五年级下册英语教案Unit7 Chinese festivals Fun time译林版(三起) (1)

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五年级下册英语教案Unit7 Chinese festivals Fun time译林版(三起) (1)_第1页
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1、英语(五年级下册)Unit 7 Chinese festivalsGrammar time & Fun timeTeaching contents 教学内容Grammar time & Fun timeTeaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标1. 能流利反馈Story time的内容,说出四个传统节日的情况。2. 学习单词March, April, July, August, December,并熟练掌握十二个月份的缩写。3. 能结合月份,谈论四个季节的活动。4. 试着了解一些中国传统文化的知识。Focus of the lesson and pre

2、dicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点1. 熟练谈论四个传统节日的内容。2. 十二个月份的缩写形式,以及月份与介词的搭配。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings2. Watch and answerWhat festivals are in the video? Say the names of the festivals.3. Talk and say (Choose one of the festivals and talk)The _ is in _ or _.People _.People ea

3、t _. I like this festival because I can _. 【设计意图:以一段精美的视频为开头,较好地吸引了学生的注意力。视频中的句型均来自Story time中的内容,既为复习导入,又是热身活动,一举两得。】Step 2 Grammar time1. Think and sayT: Just now, what did we talk about? (date, food, activities)Lets have a look at “date”. Lets read these sentences. What can you find?(Tips:月份之前要用i

4、n,月份之间用or连接)【设计意图:承接节日日期的句子,快速转到月份的学习,并将学习小提示穿插其中,将之变成朗朗上口的chant,便于学生记忆。】2. Learn and sayT: We have learned the months. Heres a calendar. Oh dear! Its dirty. Can you help me find out the other words? (新授March, April, July, August, December)They have short forms. Look! “January” we can write like thi

5、s: Jan. Can you try? (学生逐月说,教师写在黑板上)(Tips: 月份类单词的缩写:前三个字母加一点,May和September是例外)【设计意图:巧妙地借用一张年历,遮住未学过的月份单词,给学生一些信息沟,避免“明知故问”式的教学。】Step 3 Fun time1. Can you read the twelve months?2. Imagine and sayT: Which words do you think about? S: Spring, summer, autumn, winterT: Can you say something about the se

6、asons?【设计意图:从月份单词的快速朗读,让学生自己发现月份是按照季节次序排列的,自然地过渡到四个季节。】3. Look and sayT: Which season is it? Its spring. Spring is in March, April and May. In spring, its warm. We see many flowers in spring. We fly kites in spring. T: Practice in pairs, talk about the four seasons and use sentences as more as you c

7、an.T: OK! Here is a big wheel. I will spin it. Then it will stop. (转动大转盘,停在哪个季节,就谈论哪个季节)4. Draw and sayT: After class, you many draw the four seasons and talk about them.【设计意图:季节的内容是以前早学过的,学生比较熟悉,让他们发散思维,说一说相关的活动,既是复习,也是为谈论季节做准备。】Step 4 Chinese traditional culture1. Enjoy and shareT: Theyre seasons

8、too. Theyre nice bookmarks. Ill show you more.2. Enjoy and writeT: Find the bookmark, write about festivals or seasons on it, and then send it to your friend. Who can show your bookmark?3. T: Theyre all about Chinese traditional culture. To be a Chinese, we should “Inherit Chinese culture, Transmit

9、our tradition.”【设计意图:精美的中国风书签较好地吸引了学生的眼球,也为引出中国传统文化的话题做了铺垫,并号召学生以自己的英语能力,尽可能地传播中国文化。】Homework 家庭作业1. Talk about Chinese festivals and seasons.2. Send the bookmark to your friend or family.3. Know more about Chinese traditional culture.Teaching aids 教学准备(含板书设计)教学准备:词汇卡、多媒体PPT板书设计:说课这是一节颇具中国味道的课,PPT的制

10、作、背景、图片、音乐和视频的选取都具有浓浓的中国传统气息,是当下流行的中国风主题。1. 各个环节过渡自然,巧妙衔接,从复习Story time的内容入手,谈论节日的日期,引出十二个月份及其缩略形式。快读朗读各个月份的单词,按照春夏秋冬四季的规律排列,先让学生发散思维,自己说出季节名称,再过渡到季节的相关活动,由简入深,从短语到句子和语篇,较好地训练了说的能力。最后以四个季节的书签导入,先展示一组精美的中国风书签,然后让学生写一写自己喜欢的节日或季节,则很好地将读的能力转化成写的能力。2. 将语法点编成朗朗上口的chant,帮助学生记忆,避免语法教学的枯燥性。3. 全面关注全体学生,很多练习的设计充分考虑到学生的“学”,人人参与,整个课堂无死角。4. 充分渗透中国的文化。利用一段视频向学生展示了博大精深的中国传统文化,激发起学生的爱国情绪,并立志要用自己的英语能力向世界介绍中国文化。不足之处是整节课的节奏稍显拖沓,不够明快。内容还不够充实。


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