共 15 小题 共 15 0 分 1 What exciting news it is Is news true A an theB an aC theD a 2 The little dog is very lovely Is it Yes but I ll give it to my grandmother as birthday present A you herB your herC yours herD yours hers 3 T

2、here is a bridge the river Be careful when you it A across overB over crossC over acrossD cross over 4 After he heard the news that our Chinese football team had won the match he was very A amazed excitingB amazed excited C amazing excitingD amazing excited 5 This is a wolf It in the forest A Europe

3、an liveB European lives C Europe liveD Europe lives 6 The baby is sleeping A No talkB Not talkingC Don t talkD Don t talking 7 I don t like the pen Please show me one A the otherB otherC anotherD Others 8 I didn t eat an apple just now but my sister A doB doesC didD is 9 did it take to get to Los An

4、geles It took about nine hours A How muchB How oldC WhenD How long 第 2 页 共 21 页 10 I the classroom when I heard the bell A hurriedB hurryC hurried toD hurry to 11 There some flowers in front of our classroom next year A wilB will isC will areD will be 12 We our school at 7 00last Sunday A returnB re

5、turned backC returned toD return to 13 Peter Mary last year A marriedB was married with C got marriedD has married 14 He in a minute Ask someone else to do it A has leftB is leavingC leftD had left 15 Please don t throw paper on the ground A Yes I willB No I don t C Sorry I won t D It doesn t matter

6、 二 补全对话 本大题共 1 小题 共 5 0 分 16 A Can I help you B Yes please 1 t to order 订购 a bi rthday cake 蛋糕 for my mother A 2 B A large cake please A What would you like to writ e on it B 3 A OK What s your phone number B 4 A What s your address B 5 A What size would you like B Please write Happy Birthday to Mot

7、her C Tomorrow is my mother s birthday D It s 8910566 E What kind of cake would you like F 56 Lincon Drive 第 3 页 共 21 页 三 完形填空 本大题共 10 小题 共 10 0 分 I can still remember my first day 17 school I 18 only 6at that time It was a big classroom I 19 at the desk near the window but I couldn t see 20 because

8、 the windows were too high There was a big map of China on the wall I don t think I was worried or afraid 21 there at that time 22 another little boy next to me He sat there and said nothing first Then he began to cry because he 23 want to stay there More and more students 24 the classroom but the b

9、oy didn t stop 25 He cried again and again Later the teacher came in She came to the little boy and said something to him I couldn t hear what she 26 Soon the boy stopped crying and began to smile To this day I still don t know what the teacher said to the little boy 17 A inB atC onD out 18 A isB am

10、C wasD are 19 A sitB satC sittingD sits 20 A somethingB nothingC anythingD everything 21 A stayingB to stayC stayD of stay 22 A There wasB There wereC There isD There had 23 A doesn tB wasn tC isn tD didn t 24 A enteredB cameC came inD enter 25 A cryB to cryC cryingD cried 26 A sayB saidC saysD Sayi

11、ng 四 阅读理解 本大题共 15 小题 共 15 0 分 A Many parents today worry about their children s diets Then what is a healthy diet for children Miss Jones from Happy Children Hospital gives the following advice Children shouldn t eat food with too much salt because it can cause high blood pressure 高 血压 Children shou

12、ld eat food with less fat oil and sugar They should not eat too much junk food Fruit and vegetables are rich in vitamins 维生素 Children need to eat fruit and vegetables often 第 4 页 共 21 页 Water is important to everyone Children need to drink enough water every day Children need to eat breakfast every

13、day It is good for their bodies and minds 27 Miss Jones is possible a A doctorB teacher C shop assistantD a waitress 28 What does the underlined word junk food mean in Chinese A 绿色食品B 垃圾食品C 天然食品D 营养食品 29 According to Miss Jones children should drink every day A enough juiceB enough waterC enough cof

14、feeD enough milk 30 Which kind of food is rich in vitamins A Water B Junk food C Sugar D Fruit and vegetables 31 What is the best title 标趟 of the passage 文章 A Bad Habits B Junk Food C Advice on a Healthy DietD An Unhealthy Lifestyle B Do your parents ever say act like a lady or be a gentleman to you

15、 But in the eyes of today s teenagers 青少年 what should lady or a gentleman be like Let s take a look What is a gentleman The girls have their ideas Huang Xiaoyu of Guizhou A gentleman doesn t always get angry 生气的 He wants others to be well and happy He is always ready to help There is a boy in my cla

16、ss and I think he is a gentleman If I don t do well in the English exam he will say You will do better next time That makes me feel happy Chen Tingting of Shenzhen A gentleman always says Ladies first When students clean up the classroom he does the heavy work He lets girls go into rooms first There are no gentlemen in my class When there is something to eat the boys in my class always get them before girls What is a lady Boys tell us what they think a lady is Wu Yifan of Dalian A lady is quiet


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