牛津译林版高中英语必修二Unit1 Tales of the unexplained--Reading课件精品PPT

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1、UnitoneTalesoftheunexplained Reading Module2 Boymissing policepuzzled Aboyismissing andthepolicearepuzzled Title Whywastheboymissing Imagination Whereorhowwasthemissingboy leavinghomekidnapping 绑架 murder 谋杀 drowning 溺水 beingtakenawaybyaliens Listentothepassageandthenanswerthefollowingquestions Whati

2、sthearticleabout Whoismissing DothepoliceknowwhathappenedtoJustin Thearticleisaboutamissingboy UFOsandaliens JustinFosterismissing No theydon t Readindetail Paragraph1 Findthefollowing When Where Who What twodaysago Dover NewHampshire a15 year oldboy wentmissing MainIdea Languagepointsinparagraph1 1

3、 stepup line1 加快 加速e g WhenJackfoundthathewasgoingtobelate hesteppeduphispace 杰克发现他就要迟到了 他加快了脚步 Thefactoryhassteppedupitsoutputofcars 工厂加快了汽车生产 stepforward走上前来 跨前一步stepback 由于吃惊 后退一步stepbystep一步步地outofstep合不上步子takesteps astep 采取措施 走 一步 2 wentmissing line3 go为联系动词 变为 go adj Hishairhas 变得花白 overtheyea

4、rs Wecan tletthechild 挨饿 She 发疯 whenshefoundoutthatshehadfailedtheexam gohungry wentcrazy gonegrey white 3 dueto line6 e g Hearrivedlateduetothestorm 由于暴风雨 他迟到了 becauseof causedby 由于 因为 Readparagraph2andanswerthefollowingquestionsMainIdea JustinFosterwentmissing1 WhydidJustin mothergotobedearly Just

5、in smotherwenttobedearlybecauseofaheadache 2 WhatdidMrs Fosterthink Mrs Fosterthought Justinwasspendingthenightwithafriend 3 WhatwasMr Fostersurprisedat Mr Fosterwassurprisedthathissondidnottellanyonethathewasstayingoutlate 4 DidJustinshowup 出现 atthefamilylunchnextday No hedidn t showup出现 出席 到场e g H

6、ewasinvited butdidn tshowup 他受到了邀请 但是没有到场 showoff炫耀 JustinFoster At8p m At10 45p m Atabout11p m Readparagraph3 4 filltheblanksbelow Whatdidkelly Justin ssisterhear KellyheardJustinputon 播放 hisfavoriteCD lefthometoplaybaseball walkedtowardshishome returnedhome puton 1 打开 电灯等 播放 turnon 2 穿上 戴上e g 今天非常

7、冷 你最好穿件外套 It sverycoldtoday you dbetterputonacoat 3 上演 展出e g Theseniorclassputonadance 高年级表演了舞蹈 Paragraph5 7 Strangeobject UFO itscolour itsinside hadmulti coloured 五颜六色的 lightsaroundit stoodwhite skinned strange lookingcreatureswithlargeblackeyes 1 Whoelsehasbeentakenbythealiens 外星人 MavisWood 2 Who

8、isinchargeofthecase DetectiveSamPeterson Languagepointsinparagraph6and7 1 doresearchon paragraph6 line64 对 进行研究2 ruleout paragraph7 line73 排除 可能性 e g Ican truleoutthepossibilityoftrouble 我不能排除遇到麻烦的可能性 3 lookinto line75 调查 检查 了解e g We lllookintothemattertogether 我们将一起调查这件事 I vebeenlookingintothatthis

9、afternoon 今天下午我一直在了解那件事 4 makeup line76 编造 捏造e g Unclemadeupaveryinterestingstoryforthechildren 大叔给孩子们编了一个很有趣的故事 Hedidn thaveagoodexcuseforbeinglate sohemadeoneup 因为没有迟到的的理由 他就编了一个 4 takecharge of line78 负责 处理某事或照顾某人 接管e g Whowilltakechargeofalltheplansoftheparty 谁将负责所有的晚会计划 inchargeof负责 某事 inthechargeofsb由某人负责 管理 Homework 1 Supposeyouareapoliceman whatwillyoudotohelpthemissingboy 2 Retellthestory Goodbye Thanksforyourattention


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