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1、 高一英 语 试 题(时间:120分钟;总分:150分)注意:第I卷的答案用2B铅笔填涂在答题卡上, 第II卷的答案用黑色签字笔书写在答题纸上。 第I卷第一部分 听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)第二部分 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. AIm sure you know the song “Happy Birthday”. But do you know who wrote the song and for whom it was written? The retired

2、professor, Archibald A. Hill in Lousciville, USA could tell us the story. Ninety-seven years ago, two of Mr. Archibald Hills aunts, Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were asked to write some songs for a book called “Song Storied for the Sunday Morning”. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were

3、 both kindergarten teachers then. They loved children very much and wrote many beautiful songs for the book. One of them was the famous “Good Morning to You.” The song said, “Good morning to you, good morning to you, children, good morning to all.” This song was very popular at that time among kinde

4、rgarten children. But not many grown-ups knew it. A few years later little Archibald was born. As his aunt, Miss Patty Hill sang the song “Happy Birthday” to the melody(曲调) of “Good Morning to you” to her little nephew(侄子). She sang the song like this: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! H

5、appy birthday, Archie! Happy birthday to you! Miss Patty Hill and her sister had never expected that this song would become so popular, but it really did. People all over the world like the song because of its simplicity in tune(曲调简单) and friendliness in words.21. Archibald A. Hill was _.A. English

6、B. American C. Russian D. Australian22. Professor Archibald A. Hill was Miss Mildred Hills _.A. son B. student C. brother D. nephew23. The song “Happy Birthday” has a history of _ years.A. 97 B. more than 95 C. less than 90 D. about 9024. The sentence “it really did” means _.A. The song really becam

7、e popular B. Their wish would really come trueC. People all over the world like to listen to the songD. Yes, but the song didnt become popular25. The main idea of this passage is _.A. How was the song “Happy Birthday” created?B. Miss Patty Hill and Miss Mildred Hill were good kindergarten teachers.C

8、. The retired professor, Archibald A. Hill loved his aunts very much.D. The song “Happy Birthday” is very popular. BBill and his family have been living in the sixfamily building for years. All the neighbors got along fairly well with each other until recently.An old man and his wife used to live on

9、 the second floor. Bills mother and the old lady were good friends. Unfortunately the lady died last month. Her husband could not live alone, so he had his grandson move over and live with him.The grandson has become a problem to all the neighbors, especially to Bills family. The walls of the buildi

10、ng are thin and he is noisy. Bill is used to peace and quiet but the young man likes to listen to the radio late at night. Sometimes friends of his visit and they make a lot of noise. That is too much for Bills family.Bills mother once asked the old man politely if he was able to sleep well at night

11、, but obviously the man didnt understand what she meant. If he did and spoke to his grandson, the young man obviously didnt listen, since things havent changed any. Everyone in Bills family agrees that something must be done though they dont want to hurt the kind old man.26. Bills family got angry b

12、ecause _.A. the old lady had diedB. a young man moved inC. the old man could not live aloneD. the grandson made a lot of noise27. Which of the following statements is true?A. The old man could not live without his wifes help.B. The old man and his wife were sometimes making trouble too.C. Bills moth

13、er was kind to her neighbors.D. Bills mother was the only one who likes the young man.来源:Zxxk.Com28. The grandson makes a lot of noise as _.A. he never thinks other people might not be happy with so much noise aroundB. the walls of the building are thinC. he likes to listen to the radio at nightD. f

14、riends of his visit29. It seems that _to solve the problem.A. anyone is ableB. only the grandfather is goingC. Bills mother is able D. nobody is likely30. The best title is _. A. Bills Family B. A Noisy Neighbor来源:学科网ZXXKC. A Young Man D. A Kind Mother C We often hear the saying,“Youve a greater chance of being struck by lightning than. . . ”It is used to describe something that hasnt got much chance of happeningHowever,this common saying undermines(削弱)the very real danger of lightning. Last Friday,at least five people were killed by ligh


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