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1、下载可编辑2015-2016学年度第一学期调研测试题 九 年 级 英 语 (2016.1)II读音选词 根据所给句意和音标,从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(5分)21. My teacher will get _ /md/ if I dont do my homework.A. mapB. badC. capD. mad22. My friend Anna is wearing a new _ /kut/ today.A. coat B. kite C. cent D. cute 23. The man got really angry when the woman sai

2、d he was a _ / fu:l /.A. fall B. fool C. feel D. full24. They are very lucky to be _ / lav / after the accident.A. aloud B. alive C. allow D. above25. Young people usually have more _ / en / than the old.A. enemyB. societyC. energy D. comedy III. 选择填空 从每题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(30分)26. Excuse me. Is

3、there a _ near here? I want to buy a dictionary.Yes. Theres one on Main Street.A. library B. bookstore C. restroom D. restaurant27. What do you know about Christmas?Well, its the most important festival _ western countries.A. in B. on C. at D. by28. Where is your brother Tom? I saw _ reading under t

4、hat tree.A. his B. him C. her D. hers 29. How was _ party last night? It was great!A. a B. an C. the D. / 30. Alice failed the math test again _ she had worked very hard.A. if B. so C. because D. although31. My friend Mike has eight pet animals. He has a rabbit, three dogs and _ mice.A. one B. two C

5、. four D. five 32. _ were you late for school yesterday?My alarm didnt go off, and I woke up late.A. Why B. How C. What D. When33. Do you like that red sweater, Jane? No, I dont. Its too expensive, and I think its _.A. easy B. ugly C. lazy D. tidy34. Do you know how to cook noodles? First, pour some

6、 water into the pot. Next, _ the water. Then put the noodles in the pot.A. burn B. join C. fill D. boil 35. Thank you for your help._A. My pleasure!B. Of course! C. Me neither! D. Never mind!36. _ schoolbag is this?Its mine.A. Who B. Whose C. Whos D. Which37. David is friendly and outgoing. He gets

7、along well with _ in his class.A. something B. anything C. nobody D. everybody 38. Are these Teds glasses?They _ be his. He doesnt wear glasses.A. can B. must C. cant D. mustnt39. In China, what are we supposed to do when we meet someone for the first time?A. B. C. D. 40. Which story is _, the first

8、 one or the second one?The second one.A. believable B. more believable C. most believableD. much believable 41. When _ tea brought to England?Around 1660.A. does B. did C. is D. was 42. You _ unhappy. Whats wrong?I cant find my keys.A. look B. smell C. taste D. sound43. I was too busy to go to Marys

9、 birthday party, so I refused her invitation _.A. badly B. hardly C. heavily D. politely44. Mr. King gave me some good advice. I _ not listening to him.A. repeat B. review C. regret D. receive45. You should be careful and avoid _ the same mistakes. I will, Miss Clark.A. make B. made C. making D. to

10、make46. Bill has changed a lot. He _ be very thin. Now he is big and strong.A. used to B. used for C. is used to D. is used for47. Before entering a house in some Asian countries, it is good manners to _ your shoes. A. shut off B. take off C. show up D. grow up 48. What made your father _ smoking? H

11、is health problems.A. stop B. stopped C. stopping D. to stop49. Jimmy, look at those monkeys! _ interesting!A. What B. What a C. What an D. How50. I hear you missed the school bus this morning. Yes. By the time I _ to the bus stop, the bus had already left.A. get B. got C. has got D. had got51. Please _ throw litter into the river, sir. Oh, Im sorry.A. not B. isntC. dont D. doesnt52. Its said that _ Peter _ John enjoy music.Yes. They go to a lot of concerts.A. either, or B. both, and C. neither, nor D. not only, but also53. Nancy is really helpful. _ people she helps,


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