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1、The Past Continuous Tense 过去进行时 现在 过去 将来 一般 完成 进行 时态 时间 状态 1 时间 2 状态 teach teaches am Is are has have has have taughtwas were had taughthad been teaching Will be going to shall Will be going to shall Will be going to shall Will be going to shall would should would should would should would should 一般

2、时进行时完成时完成进行时 现在 过去 将来 过去将来 teaching taughtbeen teaching teaching teach be teachi ng have taught have been teaching teach be teaching have taught have been teaching 概念 过去进行时表示在过去某一时刻或某一段时间内进行或发 生的动作 句式 肯定句 主语 was were doing 其它 否定句 主语 was were not doing 其它 一般疑问句 Was Were 主语 doing 其它 特殊疑问句 特殊疑问词 was we

3、re 主语 doing 其它 用法 一 通常句子一定会有一个 表示过去某个时间 点 的状语 如 then at that time at that moment this time yesterday last week last year last month at 6 00 yesterday at 9 00 last night at 10 a m yesterday morning She was reading a book 二 过去一段时间内一直在进行的动作 常用的时间状语 this morning the whole morning all day yesterday from

4、nine to ten last evening from 8 to 9 last night She was shopping 三 过去进行时描述一件事发生的背景 一个长 动作发生的时候 另一个短动作发生 常用when while引导的从句 1 when 当 时候 后面跟的动作不延续 瞬间动作 常跟一般过去时 When the UFO took off the boy was taking photos 2 while 当 时候 后面跟的动作延续 常跟过去进行时 While the boy was taking photos the UFO took off 过去进行时和 When 连用 A

5、 was were doing sth When B did sth 长时动作长时动作短时动作短时动作 What were they drawing when the teacher came in Mary Jim Li Lei Lily Lucy Sue What was Lilei drawing when the teacher came in He was drawing an elephant What were the twins drawing when the teacher came in They were drawing a car 四 在复合句中 如果主要动作和背景动

6、作都是 延续的或同时发生的 那么主从句的动词都可用 过去进行时 如 While 引导的两个动作都是延续的或两个动作 同时进行 While While What were they doing yesterday afternoon He was playing basketball while she was sleeping Exercises Did you see a man in black pass by just now No sir I a newspaper A read B was reading C would read D am reading B 解析 由just no

7、w判断应用过去时态 又由语境 穿黑 衣服的人路过时 我正在看报 所以没看见他 知空处要用过去进行时 His family TV from eight to ten last night A watched B had watch C Were watching D was watching C 解析 From eight to ten last night 表过去的段时 间 昨天晚上八点到十点 他们一家人正在看 电视 you a meeting at four yesterday afternoon A were having B was having C did have D Do have

8、 A 解析 由句意 昨天下午四点钟 你们是在开会吗 和 at four yesterday afternoon 可知 该题表达的时 间是过去的点时间 动作正在进行的状态 所以选 A She apples in her garden when I to see her yesterday A picked was going B Was picking was going C picked went D was picking went D 解析 主句动作先发生 并且是延续性动词 主句用过去 进行时 从句用一般过去时 One day when I the post office I my unc

9、le A Was passing saw B pass say C passed was seeing D am passing am seeing A 解析 从句动作先发生 并且是延续性动词 主句用一般 过去时 从句用过去进行时 1 昨天早上9点钟你在干什么 What at 9 o clock yesterday morning 2 当李雷在吃早饭时 吉姆进来了 While LiLei Jim came in 3 不明飞行物起飞时 小明正在骑自行车 XiaoMing when the UFO took off 4 那时 他们正在做家庭作业 They at that time 5 刚才 我们正

10、在电话上交谈 We on the phone just now were you doing was having breakfast was riding his bike were doing their homework were talking Exercises II 巩固训练 1 He draw at eight yesterday evening 2 The girl shop when her friend see her 3 While he cook dinner his friend get out of the shower 4 He saw the UFO while he walk down the street was drawing was shoppingsaw was cookinggot was walking Thank youThank youThank you



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