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1、六年级上英语期中考试题一、A.把下列单词所缺字母补充完整并写出汉语意思。1.c( )llect _ 2. h( )bby _3.stam( ) _ 4.s( )und _5.kilo( ) eat _ 6. ra( )e _7. spec( )al _8.restaura( )t _9. bic( )cle _10.festi( )al _B.写出下列单词的适当形式1.hobby(复数 ) _ 2.these (反义词)_ 3.run(动名词 )_ 4.we (宾格 )_ 5.French(所属国家)_二、A.选词填空。1. Many _ (child, children) like play

2、ing with snow.3. _( There, Their ) are some pens.4. I cant _ ( sea, see ) the trees. 5. This year she is _ ( four, for ) years old.6. The student is _ ( reading, reads ) the book. 7.-Can you tell_(me/we)more about American festivals?8.-Excuse _(me/mine).Is this your bag?-Yes,it is.9.We say thank you

3、 for _(our /we)food, family and friends.10._(We/our) always have a special meal.B填写答案的序号A. has got Bhave got Cthere are Dthere is ( )1. _ some beautiful squares in Dalian .( )2. _ a book and a pen on her desk .( )3. They _ a lovely dog.( )4. She _ some photos.( )5. The desk _ four legs三、英汉互译。1.tell

4、me more _ 2.in the east of China _3.Chinese shops _ 4.the West Lake _5.我的中国笔友 _ 6.去唐人街 _7. 6700公里 _ 8.一封来自你妈妈的信_9. 发一封电子邮件 _ 10. 元宵节_11. 思念中国_ 12. the Tianan men square _13.成为我的笔友_ 14. by bike_ 15. 在加拿大的唐人街_ 四连词成句1.you ,pen, friend, can ,my, Chinese ,be 2.you ,tell, can ,about me, festivals, America

5、n ,more3.are, some, from, Canada, stamps, these4.are, lots there, Chinese, of, restaurant5.is, it, long, how五读一读,连一连Dragon Boat Festival 元宵节Lantern Festival 端午节Thanksgiving 感恩节Sping Festival 中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival 春节六、单项选择。( )1.-Where is Beijing ? -Its in the _ of China.A. north B. south C. west ( )

6、2. Does Daming like pears? A. Yes, he likes. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does.( )3. We are China. A. from B. to C. at ( )4.There are _ here. A. a cat B. many trees C.dog( )5. Can you _ English.A.speak B.say C.tell( )6. _ a big map of ChinaA .How B. Where C. What( )7.This is the Great Wall. Its long

7、 and _A.strong B.high C. small( )8.There are _ Chinese shops in Chinatown A. lots of B.a lot C. a bit( )9.There arent _ computers in the lab. A.any B.some C. much( )10He can play_ violin A. a B. The C. 不填七.用所给动词的适当形式填空.1.Daming _ ( visit ) America now . 2. _( tell ) me more about the Great Wall .3.C

8、hina and Japan _ ( be ) in the east and Mexico_ ( be )in the south.4. Do you _ ( miss ) your China ? Sometimes.5. We _ (go) to Chinatown tomorrow6. They _ ( collect ) lots of great stamps last year .7. Girls like _ ( dance ) and_ ( play ) football .8. Lets _ ( go ) to Chinatown now .9.She _ ( have)

9、got five orange .10.We can _ ( play) football.八选择合适的答语( )1.Whose T-shirt is it ? A . He went to London( )2.Did you play football yesterday ? B. No .We didnt( )3.Where did Sam go ? C. Its Linglings( )4.What did you see ? D.Tom wants to wear my coat( )5.Whats the matter ? E.We saw some big mountais九.阅

10、读理解I am a Chinese boy. My name is Zhang Jia . Im a primary student. I have a good friend in school. He is Shi Jie. We are in the same class. My birthday is in October. His birthday is in October, too. Miss Zhang is our English teacher. We like her and she likes us. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F) ( ) 1. I am a primary student. ( ) 2. My good friend is Li Lingling. ( ) 3. Zhang Jia and Shi Jie are in the same class. ( ) 4. Miss Zhang is our Chinese teacher.( ) 5. Zhang Jie is a Chinese girl.十.写作以My favourite festival为题写写自己喜欢的节日(不少于5句话)评分标准:一(10分)二.(15分)三.(15分)四.(5分)五.(10分)六.(20分)七(10分)八.(5分)九.(5分)十.(5分)答案略


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