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1、实用文档交际英语试题及答案(1)1、- Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!- _ This is not the end of the world.A.Good luck.B.Cheer up.C.Go ahead.D.No problem.答案:B2、Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift.- _A.Never mindB.Im glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No, Its not so good.答案:B3、- Is it p

2、ossible for you to work late tonight?- _A.I like it.B.Ill do that.C.Id love to.D.I think so.答案:D4、Whats the problem with your bike?- _A.Not at all.B.Good, thank you.C.Nothing serious.D.Sure答案:C5、Would you like something to drink? What about a cup of tea?- _A.No, thanks.B.No, I wouldnt.C.Yes, I want.

3、D.Yes, I like.答案:A6、How can I get to the cinema?- _A.Its very far.B.Yes, there is a cinema near here.C.Its well known.D.Go down this street and turn left.答案:D7、What a beautiful dress you have on today!- _A.It is suitable for me.B.No, it isnt.C.You want to have one, too?D.Thank you.答案:D8、Let me intro

4、duce myself. Im Steward.- _A.What a pleasure.B.Pleased to meet you.C.I dont know.D.Thanks a lot.答案:B9、I didnt mean to do that. Please forgive me.- _A.Not too bad.B.Thats all right.C.Its a pleasure.D.Thank you.答案:B10、Are you going on holiday for a long time?- _A.It was a long time.B.Two weeks ago.C.N

5、o. Only a couple of days.D.Not long time ago.答案:C11、Is John there?- _A.Speaking.B.Im not Mary.C.Who are you?D.Mary is well today.答案:A12、Thank you for your invitation.- _A.It doesnt matter.B.Its a pleasure.C.Its a small thing.D.Ill appreciate it.答案:B13、Good morning, John. How are you doing?- _A.Im pl

6、eased.B.Good night.C.Not so bad. And you?D.How do you do?答案:C14、- Whats wrong with you, dear?- _A.I didnt go to school.B.I have a terrible headache.C.I took the kids shopping today.D.It is a beautiful dress.答案:B15、I think he is a good lecturer.- _A.Sorry, it doesnt matter.B.So do I.C.Yes. Its a good

7、 idea.D.I dont mind.答案:B16、What are you majoring in?- _A.In a university.B.Very hard.C.Mathematics.D.At nine in the morning.答案:C17、Whats the matter, John?- _A.I failed my French test.B.It doesnt matter.C.Nothings wrong with him.D.I dont think I can.答案:A18、Lets go to the library this afternoon.- _A.Y

8、es, thats right.B.No. I cant.C.What about you?D.Thats a good idea.答案:D19、How tall is your sister?- _A.She is not very well.B.She is 28 years old.C.She is very nice.D.She is as tall as I am.答案:D20、What do you think of this novel?- _A.Ive read it.B.Its well-written.C.It was written by my uncle.D.I bou

9、ght it yesterday.答案:B21、Good morning, may I speak to Mark, please?- _A.Whos there?B.Whos that speaking?C.Who are you?D.Who wants to speak to Mark?答案:B22、What does Toms wife do for a living?- _A.She is a doctor.B.Tom loves his wife.C.She has a happy life.D.She lives far from here.答案:A23、How much is t

10、his necklace?- _A.Its very nice.B.Its a birthday present from my parents.C.It costs fifty pounds.D.Its a bargain.答案:C24、Hello, how are you?- _A.Hello, how are you?B.How do you do?C.Fine, thank you.D.Thats OK.答案:C25、Good-bye for now.- _A.The same to you.B.Thats OK.C.See you.D.Long time no see.答案:C26、

11、What day is today?- _A.Its March 6.B.Its a fine day today.C.Its March.D.Its Monday.答案:D27、How are you getting on today?- _A.Very well.B.How do you do?C.Im a doctor.D.Nice to have known you.答案:A28、Is that seat taken?- _A.Please dont worry.B.I dont think so.C.Why not?D.Its very nice.答案:B29、Thank you f

12、or calling.- _A.Dont mention it.B.Thats fine.C.Nice talking to you.D.Call back again.答案:C30、Hows your family?- _A.Thanks all the same.B.Thanks for calling.C.Not too bad.D.Dont mention it.答案:C31、- Excuse me, when does the next flight from Paris arrive?- _A.In half an hour.B.An hour before.C.Until the

13、 next one.D.Before another one.答案:A32、- Will you come to my birthday party this Sunday?- _A.Im very busy.B.Ok, I dont.C.Ok, I do.D.Ok, I will.答案:D33、- Let me introduce Peter to you. He is my roommate.- _A.Hello, Peter.B.Sorry, I dont know him.C.Let me introduce Peter, too.D.Who are you?答案:A34、- Do you think its going t



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