人教新版六年级英语下册 Fun Time 1 Part 3 课时测评

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《人教新版六年级英语下册 Fun Time 1 Part 3 课时测评》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教新版六年级英语下册 Fun Time 1 Part 3 课时测评(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Fun Time 1Part 3语句应用练一、看图判断句子对()错()。(30分)1.2.3. 4.5.()1.Peking Man only ate plants.()2.Peking Man lived in the buildings.()3.Peking Man wore animal furs.()4.Apemen had stone balls as their toys.()5.Apemen ate birds, rabbits and plants.阅读理解练二、阅读短文,判断对()错()。(30分)Our teacher told us about some interest

2、ing animals.They are called dinosaurs.Dinosaurs lived millions of years ago.They were very big, tall and strong.Some of them could run and some could fly.Did all dinosaurs eat meat? No, they didnt.Some dinosaurs ate grass,plants and some ate meat.There are no more dinosaurs today.We can only see the

3、ir bones and pictures in the museums.()1.Dinosaurs all ate meat.()2.Dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago.()3.Dinosaurs were not very big.()4.Our teacher told us about dinosaurs.()5.We can see dinosaurs bones today.表达交流练三、小练笔。(40分)上网或去书店查阅有关中国名胜古迹、美丽风景的相关资料,将其用英语写下来。可以把相应的图片贴在下面的方框里。_答案一、二、三、略。


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