牛津上海版(深圳)三上Unit 10《Numbers》word教案

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《牛津上海版(深圳)三上Unit 10《Numbers》word教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《牛津上海版(深圳)三上Unit 10《Numbers》word教案(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 10 Numbers教学目标知识与能力Review the whole lesson.过程与方法Learn how to speak the words by reading the phonics情感态度与价值观Develop the interest of English教学重点Whens our party?教学难点. The main sentence patterns.教具准备computer CD The pictures教法运用任务型教学法、讲授法学法指导自主学习法、小组合作法基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图导入新课(检查预习)Step

2、 1.warm-up1. Let the children sing an English song.2. Lets have a free talk.1.GreetingsIntroduce the topic and key words初学新课(初步探究)Step 2 RevisionThe whole class read Unit 9 altogether, and then they recite them once againShow some pictures and play a game to revise the words and in Unit9.Input the r

3、ight pronunciation into the class引导释疑(合作学习)Step3.Presentation1. Tell the pupils they are going to plan a party. They need to choose a date and make some invitations. Show the pupils the invitations on page 66. Point to the blanks for the date and the food they need to bring.4.Play the tape and ask t

4、he pupils to listen to the tape, at the same finish the listening exercises .To cultivate their habits t find and solve problem基本环节教师授课过程(教师活动)学生学习过程(学生活动)教学意图拓展学习(深入探究)2. Tell the pupils to work in groups of six. The group leader asks the pupil sitting next to him or her Whens our party? They choos

5、e a date and everyone writes it on the invitation.3. Tell the pupils to take turns to answer the group leader who will ask them what food and drink they want in order to make a list of food and drink for the party. Remind the pupils that they know other food, e.g. apples, hot dogs.5. The teacher ask

6、s individuals to answer the questions one by one.Train the students ability to cooperate. Let the students in different leves can take part in the activity.当堂检测(学习诊断)Step 4.Practice1. Play the cassette for the pupils.2. Play it again for the pupils to listen to find out and write down the missing wo

7、rds in the verses.1. Play the cassette again so that the pupils can check their answers.4. Play the cassette once more and encourage the pupils to join in with the words.6. Get into groups of six and choose a day,plan their party food and drink.Train the students ability to cooperate. Let the studen

8、ts in different leves can take part in the activity课堂小结(梳理归纳)The pupils can cut out the invitation cards they make and invite pupils from other groups to their party saying Please come to my party.Read the wordsHelp the students master the new words through games.作业布置(检查反馈)板书设计(突出重点)1. Revise unit10Do some exercisesUnit 10 NumbersMy birthday is on atI want to eatI want to drink教学反思


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