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1、Unit 4 Astronomy the science of the stars三言两语1China sent up its first satellite completely designed and built by middle school students in 20172After a 21hour trip to space, the astronaut landed safely, making China the third country to send a person into space after Russia and the USA.3No one knows

2、 exactly how the earth began.However, according to a widely accepted theory, it began with a “Big Bang”1一些科学家宣称他们找到了外星人在天空存在的证据。Some scientists claimed that they had found some evidence that aliens existed in space2中国成功把第一位宇航员送往天空的消息曾震惊了整个世界。The news that China had managed to send the first astronau

3、t into space once shocked the whole world.单词拼写应用核心单词1atmosphere n大气层; 气氛2. exhaust vt.用尽;耗尽;使精疲力尽3thus adv.因此;于是4gentle adj.温和的;文雅的5climate n气候6crash vi.& vt.碰撞;坠落7pull n& vt.拉(力);拖;牵引力8float vi.& vt.(使)浮动;(使)漂浮n漂浮物9system n系统;体系;制度10theory n学说;理论语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1A truck went out of control and crash

4、ed (crash) into the back of a bus.2He found something floating (float) on the lake, which frightened him.3After his journey from abroad,Richard Jones returned home,exhausted (exhaust)4The old scientist told his students that scientific theories (theory) must be based on facts.5My uncles car caught f

5、ire by the road.Fortunately, he was pulled (pull) out of the car by a passerby.拓展单词1violent adj.猛烈的;激烈的;强暴的violence n暴力violently adv.暴力地;猛烈地2like vt.喜欢 prep.像unlike prep.与不同;不像 dislike vt.不喜欢;讨厌3harm n& vt.伤害harmful adj.有害的 harmless adj.无害的4exist vi.存在;生存existence n存在;生存5puzzle n谜;难题 vt.& vi.(使)迷惑;(

6、使)为难puzzled adj.感到困惑的puzzling adj.令人困惑的6religion n宗教;宗教信仰religious adj.宗教上的;信奉宗教的;虔诚的7 react v反应 reaction n反应;回应 语境运用用所给词的适当形式填空1There was a puzzled look on the little girls face because a puzzling problem puzzled her.(puzzle) 2Last night we had a discussion, which was to become more and more violen

7、tFinally we reached an agreement that we will never use violence whatever happens.(violent) 3Playing computer games will not only do harm to your physical health, but it is also harmful to your mental health.So there is no harm in advising you to give it up.(harm)4He often says that he doesnt believ

8、e in any religion but meanwhile he respects others religious freedom.(religion)5Do you believe the existence of ghosts? Perhaps they only exist in the minds of some people.(exist)阅读单词1fundamental adj.基本的;基础的2chain n链子;连锁;锁链3dissolve vt.& vi.溶解;解散4multiply vi.& vt.乘;增加5.gravity n万有引力;重力6extinct adj.灭

9、绝的;绝种的7solar adj.太阳的;日光的8satellite n卫星;人造卫星9.spaceship n宇宙飞船10mammal n哺乳动物11lessen vi.& vt.减少;减轻12weightlessly adv.失重地(2017浙江卷)Mac heard a large vehicle behind him.He pulled in front of it as the wolf was catching up fast, just a dozen yards away now.停车短语多维应用高频短语1in time及时;终于2prevent.from阻止;制止3now t

10、hat既然4cheer up感到高兴;感到振奋5lay eggs下蛋6give birth to产生;分娩语境运用(填入一个适当的词)Now that we all understand that the haze is harmful to our health,we should take effective measures to prevent it from getting from bad to worse.No matter what happens,we must cheer up and try to reduce the pollution.If we keep on,we

11、ll succeed in time.7in ones turn 轮到某人8watch out for密切注意;当心;提防9depend on依靠;取决于10break out突发;爆发11block out挡住(光线)12get the hang of熟悉;掌握;理解13at midnight在午夜语境运用(填入一个适当的词)A fire brokeout in the building last night.Luckily,the firefighters arrived in time and put out the fire.We were warned to watch out fo

12、r electricity and gas when cooking our meals.Thanks to the firefighters help,we were not injured.They are the men that we can depend on when we are in trouble.句式结构仿写教材原句背诵句式仿写应用1make it adj.for sb. to do This produced a chain reaction,which made it possible for life to develop.(2018全国卷)我认为我们参加晚宴时带点小

13、礼物是个好主意。I think it a good idea to bring a small gift when we attend a dinner party.2.倍数表达法But when I tried to step forward,I found I was carried twice as far as on the earth and fell over.我付出的时间和精力是以前的三倍多,所以我相信我这次能成功。I devoted three times as much time and energy as I did before,so I believe I will s

14、ucceed this time.3.now that引导原因状语从句.walking does need a bit of practice now that gravity has changed.(2018全国卷)既然你对我校这么感兴趣,为什么不来看看呢?Now that you are so interested in our school, why not come here and have a look?1harmful adj.有害的(1)be harmful to对有害harmless adj.无害的(2)cause/do harm to .对造成伤害/有害(3)there

15、is no harm in doing sth.做某事没有害处 the harmful effects of tobacco烟草的害处be harmful to childrens teeth对儿童的牙齿有害基础练习单句语法填空(广东卷)Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people.(2019浙江卷)However, no praise from parents also does harm to their selfconfidence.He may not be able to help but theres no harm in asking(ask) him.链接写作一句多译有些男生对玩电脑游戏简直到了痴迷的程度, 这对他们的健康非常有害。 Some bo



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