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1、2015年中学教师资格考试英语复习资料(一)优仕达教育形容词和副词专练1. All of us believe that a great many leaders from other countries will be _ at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympics.A. present B. necessary C. enjoyable D. important2. Im always very _ when I am asked to recite the text in classA. curious B. nervous C. myste

2、rious D. conscious3. Programs on the earthquake were broadcast _ 24 hours a day on television in those days.A. alive B. living C. live D. lively4. Id be _ if you could give me an early reply.A. worried B. grateful C. satisfied D. helpful5. Those MP3 players are usually 35 each, but today they have a

3、 _ price of 19.A. regular B. particular C. normal D. special 6. Im surprised that you should have been fooled by such a _ trick.A. friendly B. difficult C. skillful D. simple7. He is such an important person that you should talk in a(n) _ way.A. proper B. usual C. casual D. exact8. Whats the _ popul

4、ation of this province?Over ten million.A. total B. full C. complete D. all9. Cold as it was, the trip was _ and people were enjoying themselves.A. different B. pleasant C. amused D. pleased10. In general, the amount that a student spends on housing should be held to one-fifth of the living expenses

5、 _. A. acceptable B. advisable C. available D. applicable 11. Being taught in a small group is far _ to being in a large, noisy classroom. A. adaptable B. beneficial C. preferable D. influential12. Young people are not _ to stand and look at sports; they want sports they can participate in.A. enthus

6、iastic B. content C. confident D. energetic13. The new research team was led by the _ engineer.A. main B. major C. chief D. super14. She looks very _ but I cant remember her name.A. memorable B. forgetful C. similar D. familiar 15. Im afraid I must seem very _ compared with all those interesting peo

7、ple you meet.A. dull B. bored C. tired D. annoyed16. Are you content with the information she offered?Not at all. It couldnt have been _. A. worse B. bad C. better D. good17. John told me that _ nothing important had ever happened when he was on holiday.A. seldom B. rarely C. nearly D. almost18. Do

8、you think he is clever?Im afraid hes _ than clever. A. more diligent B. diligent C. much diligent D. most diligent19. Exercise is _ as diet to build up a strong body. A. so a useful way B. as a useful way C. as useful a way D. such useful a way20. Im pleased to say that Ive already finished _ 60% of

9、 the work in these three days. A. no more than B. no less than C. not more than D. much less than形容词和副词专练参考答案: 1-5 ABCBD 6-10 DAABC 11-15 CBCDA 16-20 ADACB动词及短语动词专练1. All the people should _ to help those suffering the earthquake.A. unite B. connect C. combine D. add2. Over the past thirty-two years

10、, Tangshan has _ a series of great changes in its city image and economy.A. found B. appeared C. seen D. looked3. Hello, may I speak to one of your reporters?Sorry, all of them have gone to _ the games of the Olympics.A. set B. meet C. cover D. serve4. Today in China many young people _ important po

11、sitions in the government.A. seize B. catch C. grasp D. hold5. Early this year cruel snowstorms hit southern China, _ great transportation problems in some areas.A. leading B. causing C. resulting D. creating6. How about having some fried chicken?Oh, no. It _ lots of fat.A. remains B. contains C. ke

12、eps D. includes7. Do you think John is coming to attend the lecture?Sure. I have _ him to.A. advised B. suggested C. persuaded D. supposed 8. Youd better wash the shirt in cold water, or the colour will _.A. lose B. run C. reduce D. die9. Good morning, sir. Can I help you?Id like a barbecue together

13、 with an orange juice. How much do you _?A. charge B. sell C. pay D. afford10. Little Tom, you have to _ your manners at your uncles or I wont take you there.A. watch B. notice C. care D. mind 11. I dont like the paintings. They dont _ well with the walls of the room.A. fit B. suit C. go D. match12. It _ to me that if I had continue


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