2020外研版九年级英语上册期末重点复习训练Modules 9-10

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1、 学习帮助热线:4006-3456-99九年级上册Module9-10一.重点词汇I、根据首字母及汉语提示完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1. This isnt one of the cartoons which make you l_.(笑)2. The c_(角色)I like are heroes like superman or Batman.3. It will be a cartoon which will have a happy e_.(结尾)4. Tom will be in d_ (深的,大的) trouble if he cant find the camer

2、a.5.There are other cartoon f_ (喜欢的人、事物)which are older.6. It tells a story of a monkey who l_ (领导)a group of monkeys against the emperor of the heaven.7. “Havoc in heaven ” has become a common e_ (表达) used by a boss or parents when they see a mess in the office or at home.8. The books have been t_

3、(翻译) into over 50 languages.9. China just c_ (庆祝)her 60th birthday on oct.1st,2009.10. Adults with e_(有经验的)life understand cartoons better.11.My legs a_ (疼)after the basketball training every evening.12. I have just b_(碰) into the headteacher.13.He doesnt look like someone whose fitness and health i

4、_ (感兴趣)him very much.14.Oliver is a young cook who wants to i_ (提高,改善)school dinners.15. They p_ (更喜欢) ice cream to fruit.16. Teachers said children b_(表现) badly after lunch.17. They didnt know e_ (足够的)about food and health.18. In the end, Jamie p_(说服) them to try his cooking.19. Teachers should e_(

5、教育)their students heart and soul.20. Teenagers may r_ (拒绝)to face their mistakes because of feeling ashamed.二. 重点词组II。翻译下列词组1. over there _ 2. have a word with _3. win the heart of _ 4. ever since _5. make sb. do sth. _ 6. go over to speak to sb._7.be in deep trouble _ 8. make a mess _9.return to _

6、10. translateinto _11. more than/over _ 12. hold a birthday party_13. leave one on ones own _ 14. all the time _15. be able to do sth. _ 16.give up doing sth._ 17. a place of interest _ 18. do some cooking _ 19. a bit tired_ 20. strong enough _21. need to do sth. _ 22. take a lot of exercise_23.do w

7、eight training_ 24. bump into _ 25. decide to do sth. _ 26.hard work _ 27. refuse to do sth. _ 28. persuade sb. to do sth. _ 29. in order to dosth._ 30. had better(not) do sth. _三重点句子III、翻译下列句子1.我可以想象卡通故事里的每副图片,也知道结局是怎样。I can_ every drawing in the cartoon, and I know _ _ will be .2.但这不是什么好笑的事情,这很严肃。

8、 It is_ _ _ , this is_ 3.你能告诉他我想和他说句话吗?Can you tell him Id like to _ _ _ _ him .4. 如果Tony 告诉他爸爸他把借来的相机丢了,他就有大麻烦了。If Tony tells his dad that hes _the camera he borrowed , he will be_ _ _5. 这讲的是一只猴子带领群猴对抗玉皇大帝统治的故事。 It tells the story of a monkey who _ a group of monkey_ _ _ of the Emperor in heaven .6

9、. 他飞到一个桃园里,想吃多少桃子就吃多少桃子,把每一个房间搞得乱七八糟。He_ into a peach garden and eats _ _ peaches_he likes, he _ _ _ in each room 7.“大闹天宫”成为父母回家或老板回办公室后看到一片浪籍时的常用语。“Havoc in heaven “has become_ _ _ _by a parent and a boss when they _ _ the house or office and _ _ _8, 自从比利时漫画家于1929年创作出丁丁这个形象,75年来他一直深受人们喜爱。Tintin has

10、_ _ for 75 years , _ _Belgian cartoonist invented the character in 1929 . and now he has _ an important birthday in China .9.他的书已经被译成50多种语言,销售了2亿册左右。 His books _ _ _ _ more than 50 languages .and about 200 million copies _ _ _ .10. 我不只是为孩子们画卡通,有生活经历的成年人理解得会更好。I didnt draw the cartoons only for child

11、ren , adults who _ _ _understand them_.11.如果你想保持身体健康的话,请别放弃 Dont_ _ , if you want to _ _ .12.你需要进行大量的运动跑步或举重训练。 You need to_ _ _ _ _-go running and _ _ _13.别跟我提这事了!我现在不准用那相机了。 Dot _ _ _ _ _ , I am_ _ _ use the camera any more .14, 不可能!是我父亲给我零花钱,而我差一点把他的相机给丢了_, It is my father _ _ me pockey money , a

12、nd he is the person _camera I_ lost .15.我刚刚碰见了我们校长。 I have just_ _ the head teacher .16.他看上去不象是对自己的健康感兴趣的人 He doesnt_ _ someone _ _and health _him very much 17.垃圾食品不仅仅是对身体不好,那些吃不健康午饭的孩子们下午很难教,老师也反映学生午饭后表现欠佳。Junk food isnt just _ _ the body , Children _ midday meals were _ were difficult to teach in the af


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