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1、小学英语(PEP教材)四年级下学期期末练习题Name_ Class_ Mark_ 听力部分一、Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的单词) ( ) 1. A. warm B. wear C. weather( ) 2. A. pants B. shorts C. jeans( ) 3. A. rainy B. snowy C. windy( ) 4. A. second B. scarf C. sweater( ) 5. A. tomato B. potato C. carrot二、Listen and number. (听录音,给下列图片排序)三、Listen and

2、 choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的句子,将序号填在括号里)( ) 1. A. The music room is on the second floor. B. The music room is on the first floor.( ) 2. A. Its time to go home. B. Its time to go to school.( ) 3. A. Its rainy and windy in Beijing. B. Its rainy and cold in Beijing.( ) 4. A. These tomatoes are twenty-five yua

3、n. B. These potatoes are twenty-three yuan.( ) 5. A. Whose dress is this? B. Whose jacket is this?四、Listen and choose.(听短文,选择正确的答案)( ) 1. Its _ now. A. 11 oclock B. 12 oclock( ) 2. Sarah has _ for lunch. A. rice, beef and tomatoes B. rice, beef and potatoes( ) 3. Its _ today. A. cool B. cold( ) 4. S

4、arahs new sweater is _. A. nice and expensive B. orange and cheap( ) 5. Does Sarah like her sweater? A. Yes. B. No.笔 试 部 分一、Read and choose.(找出每组中不同类的单词,将序号填在括号里)( ) 1. A. forty B. playground C. library( ) 2. A. bed B. red C. yellow( ) 3. A. cloudy B. windy C. snow( ) 4. A. hat B. sock C. expensive(

5、 ) 5. A. sheep B. hen C. potato二、Read and choose.(根据汉语提示,选择填空)1. 水 wat_ _ A. or B. ar C. er2. 护士 n_ _se A. er B. ur C. ar3. 胳膊 _ _m A. ar B. ir C. or4. 马 h_ _se A. ar B. or C. ur5. 桌子tab_ _ A. le B. la C. li三、Read and choose. (选择填空)( ) 1. -_ is the art room? -Its next to Classroom 2. A. What B. Wher

6、e C. How( ) 2. -What time is it now? -Its _. A. three clocks B. three oclock C. three oclocks( ) 3. Its time _ go to school. A. to B. for C. with ( ) 4. -Can I go outside now? -_. A. Yes, you do B. No, I dont C. No, you cant( ) 5. -Whats the weather like today? -Its _. A. sun B. suny C. sunny ( ) 6.

7、 -Whose pants are these? -_.A. Its Sarahs B. Theyre Mikes C. Yes, they are Johns( ) 7. -_ do you like this book? -Its very good.A. What B. Where C. How( ) 8. -_ -Yes, I want some tomatoes.A. Good morning. B. Can you help me? C. Can I help you?( ) 9. -Are those Amys pants? -_. A. Yes, they are B. Yes

8、, those are C. Yes, it is( ) 10. -_ are these socks? - They are 5. A. What B. How many C. How much 四、Read and order.(连词组句)1. time English Its class for .2. is computer That new my .3. is coat What your colour ? .4. your They sunglasses are fathers .5. I Can on them try ?五、Read and choose. (为下列句子选择合适

9、的答语,把序号填在括号里)( ) 1. Is it cold in London? ( ) 2. Whose books are these? ( ) 3. What colour is your coat? ( ) 4. What are those? ( ) 5. Do you have sunglasses? A. Its yellow.B. No, I dont.C. Yes, it is.D. Theyre my sisters.E. Theyre goats.六、Read, tick or cross. (阅读理解,判断正误).Dear Grandpa,How are you? I

10、m Sarah. Im in Shanghai now. Its very hot and sunny here. I can wear my new T-shirt. My old hat is too small. I want to buy a new one. But its too expensive. Its fifty yuan. Whats the weather like in New York? Is it hot?Love,Sarah( ) 1. Its sunny and cool in Shanghai.( ) 2. Sarah has a new T-shirt.

11、( ) 3. Sarahs old hat is fifty yuan. ( ) 4. The new hat is very cheap.( ) 5. Sarahs grandpa is in New York. 小学英语(PEP教材)四年级下学期期末练习题(2015.3)听力原文及答案一、Listen and choose (听录音,选择你所听到的单词) 1. wear2. pants3. windy4. scarf 5. tomato 答案:15 BACBA二、Listen and number (听录音,给下列图片排序)1. This is our art room. 2. Its t

12、ime for PE class. 3. Its windy today.4. Its seven ten now. 5. This is a nice skirt.答案:32154三、Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的句子,将序号填在括号里)1. The music room is on the first floor.2. Its time to go to school.3.Its rainy and windy in Beijing.4.These potatoes are twenty-three yuan.5. A. Whose dress is this?答案:15 BBABA四、Listen and choose.(听短文,选择正确的答案)Hello. Im Sarah. Its 12:00 now. Its time for lunch. I have rice, beef and potatoes for lunch


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