天津市南开区2020届高三上学期期末考试英语试题 Word版含解析

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1、2019-2020学年天津市南开区高三(上)期末英语试卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节)第一节:单项填空(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项例:StandoverthereyoullbeabletoseeitbetterAor Band Cbut Dwhile答案是B1(1分) reading of good books is like _conversation with the best men of past centuries()AThe; theBA; aCA; theDThe; a2(1分)Youll find this m

2、ap of great in helping you to get around in London()AvalueBeffectCconcernDvision3(1分)Every life has its ups and downs, but having a(n)attitude to life has been found to be very important()AconvenientBoptimisticCimpressiveDnegative4(1分)In Britain today women 44% of the workers and nearly half the mot

3、hers with children are in paid work()Ago upBbring upChold upDmake up5(1分)Skills like critical thinking and analysis be found on the Internet, because they must be acquired in the context of facts()AcantBneedntCmustntDshouldnt6(1分)If you have any doubts about your health,youd better _ your doctor at

4、once()AconvinceBconsultCavoidDaffect7(1分)_ the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover()AUntilBUnlessCOnceDAlthough8(1分)Whats wrong? You look really stressed outI the whole week preparing for my graduation paper()AworkBhave workedChave been workingDworked9(1分)President s s

5、peech at the opening ceremony of the First China International Import Expo was welcomed by participants at the event ()AquietlyBfrequentlyCwidelyDgradually10(1分)Visitors can stand on the top of Oriental Pearl Television Tower, from they can have a better view of the city of Shanghai()AthatBwhenCwhat

6、Dwhich11(1分)In 2015, China won the bid to host the Winter Olympics, Beijing the first city in the world to host both the Summer and Winter Games()AmakeBmakingCto makeDmade12(1分) Do you feel disappointed about getting a small role in the school drama? Its better than nothing()ANot reallyBAbsolutelyCD

7、ont mention itDOf course13(1分)The traditional Chinese lunar calendar divides the year 24 solar terms()AthroughBfromCintoDfor14(1分)Are you going to take part in the speech contest? Its too good an opportunity to miss()ANo problemBThats for sureCWhy me?DHow come?15(1分)_online shopping has changed our

8、life,not all of its effects have been positive()ASinceBAfterCWhileDUnless第二节:完形填空 (共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选 项中,选出一个最佳选项,将短文内容补充完整16(30分)Growing up in Kenya was amazing because I learned so much, though the poverty and lack of resources were sometimes frustrating I knew I d

9、idnt have much, but I was (1) There was only one thing I wasnt happy with:(2) I wanted to go to high school and university I had the drive, the will and the grades,(3) I didnt have the resources Even(4) things like food, water and shelter werent readily available Young people in poverty have little

10、or no (5) to high schools and universities Where I lived, it was challenging (6) someone helped When I left primary school, I was in the same (7) as many other poor disadvantaged youth(8) , during that year, a charitable high school for girls was (9) and I received a scholarship Today, I am (10) rec

11、ord as being the first student to be enrolled in this school In 2006, my school (11) The Global Give Back Circle, a notforprofit organization for (12) disadvantaged girls to complete their education and gain (13) skills After graduating from high school, I was given access to a ninemonth IT course (

12、14) its giveback attitude had taught us to care about not only ourselves but other people With this in mind, 10 of us created a website called Hey Sister, Get CluedUp Through this educational website, aimed at networking 10,000 African (15) worldwide, all Sisters commit to sending information to the

13、ir villages This will (16) financial freedom, provide information (17) to health issues and spread knowledge about social networking behaviors Hey Sister, Get Clued Up is only (18) to those girls who can access the Internet, which highlights the huge challenge in (19) the gap between the haves and t

14、he havenots But our plan is that these girls will (20) what they learn to other girls through the power of their voice(1)A energeticB independentC confidentD happy(2)A statusB educationC entertainmentD college(3)A soB andC butD since(4)A basicB cheapC importantD simple(5)A meansB accessC chanceD dream(6)A soB whenC unlessD as(7)A occasionB situationC dil


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