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1、.Module 3 Unit 2 I think life is better today 学习目标:1、(知识与技能)掌握下列重点单词及短语,句子的意思及用法:(1).Words: tiny, light, electric, candle, postman, cold, heat, full-time, role, education, transport(2). Phrases: all ones life, the role of , get married, have a good education, generally speaking, be busy doing(3). Im

2、portant sentences: She didnt go out to work. I wasnt sent to school because my family couldnt afford it. The only thing I dont like, though, is that theres so much more traffic, Its so difficult to cross the road.2、掌握本单元的重点短语,熟读课文,掌握阅读技巧,巩固形容词,副词的比较级,能熟练应用形容词/副词的比较等级,理解表语从句。课前准备:自己归纳一下我们所学过的形容词和副词的比

3、较级最高级用法的的相关知识点,,熟读课文掌握基本词汇和知识点,并能语用所学内容对当今生活的利与弊进行描述。课前热身:一、单项选择1. -Catherine is _ girl to speak in public . - You should encourage her to try her best .A. much too a shy B. too much shy a C. such shy a D. much too a shy2. - Congratulations ! You did _ in the exam . -Thank you , But you did much _.A

4、. good , better B. well ; better C. bad ; more badly D better ;well3. This dress is _ that one , but I think it is _ than that one .A. as expensive as ; most beautiful B. as more expensive as , less beautifulC. as expensive as ; less beautiful D. better , well4. I am afraid this pair of pants is _ t

5、ight ; besides , the price is _.A. too ; high B. very ; expensive C. so ; low D. rather ; cheap5. -I think the story is not so _ as that one . -I disagree , The second one is _, I think .A. interesting , more interesting B. more interesting , interestingC. interesting , most interesting D. most inte

6、resting ; interested6. -I am too old to learn how to use the computer . Thats a pity . -Oh, No , anyone can _ be too old to learn .A . always B, yet C. sometimes D, never7. _ you come back , _ it will be .A. The quicker , the best B. The sooner , the better C. Faster , better D. The sooner , better8

7、. I like _ one of the three books ,it has the newest opinion .A. later B. latest C. the latest D. the later9. -Richards parents look very young at their age . - In fact , his father is _ than his father .A. older six years B. as six years older C. six years older D. bigger six years10. Do you have _

8、 to give us ?A. something new , B. new something C. anything new D. new anything .二、短语连线1 .all her life 在寒冬2 .go out to work 步行3 .in the winter cold 她的一生4 .look after 出去工作 5. a full-time job 专职工作6. the role of women 妇女的角色7 .get married 结婚8 .on foot 照顾 9 .cross the road 穿过马路三、选词填空 happy , candles, cold, generally speaking, postman, tiny, traffic , heat Mrs. Lis father was a _. He often worked outside for twelve hours a day in the summer_or in the winter_. They lived in a _ house and used _ for light. Mrs. Li says that _, life is better today. _But not everything is satisfying. .


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