【满分特训】2018年中考英语专题复习分类集训(真题版):题型二 完形真空 专项训练二 情感故事 .doc

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【满分特训】2018年中考英语专题复习分类集训(真题版):题型二 完形真空 专项训练二 情感故事 .doc_第1页
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【满分特训】2018年中考英语专题复习分类集训(真题版):题型二 完形真空 专项训练二 情感故事 .doc_第2页
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【满分特训】2018年中考英语专题复习分类集训(真题版):题型二 完形真空 专项训练二 情感故事 .doc_第3页
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1、 时间:710分钟/篇分值:1分/小题Cloze 1(2016云南)One day, a woman sat next to a man in a park. _1_ pointed to the boy who was swinging(荡秋千) and said, “What a nice boy!”“Yes, hes a _2_ boy. Hes my son.” The man said.Then, he _3_ his watch and called to his son, “Shall we go, Todd?”Todd answered, “Five more minutes,

2、 Dad. Just five more minutes.” The man _4_ and Todd continued to swing.Five _5_ passed and the father stood and called again to his son. “Time to go now.” Again Todd said, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes, please.”The man smiled and said, “OK.”“You are _6_ a patient father.” the woman

3、 said.The man smiled and then said, “My elder son Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year _7_ he was riding his bike near here. I never spent _8_ time with Tommy. Ive promised that the same mistake cant happen _9_ Todd. He wants to have five more minutes to swing. The _10_ is that I also have f

4、ive more minutes to watch him.”()1. A. She B. TheyC. WeD. He()2. A. stupid B. good C. silly D. bad()3. A. looked like B. looked after C. looked for D. looked at()4. A. disagreed B. agreed C. thought D. understood()5. A. times B. hours C. seconds D. minutes()6. A. easily B. quietly C. really D. happi

5、ly()7. A. that B. while C. if D. how()8. A. much B. many C. a few D. few()9. A. with B. in C. to D. for()10. A. truth B. question C. mistake D. troubleCloze 2(2016泉州)Dear Mum,I have studied abroad for some time. I miss you very much now.I _1_ learned the famous saying “You dont know what youve got u

6、ntil its gone.” Yes! Miss Li said her math teacher made a huge difference in her life. But she was _2_ because she had no chance to tell her teacher. This made me think a lot, especially _3_ Im thousands of kilometers away. Im writing to you because I want you to know how _4_ I love you.Its said tha

7、t a _5_ happiness was mostly because of their childhood. Thats quite right. I still remember the times when you _6_ my hand as we walked along. You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a _7_ girl. . My childhood was filled with these warm memories.How time flies! There ha

8、ve been good times and bad times, but you were always by my side. When I won a prize, you smiled and felt proud _8_ me. When I failed an exam, you comforted me. You always gave me courage to _9_ all my difficulties.Youve always said that we should judge(判断) peoples _10_ by how they live their lives

9、every day. I think Im now living a happy life. Thank you, Mum.Love,Feifei()1. A. once B. never C. hardly()2. A. happy B. calm C. sad()3. A. why B. when C. which()4. A. much B. early C. little()5. A. mothers B. persons C. teachers()6. A. beat B. showed C. held()7. A. funny B. confident C. beautiful()

10、8. A. of B. with C. to()9. A. carry out B. keep on C. deal with()10. A. looks B. ages C. successCloze 3(2016荆州)Mr.Hamel now picked up a French grammar book and started to teach. It all seemed so _1_ during that last lesson. I understood all the participles(分词)which Mr.Hamel explained.“_2_ didnt Fren

11、ch seem so interesting before?” I asked myself.But I knew the answer. It was my last French lesson, and I regretted not studying hard before. I _3_ to listen very carefully. Mr.Hamel was trying to teach us everything he knew. He had never taught a lesson so well before.The grammar lesson finished, a

12、nd then we started _4_. I had never seen so many hardworking students before. Everyone had their _5_ down, and the sound of pens on paper was the only sound to be heard.Students were usually distracted(分心)by even the smallest thing. However, when some beetles(甲壳虫)flew into the classroom, not one stu

13、dent looked at them today. It was very _6_I looked at Mr.Hamel. He was sitting still in his chair. The only things he _7_ were his eyes. He looked carefully at one thing in the classroom for a while _8_ looking at the next thing. For forty years, the only classroom was like his _9_, and now it was b

14、eing taken from him.Mr.Hamel looked at all of the walls, windows, desks, and chairs _10_ we were working hard. I was sure he wanted to remember everything like it was now.()1. A. difficult B. easy C. common D. great()2. A. Why B. Who C. Where D. When()3. A. went B. began C. expected D. continued()4.

15、 A. listening B. speaking C. reading D. writing()5. A. heads B. hands C. pens D. books()6. A. impossible B. excellent C. unusual D. valuable()7. A. moved B. closed C. opened D. noticed()8. A. without B. before C. about D. after()9. A. courage B. dream C. home D. country()10. A. because B. unless C. whatever D. whileCloze 4(2016南京)Rob Howes wa



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