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1、一般过去时知识点讲解(一)一、含义:指已经发生过的动作或事件,至今为止这个动作或事件已经停止。She _(be)not at home last night.她昨晚八点没在家。I _(go)to school at 7:00 yesterday morning.我昨天早晨七点去上学。二、四种时间状语 yesterday及相关短语。例如:yesterday morning/afternoon/evening 昨天上午/下午/晚上。 “last+ 时间状语”构成的短语。例如:last night/month/spring/year 昨晚/上个月/去年春天/去年。 “一段时间+ago”组成的短语。例

2、如:three days ago 三天以前 four years ago四年以前。 “介词+ 时间名词”组成的短语。例如:in 1999 在1999年;on the morning of December 25th 在12月25号早上。选择题( )1.Her hair short and her eyes big.A.was ;were B.were;was C. were; were( )2.We to the Great Wall yesterday.A. go B. went C.goes( )3.What did you for breakfast this morning?A. ha

3、ve B. has C.had( )4.I had some and for breakfast.A.bread;milk B. breads;milks C. breads;milk( )5.What did you do on your holiday? I .A.bought a present B.goes skiing C.learning English( )6.Sandy often his homework on Sundays.A.do B.does C.did用所给的词的适当形式填空1.He (visit)the Great Wall last year.2. he (fl

4、y)a kite last Sunday? Yes, he .3.In China, people like (eat) dumplings.4.Kitty (not go) to school yesterday.5.Lily (want)to go to school in 2001.一般过去时知识点讲解(二)动词的过去式:1) be动词的过去式:am / iswas, arewere用 “am , is , was”填空1. I _ a teacher now. But ten years ago I _ a student.2. He _ a little boy five years

5、 ago.3. Where _ it last Sunday?4. She _ at school yesterday.2) 行为动词过去式的“规则”变化: 一般动词,在词尾直接加ed,如:looklooked, workworked以不发音的e结尾的动词,直接加d,如:likeliked, livelived 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词,变y为i,再加ed,如:studystudied, crycried 双写末尾字母,再加ed,如:stopstopped, plan(计划)planned, shopshopped3) 行为动词过去式的“不规则”变化:而不规则动词的过去式则需认真下工夫去记了,

6、例如:go-went; come-came; buy-bought等。写出下列单词的过去式1. walk _ 2. can_ 3. like_ 4. sing_5. love_ 6. play _ 7. are_ 8. am _9. fly_ 10. swim _11. visit _ 12. is _选择( )1. Alice often play the piano. No,she .A. are listening B.Does,does C.Does,doesnt( )2.Danny breakfast five times last week.A.ate B.eat C.eated(

7、 )3.Im going to some chopsticks Sunday afternoon.A.bought,on B.buy,on C.buy,in( )4.He a race with Ming Mingtwodays ago.A.to have B.had C.going to have( )5.Ben born in 2011 in Shanghai.A. is B.are C.was D. were一般过去时知识点讲解(三)四种句式 肯定句式 “主语+was/were+其它” Mike wasa teacher two years ago.“主语+情态动词的过去式+其它” Th

8、e teacher could not sing then.“主语+行为动词的过去式+其它” They went to the park just now. 否定句式 “主语 +wasnt/weren/t +其它” Mikes brother was nota teacher two years ago.“主语+情态动词+not+动词原形+其它” The Greeens could not sing then.“主语+didnt+动词原形+其它” A catate a fish last night. 一般疑问句式 “Was/Were+主语+其它?”来 Were there some peop

9、le in the room?“情态动词过去式+主语+动词原形+其它?”来 Could a kite fly?“Did+主语+动词原形+其它”来源:学#科#网Z# X#X#D Did a ladybird fly? 特殊疑问句式 “疑问词+Was/Were+主语+其它?” Whatwerein the room?“疑问词+情态动词过去式+主语+动词原形+其它?”来 来源 W:学Whatcould fly?“疑问词+did +主语+动词原形+其它?” What did a ladybird do?句型转换1.I go to the park.(用yesterday改写) 2.I went to

10、the Great Wall.(对画线部分提问) 3.Tom had some eggs for breakfast. (对画线部分提问) 4.There are some places to visit.(变否定句) 5.I watched TV last weekend.(变一般疑问句) 句型转换1.Mike was a worker then.(变成否定句)_(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)_(自己划线)_2.I played football yesterday.(变成否定句)_(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)_(自己划线)_3.There was a cat and two dogs t

11、hen.(变成否定句)_(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)_(自己划线)_4.I could read well.(变成否定句)_(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)_(自己划线)_回家练习阅读并判断,用T或F表示(一)Long long ago, there was a lion . He lived in the forest. There were some flowers in front of his house. One day, an old woman picked a flower. The lion was angry. He shouted at the old woman. The old woman was afraid.( ) 1. The lion lived near the forest.( ) 2. There were some flowers in front of the house.( ) 3. An old man picked a flower. ( ) 4. The lion was angry


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