五年级下英语教案Unit1 We're going to read stories湘少版

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《五年级下英语教案Unit1 We're going to read stories湘少版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级下英语教案Unit1 We're going to read stories湘少版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、单元简析(请根据本单元教材、新课标提炼要培养学生的学科素养有哪些,你将怎样培养学生的学科素养,并关注学生学习方法的渗透):本单元主要学习使用 be going to do 句型来谈论将要发生或将要、 打算去做的事情。 课堂上可以安排各种情境如新学期来了同学们准备如何管理学习、同学要来做客你准备做些什么等等。让学生在日常学习生活中可以有计划地做事情。本堂课讲采用合作学习,以培养学生合作交流能力,鼓励学生多开口, 敢于发言。课 题:Unit 1 Were going to read stories.第一课时教学目标:1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims):1) 能看懂、 会读、 会说新单词

2、story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about; 2) 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ?及其答语 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 能向他人询问、回答将来将要发生的事情; 2) 能理解课本 A 与 B 部分。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 学会小组合作,团结友爱。教学重点、难点(Teaching Focus & Difficulties):重点:1、理解并掌握新单词 story, listen to,

3、interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, write about;2、掌握并能运用句型 am/ is/ are going to;难点:1、掌握句型Are you going to ?及其答语Yes, we are./No, we arent. 教学准备(Preparation for Class): 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、英语书、练习本、课堂教学图片教学过程(Teaching Process): Step one: warming up 1. Greetings. T: Hi, boys and girls. Good morning. H

4、ow are you? 2. Free talk and lead-in. T: We just had our winter holiday. Tell me what did you do? S1: I visited my parents. S2: I went to Shenzhen. T: Wow, how wonderful! Now it is a new term. What are you going to do in this term? (自由回答)Step two: PresentationIntroduce new words and sentences 1) T:

5、(showing pictures) Boys and girls, look! That is what Dino is going to do this evening. I am going to listen to music this evening. (Introduce other new words like this) 2) 2 ) T: OK. Now lets play a game. Do you remember what Dino is going to do this evening? Is he going to listen to music? Do you

6、like music? So, are we going to listen to music tonight? Yes, we are. No we arent. (Write the sentences down on the blackboard) 来源:Zxxk.ComThe dialogue1) Listen to the tape of Part A. Listen and find who you can hear. Listen and repeat.B. Listen and read. Act it out. Step three: Practice1. Give stud

7、ents some scenes to have conversation in groups. Such as “Have a plan for the weekend with your friends”.Step four: Homework1) Read after the record of Part A five times and try to recite it please.2) Copy the new words and sentences three times and try to tell your parents about your weekend plan.学

8、法指导:板书设计: Unit 1 Were going to read stories -What are you going to dothis evening?story -We are going to listen to talk about interesting write aboutput on play great 教学反思:来源:学科网第二课时教学目标:来源:学科网1、知识目标(Knowledge Aims): 1) 能看懂、 会读、 会说新单词 story, listen to, interesting, talk about, put on, play, great, w

9、rite about; 2) 学习、运用新句型:am/is/are going to, Are we going to ? 2、能力目标(Ability Aims): 1) 熟练运用新单词、新句型; 2) 理解 D 部分小短文,并完成练习。 3、情感目标 (Emotion Aims) 来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K来源:学科网ZXXK1) 重视小组合作精神;2) 敢于发言,勇于表达。教学重点、难点:重点:掌握新单词,巩固上节课学习的单词;难点:正确、熟练运用本单元重点句型进行对话。教学准备: 录音机、磁带、单词卡片、英语书、练习本、课堂教学图片教学过程:Step one: warming up

10、 and lead-in 1. Greetings. 2. Free talk. Talk about what you are going to do tomorrow. Step two: presentation1. Play the chain game. S1: Are we going to watch TV tomorrow?S2: Yes, we are. Are we going to play games tomorrow? S3: No, we arent. Are we 2.The text. Read and find what it is about. A .Lis

11、ten and read.B. Read and finish the exercises on page 3 .3.Part E Lets write.Introduce animals to students. Talk about their favorite animals. Lead students to say “I am going to play panda”. Have a competition about which group says more sentences. Then read the book and write down what they discus

12、s in group.Step three: practice Have a competition between girls and boys. They should speak out sentences with “We are going to” as many as possible. Step four: homework 1) Read the Section D three times. 来源:学科网ZXXK2) Try to make your own plan about this weekends, please write just like the one on page 3.来源:学科网来源:Z_xx_k.Com来源:学科网ZXXK学法指导:来源:Zxxk.Com板书设计:Unit 1 We are going to read stories -Are we going to write?- Yes, we are./ No , we arent.教学反思: 副备者:



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