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1、Unit 3 Online travel1 have no idea 不知道2 agree to do sth 同意某人做某事 agree with sb 同意某人3 remote control 遥控器4 turn on 开(电器按钮) turn off 关(电器按钮) 5 change the channel 换频导6 search for information 搜寻信息7 word processing 文字处理8 send and receiving e-mails 收发电子邮件9 write computer programs 编写电脑程序10 around the world i

2、n eight hours 八小时环游世界11 a new educational CD-ROM 一张新的教学光盘12 come out 出来,出版,发行13 sound interesting 听起来有趣14 at the same time 同时15 be designed by 由设计16 the designer of 的设计者 17 the main character of this game 这个游戏的主人公18 a thirteen-year-old boy 一个十三岁的男孩19 lie on the grass 躺在草地上20 fall asleep 入睡,睡着 be asl

3、eep 睡着21 have a(very)strange dream 做了一个(十分)奇怪的梦22 in his dream 在他的梦中23 a gold cloud 一朵金色的云24 earn a point 获得一分 earn enough points 获得足够的分数25 every time 每次26 answer a question correctly 正确回答一个问题27 play the role of 扮演的角色28 eight levels 八级水平29 test your knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary 知识测试你的

4、英语语法和词汇30 a lot of useful information 许多有用的信息31 on your screen 在你的屏幕上32 many other interesting places 许多别的有趣的地方33 be marked in bright purple 被明亮的紫色标出34 on the market 在市场上35 sell out 售完,卖光 be sold out 被售完,被卖光36 start with 以开始 begin with 37 none of them 他们中没有一个人 none of 中没有一个38 store information 储存信息

5、39 move the cursor on the screen 移动屏幕上的光标40 a flat piece of plastic 一块扁平的塑料片41 floppy disk 软盘42 restart the computer 重新启动电脑43 close all the window on the screen 关闭屏幕上所有的窗口44 check the settings 检查设置45 connect the keyboard to the computer properly 正确连接键盘和电脑46 double click theauto-runicon 双击自动运行图标47 pr

6、ess thecontrolandOkeys 按控制键和命令键48 organize activities 组织活动49 six feet long 六英尺长50 an evil witch 一位邪恶的巫婆51 cut short 剪短52 a total of ten questions 总共十个问题53 on Earth 在地球上 on Mars 在火星上54 a new English course 一门新的英语课程55 go on short online tours of Australia and New Zealand去澳大利亚和新西兰的在线短程旅游56 ask for help

7、 求助57 listen to an interview on the radio 收听电台采访58 daily English 日常英语59 order a package online 在网上订购一套60 click on the icon fortour 在tour图标上点击61 mind doing sth 介意做某事62 learn the history of each place 学习每一个地方的历史63 the goal of the game 游戏的目的64 an educational computer game with three levels一种有三级水平的电脑教育游

8、戏65 be set in different countries 场景被设置在不同的国家66 be used to do sth 被用来做某事67 be used for sth / doing sth 被用于某事/被勇于做某事(三)句子:1. The TV is turned on now. 现在电视开着。2. I usually use it to search for information. (=I usually use it for searching for information. )我通常用它搜索信息。3. A new educational CD-ROM called “

9、Around the World in Eight Hours”has just come out. 一张名为“八小时周游世界”的新的教育光盘刚刚问世。4. It was designed by Nancy Jackson. 它是由Nancy Jackson设计的。5. He was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful sky when he fell asleep and had a strange dream. 他躺在草地上并望着美丽的天空,这时他就不知不觉睡着了并做了一个奇怪的梦。6. When you have earned

10、enough points , a cloud will come down and carry you off to a place (you have never visited before. )当你积满足够的点数时,一片云彩就会下来,带你去一个你从未去过的地方。7. Each level will take you about half an hour to finish. 每一级要完成的话,大约得花你半个小时的时间。8. This CD-ROM helps you learn English by testing your knowledge of English grammar a

11、nd vocabulary. 这张光盘通过测试你的英语语法和词汇知识来帮助你学习英语。9. The places (you have visited) are marked in bright purple. 用亮紫色标上记号10. That is for you to find out. 那就留给你去查明吧。11. The course covers many topics, including travel and hotels, food and drink,shopping and money. 这个课程涵盖许多话题,包括旅游与宾馆、餐饮、购物和货币。12. You use this

12、set of keys for typing. = You use this set of keys to type. 你用这组键来打字。13. The e-dictionary needs a lot of memory, so its better to keep it on the hard disk. 电子辞典需占用很多内存,所以最好存放在硬盘上。14. -Do you mind telling me how to use this function? -No, not at all. /Certainly not. /Of course not. 请你告诉我怎样使用这一功能,好吗?当

13、然可以。15. The game is set in different countries. 这个游戏以不同的国家为背景。16. The goal of this game is to travel around the world to learn the history of each place. 这个游戏的目的是通过周游世界去学习各地的历史。教学目标:掌握课文中的重点语言点及用法经典讲解1. A new educational CD-ROM called has just come out. When you have got enough points, a cloud will

14、come down. come out 出版,发表;开花,吐艳 come down 掉下来,塌下来;(雨 雪等)落下;(价格,温度等)降低 come from, come in, come into, come on, come trueThe moon has come out. It is too cold for the flowers to come out. 2. This game is designed by Nancy Jackson. 由设计的这款游戏是由南希杰克逊设计的Nancy Jackson designs this game. The designer of this

15、 game is Nancy Jackson. 被动语态e.g.: The door was closed by me. The TV is turned on now. These words were written on itThe places you have visited are marked in bright purple. Get it now before its sold out. He is a thirteen-year-old boy andHe is thirteen years old and3. One day, he was lying on the grass and looking at the beautiful blue sky when



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