外研版高一英语单词手册Module5单词 Word版含解析

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1、.Module 5【单词】liquid /lkwd/n. 液体expand /kspnd/vi. 膨胀contract /kntrkt/vi. 收缩substance /sbstns/n. 物质mixture /mkst/n. 混合物oxygen /ksdn/n. 氧气electricity /lektrsti/n. 电stage /sted/n. 阶段,时期conclusion /knklu:n/n. 结论aim /em/n. 目标,目的reaction /rkn/n. 反应electrical /lektrkl/adj. 与电有关的,用电的equipment /kwpmnt/n. 设备,装

2、备react /rkt/vi. (化学)反应potassium /ptsm/n. 钾sodium /sdm/n. 钠calcium /klsm/n. 钙magnesium /mgni:zm/n. 镁aluminium /ljmnm/n. 铝zinc /zk/n. 锌partial /p:l/adj. 部分的;局部的copper /kp/n. 铜oxide /ksad/n. 氧化物rust /rst/vi. 生锈boil /bl/vt. 煮,煮沸ordinary /:dnri/adj. 普通的,平常的steam /sti:m/n. 蒸汽,水气float /flat/vi. 漂浮form /f:m

3、/vi. 形成dissolve /dzlv/vt. 溶解,分解,分离balance /blns/n. 天平crucible /kru:sbl/n. 坩锅tongs /tz/n. (复)夹子,小钳子flame /flem/n. 火焰facility /fslti/n. (常作复数)设备,工具lecture /lekt/n. 演讲department /dp:tmnt/n. (大学的)科、系astonished /stnt/adj. 吃惊的,惊愕的【短语】addto往加入used to过去(常常)in the area of在领域be proud of为感到骄傲/自豪be supposed to理

4、应,应当【重点词汇精讲】1. exist vi. 存在;实有;生存(1) exist in 在于exist on 靠生活/ 生存(2) existence n. 存在,生存come into existence 产生,出现in existence 现存的,现有的bringinto existence 使出现,产生The idea exists only in the minds of poets.这种想法是诗人才有的。He exists on rice and water.他考吃米饭和水过活。When did the world come into existence?世界是什么时候产生的?T

5、his is the oldest Hebrew manuscript in existence.这是现存最早的希伯来语手稿。3. conclusion n. 结论;结束(1) arrive at/come to/draw/reach/lead to a conclusion得出结论jump to a conclusion 匆忙下结论make a conclusion下结论brig to a conclusion 使结束in conclusion最后;总而言之(2) conclude vt.下结论;推断;结束conclude from 从中断定conclude with 以结束to concl

6、ude 最后conclusive adj. 据定性的,最终的I have come to/ reached/ arrived at/ drawn a conclusion that he is not the right person for the job.我断定他不适合做此项工作。In conclusion, Id like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.最后,我想说我今天玩得非常开心。What do you conclude from that?你从那件事中得出什么结论?Those are the facts; what do y

7、ou conclude from?这些都是事实,你能从中得出什么结论?In conclusion/ To conclusion, I would like t thank everybody who helped me.最后,我要感谢所有帮助过我的人。4. aim n. 目标,目的;瞄准v. 对准目标;打算;旨在;目的是(1) with the aim of.为了without aim漫无目的地ones aim is to do.某人的目标是achieve ones aim达到目的;实现目标miss ones aim 达不到目的,打不中目标take aim(at.)瞄准()(2) aim.at

8、.用瞄准/对准aim to do sth./aim at doing sth.旨在做,打算做be aimed at.旨在;目的在于aimless adj. 无目的的,无目标的aimlessly = without aim 无目的地,无目标地What is your aim in life?你生活的目标是什么?The main aim of the course is to improve your writing. 这门课程的主要目的是提高你的写作能力。He went to Beijing with the aim of finding a job.他去北京是为了找工作。The hunter

9、took aim at the lion and fired.猎人瞄准狮子并开了枪。My brother aims to be a novelist.我哥哥立志要成为小说家。The hunter aimed his gun at the bird but did not shoot.猎人把枪对准了那只鸟但并没有开枪。Obama is aiming to reduce the unemployment by 50% in 2014.奥巴马正力求在2014年使失业人数下降50%。Aiming at a more comfortable life,the couple worked hard and

10、 took on more parttime jobs.为了过上更舒适的生活,这一对夫妇努力工作,并且承担了更多的兼职工作。He didnt answer,with his gun aiming at David.他没有回答,把枪瞄准了戴维。The measures are aimed at stopping the river from being further polluted.这些措施旨在阻止河流遭受进一步污染。5. react v. 反应,起作用,反对(1) react to 对作出反应,起反应react on/upon对有影响react with与产生化学反应react again

11、st反对;反抗(2) reaction n. 反应;起作用(常与介词to连用)in reaction to 对的反应have a reaction with 与起反应The public reacted strongly to the news.公众对那条新闻反应强烈。Iron reacts with water and air to produce rust.铁与水和空气起化学反应而生锈。Children tend to react against their parents by going against their wishes.孩子们倾向于违背父母的愿望来反抗父母。Applause

12、reacts upon a speaker.(听众的)鼓掌对演讲人会有影响。What was his reaction to the news?他对这个消息有何反应?7. form vt. & vi. 形式;养成n. 形状;表格;形式(1) in the form of 以形式take the form of 采取形式fill in/out a form 填表格be in/ out of form 处于良好/ 不良的状态(2) form the habit of 养成的习惯form into 组成,编成As they chatted, the idea of spending holiday

13、together gradually formed.他们聊天时,一起度假的想法慢慢形成了。I have formed the habit of getting up early since I became a senior high school student.自从我成了高中生我就养成了早起的习惯。Water exists below zero in the form of solid.水在零度以下以固体的形式存在。Please fill in/out the form before going into the hall.进入大厅前需填表。8. balance n. C天平;U平衡v.

14、权衡;使平衡;处理好(1) keep/lose ones balance保持/失去平衡keep a balance(between.and.)保持(与之间的)平衡break the balance破坏平衡make up the balance补足差额on balance总的来说keep the balance of nature保持生态平衡out of balance 失去平衡(2) balance A against B 权衡/比较A与B(3) balanced adj.保存平衡的a balanced diet均衡饮食She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。He kept his balance with his arms on the wall.他将双臂抵在墙上以保持平衡。Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保


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