六年级上册英语教案unit 2 lesson 9人教精通

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1、Unit 2 Whats your hobby Lesson 9 教案1教学目标 知识目标:Words: fish, plant, flower, drink, teaPhrases: family photo(s), plant flowers, drink teaSentences: Whats your _s hobby? His / Her hobby is_.能力目标:熟练掌握本课所学重点句型,并能简单介绍他人的爱好。情感目标:培养良好的爱好,使自己成为一个爱好广泛的人。2学情分析 在平日的学习中,由于各种原因,经常会遇到各个学生学习进步程度不同的情况,久而久之,便会出现优生与后进生

2、的参差不齐的现象,。针对这种情况,首先找出这类学生后进的原因,一方面鼓励他们认真努力学习,另一方面在课堂中经常性地让其发言,回答问题,纠正其不足。而且带动其他学生,采取小组内众帮一的形式,互相帮助,互相学习,并进行有效的学习活动,力求使每一个学生都能以积极的态度面对英语的学习来源:学+科+网Z+X+X+K来源:学_科_网Z_X_X_K3重点难点 Let the students to learn how to ask and introduce others hobbies.4教学过程 活动1【导入】. Warmingup: 来源:Z.xx.k.Com1、Review the last les

3、son. Read the text in pairs.2、Show the topic.3、Check the preview. Check the words and phrases.4. Play games to practice the words and phrases.活动2【讲授】.Presentation: 1、Look at the screen and ask: Who are they? (Gao Wei and Jim.) What are they doing? (Theyre looking at the family photos.) Then watch th

4、e cartoon. After that, help the students to answer: Theyre talking about their family hobbies.来源:学科网ZXXK2、Work in groups.Read the dialog, find out the people and their hobbies and fill in the blanksPeopleHobbiesJims grandpafishing来源:Z。xx。k.Com3、Ask and answer the important patterns.Whats your _s hob

5、by? His / Her hobby is_.Practice in pairs.4、Practice reading the dialog in different ways.活动3【练习】.Practice: 1.Work in pairs, then act it out.2.Take out your family photo and introduce your familys hobby.活动4【测试】.Summingup: 1. Go over what we have learn today.2. Test活动5【作业】V. Homework: Lets interview: Ask two classmates about their parents hobbies and make notes


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