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1、.Unit 2Will books be replaced by the Internet?【数学目标】 词汇look through,in a way,at a time,by hand,development,trade,spread,introduction,single,direction,replace 句型1.Can we imagine life without paper or printing?2Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago in China.3In those days,books were only produ

2、ced one at a time by hand.4Later,developments in printing made it possible to produce books more quickly and cheaply.5Although the Internet is still young,it is growing very fast 重点难点1.本单元词汇和重点句型。2一般将来时的被动语态。【教学思路】 阅读教学是英语教学中的重中之重,本课在设计时使用了任务型语言教学的模式和理念,贯穿本课的主线是讨论纸和印刷术的起源与网络和电脑的作用,鼓励学生去考虑“将来,电脑是否会代替

3、书本?”这个问题,积极思考、踊跃发言。在语言技巧方面,我们要做到以学生“学”的角度来设计教学内容,遵循先输入后输出的原则,使教学呈阶梯式层层推进。个人活动和小组活动等极大地激起学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生互相合作、共同探究的能力。【教学准备】黑板,录音机,磁带,多媒体课件等。【教学过程】Step 1 Warming up1Teachers Activity:在黑板上写上单词和句型:website,page,electronic,full,fix,instructions,lend,properly,Can I borrow your? Id like to Sounds great!1 wond

4、erPerhaps.Here it is.Promise!2Students Activity:(1)学生两人一组用黑板上的单词和第一单元学的句型进行对话问答练习。(2)请学生领读新词。(3)拼词游戏。(教师读出单词,学生进行抢读、抢拼,对读对、拼对的学生进行加分鼓励)3重点词汇的呈现(用多媒体呈现出来)活动小结:让学习更加贴近生活,让学生对书本和电脑产生浓厚的兴趣,为下面的学习打下基础。Step 2 Reading & Vocabulary(14)1Discuss and make a list of the advantages of books and the Internet.(完成活

5、动1部分)教师给出文本框架,引导学生说说“书本和电脑的优点”。Books are easy to read.They can _ our eyes.Computers are _ in our life.It can _We can _ on them2Reading(1)教师给出几个问题,让学生带着问题去阅读文章。最后两人一组回答问题。Whats the article about?What do the writers parents do at home every evening?What was paper made of?When and where was printing in

6、vented?What are the advantages of the Internet?(2)教师介绍造纸术和印刷术的起源,让学生了解历史。(3)让学生进行第二次阅读,这次速度要稍微快点。几分钟后,让学生把段落大意与每段匹配起来。同时利用问答形式完成活动3的表格。T:What appeared about 2000 years ago?S:Paper.T:During the Sui and Tang dynasties,what was invented?S:Printing.T:What do people use today?S:Computers and Internet.T:W

7、hat do you think will appear in the future?S:I think (4)通过回看文章核对答案。(5)放课文录音,让学生听,再次更真实地理解文章。3Language points(1)教师布置任务让学生完成。请找出含有下列词组的句子:on ones way to,look through,in a way,by hand,at a time,as a result,compare to ,amount of,in the future比一比谁找得又快又准!找出文中含被动语态的句子。(2)教师带领学生对“development,direction,intro

8、duction,replace,spread,trade”这些词的含义、读音及用法进行细致分析。然后完成活动 4。最后在小组长的带领下核对正确答案。在核对的过程中,教师要起到巡视和指导的作用。活动小结:既让学生对文章的细节有了更详细地了解,又考查了学生对知识点的掌握程度。Step 3 Writing(57)1首先,让学生仔细读课本上活动5中的句子,总结出“as a result,so,so that”的含义。然后教师让学生再次观察下面的句子,分析这几个词的不同用法。aHe worked hard at his study.As a result,he passed the exam easil

9、y.bIt was snowing,and so I could not go out.cThe little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers Day.2让学生用“because,as a result,so,so that”来回答活动5部分中的问题,并两人一组来进行对话练习。3把活动3中的表格中的资料整理成一段话,五分钟后,教师要求学生到讲台上读读自己的短文。About 2,000 years ago,paper was first created 4用活动5,6部分中写的句子

10、写一篇作文。这篇作文要求短小精悍,写作时间不宜过长。学生写完后,教师评选出最佳作文,给予奖励。Step 4 Homework1用活动3表格中的信息造句。2写一篇短文,说说电脑是否会代替书本。【板书设计】Unit 2Will books be replaced by the Internet?Main words:Main phrases:development look throughtrade in a wayspread at a timeintroduction by handsingle on ones way todirection as a resultreplace compare to in the future.


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