贵州省贵阳清镇北大培文学校高一下学期英语培优练习(11) Word缺答案.doc

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《贵州省贵阳清镇北大培文学校高一下学期英语培优练习(11) Word缺答案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《贵州省贵阳清镇北大培文学校高一下学期英语培优练习(11) Word缺答案.doc(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教版高一下英语必修四 培优练习(11)一短文改错。(一)Dear Ms.Smith,I appreciate your help very much.On the first day of camp,you came up to myself while I was sitting alone.After that,you always gave me specially attention and encouraged to me to join in activities.As the result,I gradually got to know the other campers.Be

2、cause the help you gave me that summer,my life changed.I gained so much confidence that I go back to school as a new person.My grades improved.I became very active but made new friends.Today,I got a letter that said I had been admitting into a college.I am proud of it.I just want to thank you for he

3、lping me becoming a different person.来源:学科网(二)I often go to a weekend school. So do much of my classmates. This is very popular at the present. Good weekend schools have excellent teachers which can help us improve our studies. In addition, we can get to know some students from another school and ma

4、ke friends with they.But every coin have two sides. Extra lessons from weekend schools often needed a lot of time and this may affect their school subjects. We usually find ourselves very tired on Mondays to study in our own school. So I think we should consider this problem serious and make good us

5、e our time.来源:学&科&网(三)My grandparents live in the countryside.They keep a dog calling Ah Bao.One day my grandparents go to work in the fields,taking along my little brother and Ah Bao.My brother and Ah Bao came to a river nearby and enjoyed himself.My brother was trying to catch a butterfly while he

6、 fell into a river.Ah Bao barked and immediate jumped into the water.Hearing about him barking,my grandparents hurried there and saw Ah Bao swimming towards the bank carrying my brother.Ah Bao did all he could save my little brother,that moved all the people present.Everyone praised Ah Bao for his b

7、rave and kindness.二语法填空。Honey from the African forest is not only a kind of natural sugar, it is also delicious.Most people, and many animals, like eating it. However, the only way for them 1 (get) that honey is to find a wild bees nest and take the honey from it. Often, these nests are high up in t

8、rees, and 2 is difficult to find them. In parts of Africa, though, people and animals looking 3 honey have a strange and unexpected helper - a little bird 4 (call) a honey guide.The honey guide does not actually like honey, 5 it does like the wax (蜡) in the beehives (蜂房). The little bird cannot reac

9、h this wax, 6 is deep inside the bees nest. So, when it finds a 7 (suit) nest, it needs someone to help. The honey guide gives a loud cry to attract the attention of both passing animals and people. Once it has their attention, it flies through the forest, 8 (wait) from time to time for the curious

10、animal or person as it leads them to the nest. When they finally arrive at the nest, the follower reaches in to get at the delicious honey as the bird 9 (patient) waits and watches. Some of the honey as well as the wax always 10 (fall) to the ground, and this is when the honey guide takes its share.

11、来源:学科网ZXXK三完形填空。One day, a train was approaching the small town of Cheekyville. On the train was a 41 man with a big suitcase. He was called William and he looked very 42 indeed. But what made him most unusual was the fact that whenever he needed to 43 , he did so by singing opera. Even if someone s

12、aid “good day” to him, he would 44 his throat and respond: “Gooood dayyy to youuuu . tooooo!”Almost everyone considered William unusual, since no one could get a normal 45 word out of him. As no one knew how he made his living - he lived quite simply, always 46 his same old second-hand suit - they o

13、ften disrespected him and sometimes even 47 him. William had been in Cheekyville for years, when, one day, a rumor (谣言) 48 round the town: William had 49 a role in an important opera in the nations capital, and there were 50 everywhere advertising the event. Everyone in the capital had gone to see i

14、t, and it was a great 51 . And to everyones surprise in Cheekyville, when William was being 52 by reporters, he answered their questions by speaking 53 singing. And he did it with good 54 and with a clear and pleasant voice.From that day on, William 55 singing at all hours. He sang only during his s

15、tage appearances. Some people had an idea 56 he had changed, but others still had none, and continued believing him to be mad. They wouldnt have thought so 57 they had seen what William kept in his big suitcase. It was a large stone with a hand-carved message on it. It said “Practice every second, for you never know when your 58 will come.”Little did people 59 that William got the role in the opera because the 60 had heard him singing while out buying a newspaper one day.41. A. strange B. handsome C. funny D. tall42. A. strong B. stubborn C. common D.


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