b4u2 wb reading task

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《b4u2 wb reading task》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《b4u2 wb reading task(23页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Reading task An Early Farmer Pioneer Who is he 贾思勰 北魏末年和 东魏时的著名农学家 为我国完整保存至今 最早的农书 齐民要 术 的作者 贾思勰 具有广泛的农事知识 他深入乡里访问农家 并到田间亲自观察实验 结合古文献 中的资料与自己的心得 较为系统地 总结了6世纪以前中原地区的农业生产 经验 齐民要术 全书10卷 92篇 分别论述了各种农作物 蔬菜 果 树 竹木的栽培 以及家禽家畜的饲 养 农副产品加工等 尤为可贵的是 书中还记写了干旱地区的耕作 果 树的嫁接等 反映了北朝时期农业生产 的发展情况 born in Yidu in Shandon

2、g Province live in the sixth century AD What did he do research collect information study do experiments and write a book called Qi Min Yao Shu 1 What made Jia Sixie become interested in improving Chinese farming He saw how some farms p good crops and h animals and others did 2 How did he think he c

3、ould help farmers He thought that when he f the best agricultural m he would w them down for farmers 1 Answer the questions roduced ealthynot ound ethodsrite all Advice for farmers Keeping seeds Choosing seeds to plant h seed heads to all winter k seeds when they are sown choose ones with the color

4、2 Make notes in the chart angupdry nockout best Advice for farmers Way to get rid of weeds 1 Way to get rid of weeds 2 let animals them before the soil so the weeds eat planting turnover die Advice for farmers Autumn ploughing Spring ploughing Crops ploughing ploughing crops grown in the field every

5、 year deep less deep change same 为皇帝效劳 打算做 骑马经过 陷入沉思 收集信息 做试验 留种子 悬挂起来 从种子穗里敲出来 锄草 除去杂草 翻耕泥土 提供 的建议 建议做 酿酒 知识的重要总结 work for the emperor intend to do ride through be lost in thought collect information do experiments keep seeds hung up be knocked out of the seed head clear weeds get rid of weeds turn

6、 the soil over give advice on suggest doing make wine an important summary of knowledge 1 He was lost in thought be lost in sth 全神贯注 沉浸于 in thought he almost ran into the car in front of him A Losing B Having lost C Lost D To lose Language points C 简析 be lost in thought为固定搭配 意为 陷入 沉思 因此答案选C 过去分词短语lo

7、st in thought 与句子主语he构成逻辑上的动宾关系 且在句中作 原因状语 有关lose的短语 be lost in thought admiration 陷入沉思 敬佩不已 lose heart 丧失信心 lose one s heart to 爱上 be at a loss for sth 对 不知所措 2 The next spring the seeds should be knocked out of their seed heads and sown knock out of 把 敲出来 knock into sb 表示 撞在某人身上 She was in such a

8、hurry and knocked into her teacher 她太着急了 并且撞在了老师身上 knock into 还可以表示 把 敲进 Knock a long strong stick into the earth 把一根又长又粗的木棍敲进土壤里 knock out 打败 knock off 口语 停止 工作 knock up 口语 敲门叫 人 起床 knock down 车等 撞倒 人 knock in 敲进 钉子 等 Farmers proverbs sayings 1 Yellow sky at sunset wind in the morrow 日晕而风 2 Rain be

9、fore seven clear by eleven 雨过天晴 3 April showers bring May flowers 四月里的豪雨 会带来五月里的繁花似锦 4 Deeds are fruits words are but leaves 行动是果实 言语只是叶子 5 Never cackle till your egg is laid 事竟成 才声张 Speaking Task Jia Sixie s work was written 1 600 years ago Is it still at all useful today In pairs discuss the follo

10、wing questions and take notes on your conclusions 1 What ideas in Qi Min Yao Shu are still in farming today 2 What problems do we have today in modern farming that Jia Sixie did not have in his time Writing Use the ideas you discussed above to write a report about how useful Jia Sixie s ideas are fo

11、r modern times Use the steps on page 53 to help you Sample writing 1 600 years ago the Chinese writer Jia Sixie wrote a book Qi Min Yao Shu about good agricultural practices Today some of Jia Sixie s ideas are still very useful to our modern times but we have some problems today that he never had in

12、 his time Some of Jia Sixie s ideas are still very useful to our modern times Farmers still clear their fields of weeds They still plough deeply the first time and less deeply the second time In addition farmers everywhere still understand that changing crops in the fields is still important However

13、 we have some problems today that Jia Sixie never faced in his time We have environmental pollution We have great competition in the marketplace We have new dangerous and powerful crop diseases Although our modern farmers still use some of Jia Sixie s ideas today they face problems that were never heard of in Jia Sixie day Homework Collect some information about the safety and importance of green food



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