2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc

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2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc_第1页
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2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc_第2页
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2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc_第3页
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2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc_第4页
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2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc_第5页
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《2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019广东省广州市高三高考英语二轮复习专题训练:阅读理解及解析(社会生活类)01 Word版含解斩.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、- 8 -阅读理解(社会生活类)01一、You are the collector in the gallery of your life. You collect. You might not mean to but you do. One out of three people collects tangible(有形的)things such as cats, photos and noisy toys.There are among some 40 collections that are being shown at “The Museum Of”the first of sever

2、al new museums which, over the next two years, will exhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors. In doing so, they will promote a popular culture of museums, not what museums normally represent.Some of the collections are fairly commonrecords, model houses. Others are strangely beautifulbr

3、anches that have fallen from tree, for example. But they all reveal (显露)a lot of things: ask someone what they collect and their answers will tell you who they are.Other on the way include “The museum of Collectors” and “The Museum of Me.”These new ones, it is hoped, will build on the success of “Th

4、e Museum Of.” The thinkers behind the project want to explore why people collect, and what it means to do so. They hope that visitors who may not have considered themselves collectors will begin to see they, too, collect.Some collectors say they started or stopped making collections at important poi

5、nt: the beginning or end of adolescence“its a growing-up thing; you stop when you grow up,”says one. Other painful times are mentioned, such as the end of a relationship. For time and life can seem so uncontrollable that a steady serial(顺序排列的)arrangement is comforting.64. How will the new museums pr

6、omote a popular culture of museums?A. By collecting more tangible things.B. By showing what ordinary people have collected.C. By correcting what museums normally represent.D. By accumulating 40 collections two years from now.65. What can be learned about collectors from their collections?A. Who they

7、 are.B. How old they are.C.Where they were born.D. Why they might not mean to collect.66. Which of the following is an aim of the new museums?A. To help people sell their collections.B. To encourage more people to collect.C. To study the significance of collecting.D. To find out why people visit mus

8、eums.67. According to the last paragraph, people may stop collecting when they A. become adultsB. feel happy with lifeC. are ready for a relationshipD. feel time to he uncontrollable【考点】考察社会生活类阅读【文章大意】本文介绍了一种新型的收藏模式:普通人自己收藏一些很零碎的东西。这和以前的常规的收藏形式不一样,介绍了这一收藏模式的特点和意义。64. 【答案】B 【试题解析】细节题。根据文章1,2段You are

9、the collector in the gallery of your life. You collect. You might not mean to but you do.和There are among some 40 collections that are being shown at “The Museum Of”the first of several new museums which, over the next two years, will exhibit the objects accumulated by unknown collectors可知这是一种新型的收藏方

10、式,展示的是很多普通人的收藏品,这会让这些新型的博物馆显得很流行。故B正确。65. 【答案】A 【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第三段第二行But they all reveal (显露)a lot of things: ask someone what they collect and their answers will tell you who they are.可知在这样的展览里可以得知who they are。也就是谁在搞这样的收藏。故A正确,其余BCD三项没有提及。66. 【答案】C 【试题解析】推理题。根据文章第四段2,3行The thinkers behind the projec

11、t want to explore why people collect, and what it means to do so. They hope that visitors who may not have considered themselves collectors will begin to see they, too, collect.他们希望人们能够探索他们收藏这些东西的意义,明白他们这样做的原因。也就是说让他们知道收藏的重要性。故C正确。67. 【答案】A 【试题解析】细节题。根据文章最后一段1,2行Some collectors say they started or s

12、topped making collections at important point: the beginning or end of adolescence“its a growing-up thing; you stop when you grow up,”says one.可知当人们青春期结束的时候,他们就不再这样做了,也就是说当他们成年以后,他们就不要这样做了。故A正确。二、You may not have heard of Ashoka, but for the past 27 years,this association, founded by Bill Drayton, ha

13、s fought poverty (贫穷)and sickness, promoted education and encouraged small businesses. To support these worthy causes, Ashoka provides money for the worlds most promising changemakers seeking to solve (解决) urgent problems and would like to create a world in which every citizen is a changemaker.Drayt

14、on believes that anyone can become an agent for change. The important thing is to simply give yourself permission. If you see a problem that you care about, you can help solve it. The young in particular are willing to accept this concept because at heart every child wants to grow into a happy, heal

15、thy, contributing adult. In fact It is many young peoples ambition to set up programmes or businesses that improve social conditions. An excellent example is an Ashoka project started in 1995 in Dhaka, which handled the rubbish problem facing the city ,helped local farmers and provided an income for

16、 poor people there .When Masqsood and Iftekhar began to study the problem of all the uncollected rubbish that lay in Dhakas streets,Attracting tats and disease , they discovered that 80% of it was natural waste . So they educated the poor people in the city to compost (把制成堆粪)this waste . They knew that they would have a market for the end product because local farmers were struggl


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