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1、英语试卷(满分为120分,考试时间100分钟)听力部分 (20分)一、听对话,回答问题。对话连续读两遍。(10分)1. Whatre they talking about?A. The weather.B. The radio.C. The date.2. What time will the train leave?A. 9:45.B. 10:15.C. 10:20.3. How much are two chairs?A. 55 yuan.B. 100 yuan.C. 110 yuan.4. What does the man want to drink?A. Hot tea.B. Hot

2、 milk.C. Something cold.5. Which month does Lily like best?A. MarchB. April.C. May.二、听较长对话或独白,回答问题。对话或独白连续读两遍。(10分)(A)听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7小题。6. What was Mary drawing? A. A dog.B. A cat.C. A plane.7. Where was Jack drawing a plane? A. On the wall.B. On the paper.C. On the blackboard.(B)听下面一段独白,回答第8至第10小题。

3、8. Where did Mr. Brown go one day?A. London.B. New York. C. Beijing.9. What kind of room did Mr. Brown ask for?A. The cheapest one.B. The best one.C. The biggest one.10. Why did Mr Brown want such a room?A. Because he was poor.B. Because he was rich.C. Because he wanted to save money.笔试部分 (100分)三、单项

4、选择(15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。11. _ it _ when school was over yesterday?A. Did, rainB. Was, rainingC. Is, rainingD. Does, rain12. We must try our best to do the work better with _ money and _ people.A. little, fewerB. fewer, less C. less, fewerD. less, few13.-I really hope I can go to Beijing

5、next year.-So _.A. did IB. do IC. am ID. was I14.-Excuse me, how _ I get to the cafe?-Ask Mr Pride. He _ know.A. may, mustB. can, mayC. must, canD. may, can15.-Wheres Jack today? -Oh, Im sorry to say that he had _ accident yesterday. And now he is in _ hospital.A. a, theB. the, aC. /, the D. an, /16

6、. Shell go with you if it _ tomorrow.A. doesnt rainB. wont rainC. isnt rainD. will rain17. Sam is only two years old. Hes too young _.A. to dress himselfB. get dressedC. to put onD. wear clothes18. The boy made faces _ other classmates _. A. make, laughB. to make, laughC. make, to laugh D. to make,

7、to laugh19. They _ in the beautiful music.A. forgot themselvesB. remembered himselfC. lost themselvesD. enjoyed herself20. Please dont keep me _ a long time.A. waitB. to waitingC. waitsD. waiting21. Lesson One is _ than Lesson Two.A. interesting B. much interestingC. more much interestingD. much mor

8、e interesting22. _ the book _ her arm, Miss Gao came into the classroom _ usual.A. With, under, likeB. With, under, as C. Carrying, in, withD. Has, in, as23. We find _ very important _ English well. A. /, learningB. it, to learnC. it, learningD. /, to learn24. I couldnt afford _ the suit at that mom

9、ent.A. buyB. buyingC. boughtD. to buy25. Study hard Ken, _ youll fall behind.A. soB. andC. orD. but四、完形填空(15分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Martin is an American boy. Hes eight 26 old. One evening, Jimmy, one of his classmates, came to his home with an expensive book in his hand. “Could you he

10、lp me 27 this maths problem? Jimmy said as soon as he came into the room. “Its too hard for 28 .” “Let me 29 ,” Martin said. “I hope it isnt hard for me.” Martin tried his best but he couldnt work it out, either. “ 30 we had a small computer, all the problems would be easy enough for us to do,” Jimm

11、y said. “A small computer” Martin thought for a minute, and then he said, “Ive got a(n) 31 . We can buy one in a shop!” “A computer is very 32 , and we dont have enough money.” “Thats OK,” said Martin. “We can ask the new president(总统) for some money. He said he would help anyone in trouble. I 33 he

12、 will help us. He is very 34 , you know.” So they 35 to write a letter to the new president. Soon they finished the letter and hurried to the 36 office. In front of the office stood a small box. They 37 the letter into the box 38 and went home happily. The next morning, they passed the post office o

13、n their way to school. They found, to their 39 , the box was not a post-box, 40 a trash can(垃圾箱).26. A. yearsB. daysC. monthsD. weeks27. A. out B. to C. with D. by 28. A. youB. her C. meD. them29. A. have B. try C. do D. make 30. A. If B. When C. WhyD. Since31. A. money B. one C. shop D. idea 32. A. expensive B. cheap C. big D. useful33. A. know B. understand C. think D. want34. A. short B. fat C. poor D. kind35. A. hadB. tookC. learnedD. decided36. A. post B. police C. bank D. teachers 37. A. brought B. dropped C. took D. moved38. A. well B. beautifully C. carefully D. slowly39. A. happ


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