2016年中考真题精品解析 英语(江苏宿迁卷)精编word版(解析版) (2).docx

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1、(总分:85分)第一卷 选择题(共50分)1 单项选择1. -Have you read a book called “The Merchant of Venice”?-Yes. _ book is very interesting.A. An B. A C.The D./【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:你读过一本叫威尼斯商人的书吗?是的,这本书有趣。强调上文所指的书,表示特指,用定冠词the,故选C。考点:考查冠词辨析。2. The 31st Olympic Games will take place _August 5, 2016.A. at B. of C.in D.on 【答案】D【

2、解析】考点:考查介词辨析。3. Which sign of the following means “No Smoking”?A. B. C. D.【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:下面哪个标志意思是“禁止吸烟”?A.禁止游泳;B.禁止吸烟;C.禁止拍照;D.禁止停车。故选B。考点:考查图片识别。4. -Do you know whose iPhone6s this is?-Let me see. Oh, its _.A. hers B.her C.him D.their 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:你知道这是谁的iPhone6s吗?让我看看,哦,是她的。A.hers她的,名词性物主代词

3、;B.her她,人称代词宾格;她的,形容词性的物主代词;C.him他,人称代词宾格形式;D.their他们的,形容词性的物主代词。iPhone6s 是“某人的”,有物主代词,空后无名词,用名词性物主代词。故选A。考点:考查代词辨析。5. I cant go with you. I _stay at home until my parents come back.A. can B.may C.must D.could【答案】C【解析】考点:考查情态动词辨析。6. -_ is it from Suqian to Jiuzhai valley?-About 1,200 kilometers away

4、. But Im not sure.A. How often B.How soon C.How long D. How far【答案】D【解析】试题分析:句意:-从宿迁到九寨沟有多远?大约1200公里远。但是我不确定。A.How often多久一次,向频率副词提问;B.How soon多快,询问动作多快将要发生;C.How long多久,问时间的长度;D. How far多远,询问距离。答语1200千米,是距离,用how far提问。故选D。考点:考查特殊疑问词。7. When the man went through the forest alone, he lost his _ and f

5、elt afraid.A. task B.work C.way D.job 【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:当那人独自通过森林时,他迷路了并且感到害怕。A.task任务;B.work工作;C.way路; D.job工作。在森林里独自一人,容易迷路。故选C。考点:考查名词词义辨析。8. Wearing white can help people _when they feel stressed.A. calm down B.write down C.break down D.turn down【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:穿白色可以帮助人们在感到有压力时平静下来。A. calm down平

6、静;B.write down写下,记下;C.break down抛锚,出故障;D.turn down关小,调低。使有压力的人不再焦燥、烦恼,心情平静。故选A。学科网考点:考查动词短语辨析。9. -Did you watch the Chinas Military Parade on TV?-Yes. _ great it was!A. How B.What C.How a D. What a 【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:你在电视上看了中国的阅兵式吗?是的,是多么棒啊。这是一个感叹句,感叹句由what或how引出,what后跟被强调的名词(短语),how后跟被强调的形容词、副词。Great

7、是形容词,由how引出感叹句。故选A。考点:考查感叹句。10. -What do you think of the movie Zootopia?-It is _one Ive ever seen.A. more excited B.more exciting C.the most excited D.the most exciting【答案】D【解析】考点:考查形容词。12. -There is a beautiful park near your school, _?-Yes. I often go walking there.A. is there B.isnt there C.are

8、there D.arent there 【答案】B【解析】试题分析:句意:在你学校附近有一家漂亮的公园,是不是?是的,我经常去那儿散步。这是一个反意疑问句。反义疑问句由“肯定的陈述句+否定的疑问尾句”或是“否定的陈述句+肯定的疑问尾句”构成。前陈述句是肯定的,尾句用否定形式,前句是单数,尾句也用单数形式。故选B。考点:考查反义疑问句。13. The structure of the sentence “The students visited the museum” is _.A. S+V B. S+V+DO C.S+V+IO+DO D.S+V+DO+OC 来源:学&科&网Z&X&X&K【答案

9、】B【解析】考点:考查简单句的基本类型。14. -Could you please tell me _?-OK. I will go to Beijing next week.A. where will you go B.how you will go to BeijingC.when you will go to Beijing D.why will you go to Beijing 【答案】C【解析】试题分析:句意:请问你可以告诉我你什么时候要去北京吗?好,我将在下周去北京。A.where will you go你要去哪儿。宾语从句用陈述句语序,错;B.how you will go t

10、o Beijing你要怎样去北京。答语中未提到方式,错; C.when you will go to Beijing你什么时候要去北京; D.why will you go to Beijing你为什么要去北京。宾语从句用陈述句语序,错。故选C。考点:考查宾语从句。15. -The women badminton players won the Uber Cup.-_A. What a pity! B. With pleasure C.Never mind. D.Im glad to hear that. 【答案】D【解析】考点:考查交际用语。2 完形填空 “You dont understa

11、nd me!” I shouted. Then I ran out of the door and got on a bus. I didnt know _16_ it was going. I just want to get away from home as _17_ as I could.I couldnt _18_ what had just happened to me. My mother, the person I believe in, had just read all of my _19_ from my close friends! It shouldnt have h

12、appened to me. She read my letters and told me not to write to _20_any more! I couldnt _21_ the tears from falling when I thought about this.Later that day, I went to my close _22_ house. _23_ my friend gave me a cup of water, the phone rang.“Its your mother,” she spoke to me in a low _24_.“Tell her

13、 that Im not here!” I replied. However my mother heard it. “Tell her not to leave! Ill be right there!” Then she rang up the phone _25_ a goodbye. In fact, I should say that I was a little _26_I couldnt imagine what would happen.But to my _27_, when my mother arrived, “sorry” was the first word she

14、_28_ to me. Her _29_ told me that she had been crying and her voice told me that she was really tired. “will you forgive me?” at last she asked. I didnt know what to say. I just _30_ her, and gave her a hug(拥抱).She held me so tightly. You know, at that time, I felt so warm. I really love you, Mum!16.A.whereB.whatC.whyD.when17.A.happilyB.slowlyC.carefullyD.quietly18.A.rememberB.talkC.believe


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