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1、六年级英语复习题一、复习冠词(一)复习指导1.冠词是一种虚词,一般放在名词前,用来说明名词所指的人或事物。2.英语的冠词a, an和the ,分为定冠词和不定冠词,a 和an 是不定冠词,the是定冠词。3.不定冠词a和an都用在单数名词的前面,用来表示某一种事物中的“一个”。a 用在以辅音开头的名词前, 如:a book , a ruler , a boy ,a girlan 用在以元音开头的名词前,如:an apple , an egg , an English book, an orange4.定冠词the 一般用来指某(些)人或某(些)事物,表示“这(些),那(些)”的意思。其用法如下

2、:1)复述上文所提及的人或事物如:I have a pen. The pen is in my pencil box.2)指双方都知道的人或事物如:Open the door ,please.3).表示世界上独一无二的事物如: the sky ,the sun, the moon4)在序数词前必须the如:Sunday is the first day of a week. Our classroom is on the sixth floor.5)在一些习惯用语中6)在乐器名称前要用the 如:play the piano如: in the morning, in the eveningpl

3、ay the violin5.不用冠词的情况:1). 专有名词,不可数名词前一般不用冠词如:Im from China. This is water.2)名词前如果有this,that,these ,those,my,your,his,her,our,their等词时,不再用冠词如:my mother, his bag3) 季节、月份、星期和节日名称前一般不用冠词如: in summer ,on Sunday, in June,Teachers Day4).球类运动,三餐饭 和学科等名词前不用冠词如:play football, eat breakfast, have English clas

4、s5)一些习惯用语不用冠词如: go home,go to school, at home,at school(二)练习题用a,an,the填空,不要填的写“/ ”。1. What does your father do ? Hes_ artist.2. Its_rainy day .W cant see _sun in the sky.3. Mike is _English boy.He is in _ China now.4. Is there _ river in _that city?5. My grandma has _cat and two dogs ._cat and _dog

5、are white.6. Rose is driving _car.It_new.7. He is from_USA.8. I have _apple.Its_big red one.9. There is_pen in _my hand.10. I like playing_violin.Amy likesplaying_football.11. Tom goes to school at seven in _morning.12. September is _ninth month of _year.二、复习名词英语名词分可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词单数必须有冠词如a book,或有代词

6、my bag,或是一个惯用词组。可数名词有单数和复数的词形变化。英语名词的可数或不可数一般不同于我们汉语的概念和习惯,不可数名词永远只能当单数处理,没有复数形式,不能直接和a和an 或与数词连用。专有名词是指表示人物、地方、事物等的特有名词,如Tom,China,专有名词第一字母要大写。1、 常见的不可数名词有 bread, rice, water, milk, juice,等等。2、 可数名词变复数名词有几种规则:A、 一般的直接在词尾加”s” 如 book -books, boy-boysB、 以s,o,x,sh,ch等结尾的直接在词尾加 “es”,如 box-boxes, dress-d

7、resses dishdishes, peach-peaches ,tomato-tomatoes, potatopotatoes , 注意:photo(相片)-photos ,radio(收录机)-radiosC、以辅音+y结尾的,把y 改i,再加es,如:baby-babies D、以f或fe结尾的,把f或fe改v,再加es.如:knife(小刀)-knives leaf(树叶)-leavesE、sheep(绵羊)单复数形式相同,一定要注意啊!sheep-sheep 不能加s.F、常见不规则变化的名词有:man-men ,woman-women, goose-geese ,foot-fee

8、t tooth-teeth, child(小孩)-children3.名词所有格 表示所有关系,单数名词所有格一般在名词后加s, 复数名词的多数加.如 Toms mother Teachers Day注意:在单数句变复数句或者复数句变单数句时 , 一些代词或助动词的相应变化要熟记 如: this-these that-those I-we he/she/it-they has-have am/is-are练习题一、 写出下列名词复数形式。girl- boy- student- doctor-sheep- city - foot- knife-woman- singer- child- phot

9、o-tomato- peach- monkey- man-二、 写出下列各词的单数形式。 Potatoes- doctors- eggs- policemen-Pencils- sheep- geese- peaches- accountants- shirts- child- knives- 三、 把下列单数句变复数句。1.This is a kite. 2.I am a student. 3.There is a tomato on the desk._ _ _4.what is that ? It is a chair . 5.Is this your book? Yes, it is._ _四、把下列复数句变单数句。1.There are rulers in the box. 2.What are these? They are sheep.


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