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1、2019 年下学期教学质量检测试卷 高二英语 说明院 本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷两个部分袁 请将答案填涂在答题卷上袁 考试结 束后只交答题卷遥 高 二 年 级 英 语 试 卷 第 1 页渊共12 页冤 第一部分院听力渊共两节袁满分 30 分冤 第一节 渊共 5 小题曰每小题 1 5 分袁满分 7 5 分冤 请 听 下 面 5 段 对 话 袁选 出 最 佳 选 项 遥 1 What did the man buy for Edward A A shirt B A sweater C Gloves 2 What will the weather be like this morning A Stor

2、my B Cloudy C Sunny 3 Who is the woman probably A TAB s operator B Mr Wood s neighbor C Jack s assistant 4 How will the speakers probably get to the village A By train B On foot C By car 5 Where does the woman suggest going at last A The park B The tea house C The cafe 第二节 渊共 15 小题曰每小题 1 5 分袁满分 22 5

3、 分冤 请 听 下 面 5 段 对 话 或 独 白 袁选 出 最 佳 选 项 遥 请 听 第 6 段 材 料 袁回 答 第 6尧7 题遥 6 What food will the man have A Hunan food B Sichuan food C Zhejiang food 7 What will the man do next A Drink some water B Order the meal C Change a table 请 听 第 7 段 材 料 袁回 答 第 8尧9 题遥 8 How does the man do the research A By making p

4、hones B By conducting interviews C By collecting written answers 高 二 年 级 英 语 试 卷 第 2 页渊共12页冤 9 Which group has the man researched A The middle aged B College students C Teenagers 请 听 第 8 段 材 料 袁回 答 第 10 至12 题遥 10 Which subject did the man do the best A History B Geography C Math 11 What does the man

5、 think is most important for getting the job A A logical mind B Skills in math C Team spirit 12 When will the man know whether he can get the job A Two weeks later B Ten days later C One week later 请 听 第 9 段 材 料 袁回 答 第 13 至16 题遥 13 How far did the man walk every day in the mountains in Nepal A About

6、 10 km B About 15 km C About 20 km 14 Why did the man feel anxious and depressed A He was poor at climbing up and down B He had difficulty breathing sometimes C He was often left behind by others 15 What did the man rarely eat during the trip A Meat B Rice C Vegetables 16 What did the man enjoy most

7、 about the trip A Taking pictures B Sitting in the sun C Walking in the countryside 请 听 第 10 段 材 料 袁回 答 第 17 至20 题遥 17 Who are the most probable audience A Possible customers B New customers C Regular customers 18 What do we know about the dance classes钥 A They are for learners of all levels B They

8、have six experienced coaches C They started three years ago 19 Why is the cafe popular with the customers A Because of the location B Because of different drinks C Because of the prices 20 What will the speaker continue to talk about A Types of dance classes B Members rights and duties C Prices for

9、members 高 二 年 级 英 语 试 卷 第 3 页渊共12页冤 第二部分院阅读理解渊共两节袁满分 35 分冤 第一节 渊共 10 小题曰每小题 2 5 分袁满分 25 分冤 阅 读 下 面 短 文 袁从 每 小 题 所 给 的 四 个 选 项 渊A尧B尧C 和D冤中袁选 出 正 确 答 案 遥 A A few years ago Adina Lichtman was handing out sandwiches on the streets of New York City to help people experiencing homelessness One man gratefu

10、l for the sandwich approached her and offered a surprising idea 野It s great that you re giving out sandwiches 冶 he said 野but one thing we really need is socks especially as winter approaches 冶 野Here I was sandwiches in hand thinking I knew the best way to help people 冶 Lichtman said 野It was a powerf

11、ul lesson and I wanted to put it into action 冶 She began that night with a simple step going door to door on the floor of her dormitory at New York University asking her classmates if they could each just donate 捐 赠 just one pair of their own socks to someone experiencing homelessness She got 40 pai

12、rs of socks in a single night from a single floor The next morning she opened her door to find a lot of socks that other people had donated That morning officially kicked off Knock Knock Give a Sock KKGS a new nonprofit 非 营 利 的 organization that has now provided over 350 000 pairs of socks to the ho

13、meless across America To date over 50 colleges and high schools across the US have joined KKGS over the years 野While many people donate clothing 9 out of every 10 clothing donors have never donated socks On top of that people who are trying to donate socks often find it difficult to donate used sock

14、s 冶 she says 野KKGS is one of the only organizations that collects used socks We have volunteers knocking on doors of their classmates in school of their workmates at work and even of their neighbors 冶 But whether you re 26 or 62 you don t need to wait to organize your own sock drive collect socks or

15、 even wash and clean some of your own to donate to your local shelter or someone in need who you meet on the street 高 二 年 级 英 语 试 卷 第 4 页渊共12页冤 21 How did the homeless man s words affect Lichtman A They caused her to start KKGS B They pushed her to go to college C They encouraged her to house the ho

16、meless D They made her continue to give out sandwiches 22 How did Lichtman s classmates react to her request for donation A Some refused it politely B They strongly supported it C Some felt quite surprised by it D They considered it unreasonable 23 What advice does the author offer to people A Take action in small ways B Start your own organization C Make donations from an early age D Find creative ways to help people B It is rightly said that one can share any secret with a true friend He may k


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