五年级上册英语课件U6 At the weekend(第2课时)教科版(广州)

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《五年级上册英语课件U6 At the weekend(第2课时)教科版(广州)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级上册英语课件U6 At the weekend(第2课时)教科版(广州)(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、U5WhereisBen 第2课时 义务教育广州版小学英语教材MODULE3DAILYLIFE 2020 2 9 本课内容 Does 的巩固练习 第三人称陈述句的巩固练习 部分Funwithlanguage练习 Freetalk Ioftengetupat7 00 Doyougetupat7 00 too Whattimedoyougetup Doesyourfathergetupat7 00 Whatisyourdailylifelike Whataboutyourfamilyandfriends DoestheyoungmanteachChinese No hedoesn t Yes he

2、does 问答练习进行后可以让学生陈述 Theyoungmanteachesmaths 以下同 Doesheenjoyskating No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Doesheenjoyskating No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Doesheworkintheevening No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Doestheoldladywithwhitehairhaveabigfamily No shedoesn t Yes shedoes Doeshekeepa No hedoesn t Yes hedoes Doeshesometimer

3、eadinthe No hedoesn t Yes hedoes 让学生自己完成问句 老师回答 可以给学生提示 itisaroomathome Doesshehavebreakfastwith No shedoesn t Yes shedoes 从这里开始让学生自己完成问句 老师回答 可以给学生提示 itissomeone IamBen Iamaschoolboy OnweekdaysIgetupat6 00 Idosomereadingandhavebreakfastfrom6 30to7 30 From7 00to12 00Ihavelessonsatschool Ilikemusicbe

4、st Itismyfavouritesubject Ioftenplaymusicintheclassroom Ihavelunchat12 00 At1 00Igotosleepatschool ItakeexerciseandplaysportwithmyfriendTomafterschool EverynightIdosomereadingateight Igotobedat10 00 DoesBengetupat7 00 DoesBendosomereadinginthemorning DoesBenlikeChinese DoesBen Yes hedoes No hedoesn

5、t Benisaschoolboy Whatdoeshedoonweekdays IamBen Iamaschoolboy OnweekdaysIgetupat6 00 Idosomereadingandhavebreakfastfrom6 30to7 30 From7 00to12 00Ihavelessonsatschool Ilikemusicbest Itismyfavouritesubject Ioftenplaymusicintheclassroom Ihavelunchat12 00 At1 00Ihavearest 休息 atschool Itakeexerciseandpla

6、ysportswithmyfriendsafterschool EverynightIdosomereadingateight Igotobedat10 00 Benisa He at6 00 He and from6 30to7 00 He musicbest Heoften intheclassroom At12 00he Intheafternoonheoften and withhisfriendsafterschool He at8 00and at10 00 Ben sfatherisaworker Hegetsupat7 00 Whatdoeshedoonweekdays Doe

7、shealwaysgetupat7 30onweekdays Whattimedoeshegetup Whatdoeshedoat8 00pmonMonday Whatdoehedoon WhatisBen sfather sdailylifelike Ben smotherRoseisapolicewoman Shestopsbadpeople Shekeepsadog Shealwayswalksherdoginthemorning Sheworkshard Sheusuallygoestoworkonweekdays Butsometimesshegoestoworkattheweeke

8、nd 周末 orduringholidays Usuallyshegetsbackhomeat6 00 Whensheisbusy 忙 sheworksfor12hoursandgetshomeat12pm ShelikeslisteningtomusicandsheneverwatchesTVonweekdays Ben smotheralways Sheusually Shesometimes Shenever Heusually gamesafterclass He computergamesinthecomputerroomnow swimmingpool Heusually mode

9、lplaneswhenheisfree Theboy modelplanesintheclassroomnow makes ismaking Doeshe she inthe Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t Sheusually cartoonswhensheisfree Thegirl acartoonmouseintheartroomnow draws isdrawing plays isplaying WhataboutBen sfriends shegetsupveryearly 早 Shegoestoworkat4 00 Shegoestoworkbe

10、forepeoplegotowork Sheworkshard Shemakesthestreet 街道 clean Hernameis Sheisa Shegetsupat7 00 Shegoestoworkat7 30 Sheworksveryhard Sheworksfrom8 00to5 00 Shegoestobedat10 00 Shehelpschildrenlearn Sheisa Hernameis Hegetsupat7 00too Hegoestoworkat7 30 Heworkshard Heworkslate 晚 atnight Sometimehedoesn tg

11、obackhometill 直到 1 00atnight Hisnameis Heisa Sandy Sam Mary Rob Hecleanstheroomat6 00 Heteachesthechildreninthemorning Hetakescareof 照顾 sickpeopleintheafternoon Heworkshard Hedoesn tgotobed Hisnameis Heisa Whatabouttheotherpeople Whatistheirdailylifelike Talkaboutyourlifeonweekdays Iam Iamaschool bo

12、y girl Mymotherisa Inthemorning I getupat Andmymother getsupat Intheafternoon I gobackhomeat Andmymother at EveryeveningI domyhomeworkat Mymother at 部分可以替换为always usually等Mother可以替换为father或者朋友 Quiz He istalking talks withhisfriendsnow She play plays thepianoafterschool Look they swim areswimming At9

13、 00 Samusually goes isgoing running Herhobbyis skip skipping Tomoften reads isreading booksatnight Butnowhe watches iswatching TV Benoften play plays computergamesafterschool Look Janet isreading reads inthebedroomJiaminusually does isdoing hishomeworkatnight Look He does isdoing it What do does Xia

14、olingoftendoafterschool homework swimmingpool Doeshe she inthe Yes he shedoes No he shedoesn t Heusually afterschool He intheplaygroundnow runs isrunning do does draw draws run runs play plays draw draws make makes s es Whatdotheyusuallydo Ben sfatherisaworker Hegetsupat7 00 Heusuallygoestoworkat7 3

15、0 AfterworkhecooksabigdinnerforBen Atnight heandBensometimesgoforawalkinthepark HeneverwatchesTV HelikestoseeafilmwithBenonFridaynight Theyarehappy Ben sfatherisaworker Healwaysgoestoworkat7 30 Benandfathergoforawalkinthemorning TheyliketoseeafilmonFridaynight T F F T WhatisBen sfather sdailylifelik

16、e AnunusualdayofYaya 目的 WhatdoesYayaoftendoat9 00 Whatisshedoingnow Butnow Sheoftenplaysbasketball Sheisdoingkungfu WhatdoesYayaoftendoat12 00 Whatisshedoingnow Butnow Sheoftendoeskungfu Sheisswimming WhatdoesYayaoftendoat2 00 Whatisshedoingnow Andnow Sheoftendoesthelongjump Sheisdoingthelongjump Yayausually at Butnow Anunusualday usually at Andnowhe she Lily Mary Sam Yoyo usually at Butnowhe she Yoyo playsballgames Sam goesshopping 9 00 isreading 9 00 isplayingballgames anicedayinthepark usuall


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